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Старый 11.10.2012, 01:39   #1
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Сообщение Иностранный язык (английский)

Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Конечно, я не хожу в кино очень часто.

Insert the necessary articles in the sentence.
It was … spring and … air was pleasant.

—; the

Tick the sentence where the definite article is used
In … West Indies there are vast cotton-growing districts.

Choose sentence where the indefinite article is used before the underlined words
У них там есть школа.

Choose the right answer.
He was taking part … many conferences.


Choose the right sentence
That's Terry. He's the third person on the right.

Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Ярко светило солнце, и небо было того чистого голубого цвета, который предвещает хорошую погоду.

Choose the right answer.
Не was disappointed … his new job.


Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Целого мира мало.

Insert the necessary articles in the sentence.
You will go to … prison, murder!

Choose the right answer.
The old man was suffering … a heart attack.


Tick the sentence where the definite article is used
... USA is a country with a high level of immigration.

Choose the right answer.
Your success depends … yourself.


Choose the right answer.
She is married … a doctor.


Tick the sentence where the definite article is used
The liner crossed … Atlantic Ocean in seven days.

Choose the right answer.
Are you afraid … mice?


Insert the necessary article in the sentence.
My mother told me to go to … bed.

Choose the right answer.
Don't be angry … me for being late.


Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Луна зашла.

Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Я люблю слушать радио по утрам.

Insert the necessary articles in the sentence.
We've got … John and two … Marys in the family.

a; —

Выберите предложение, в котором употребляется some
I have … pencils and … chalk.

Choose sentence where the indefinite article is used before the underlined words
Я зажег спичку и стал искать свечу.

Tick the sentence where the definite article is used
The sun has moved to … West.

Choose the right answer.
What time shall we arrive … the next station?


Choose the right answer.
Your idea is … good, but not perfect.


Choose the right answer.
Will you help me to ... the table, Mary?


Choose the right answer.
Will you help me to ... the room, Mary?


Find the wrong variant of the use of prefix un-

Найдите синоним к выделенному слову.
They are comfortable, but can't afford some things they'd like.


Find the prefix not suitable for building of verbs

Choose the right answer.
Не … me a cup of tea.


Choose the right answer.
Through the years many people learnt they could enjoy a particular hobby and ... money from it.


Choose the right answer.
The dessert was divided … the six children.


Find the suffix not suitable for building of nouns

Choose the right answer.
I like to … a difficult question.


Choose the right answer.
Will you please ... less noise.


Find the prefix not suitable for building of adjectives

Find the wrong variant of the use of prefix re-

Choose the right answer.
There were many … trees outside.


Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix -ment

Choose the right answer.
I am sure that Jim is ... lies.


Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix -ion

Choose the right answer.
… me the book for a while.


Choose the right answer.
It goes without ... that he is the best man in the world.


Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix -ty

Choose the right answer.
Do you like ... poems by heart?

to learn

Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix -er

Choose the right answer.
My friend is a … talker.


Choose the right answer.
The scene of my favorite play is … in London.


– ______?
– Tall, good-looking, a bit shy.

What's Jim like

Before photography ______ people had their pictures painted.
was invented

She’s been floating on the air ______ the day of her engagement.

Tom Sawyer was able to make ______ by pretending that the work was a specific privilege.
his friends paint the fence

Let’s have a party, ______ we ?

Rasputin ______ responsible for many of the ill-fated events that happened during the reign of Czar Nicholas II in Russia.
was believed to have been

______ I like is illegal, immoral or fattening.

In a few years, computers ______ think better than we do.
will be able to

Middle-aged people usually regret ______ some of the mistakes of their youth. But what is done is done forever.

On the day of our 25th wedding anniversary he told me that we ______ such a wonderful life together. I wished he were sincere.
had had

If he had not been a film-star, he ______ the President of the US.
wouldn't have become

______ is no concern of mine.
What will happen to Charlie

______ you do, don’t tell Harry that we’ve lost his camera.

I ______ to buying green jeans and wearing them to work!
am still not used

She’s ______ mother of my best friend.

I ______ with children before, so I know what to expect in my new job.
have worked

The fish is ______ the meat.
as tasty as

Would you like ______ racing at the weekend?
to go

______ some problems.
There seem to be

Don’t touch the book. It ______ to me.
doesn't belong

Choose the right answer.
I'm hungry. I haven't had ... breakfast this morning.


Choose the right answer.
Scissors ... a small tool with two sharp blades screwed together.


Choose the right answer.
I'll post the letter ... .


Choose the right answer.
... record is good and ... is too.

Your; mine

Choose the right answer.
We do ... but play computer games all day.


Choose the right answer.
— Is it their car?
— No, ... is yellow.


Choose the right answer.
There ... some bread on the table.


Choose the right answer.
I'm sure I know ... .


Choose the right answer.
People say that the Loch Ness Monster does not look like any ... animal.


Choose the right answer.
Does ... like milk?


Choose the right answer.
Moscow has ... beautiful buildings and monuments.


Choose the right answer.
The ... coats are in the room.


Choose the right answer.
He is a friend of ... .


Choose the right answer.
I wish there had been ... with a camera.


Choose the right answer.
A few months ago I met an old friend of ... .


Insert the necessary pronoun in the sentence
One man finished his work at six, ….. man at seven.


Choose the right answer.
— Is it ... book?
— No, ... is there.

your; mine

Choose the right answer.
Mathematics ... my favourite subject.


Choose the right answer.
... children don't like to play.


Choose the right answer.
Her knowledge ... perfect.


Choose the right answer.
My friends have got cars. My ... cars are very expensive.


Choose the right answer.
Your ... are very white.


Choose the right answer.
Bright ... should go to school very early.


Choose the right answer.
You've made ... mistakes in your dictation.

too many

Choose the right answer.
I'd like to read the telegram ... .


Choose the right answer.

the seventeenth

Choose the right answer.
What's ... news of today?

the latest

Choose the right answer.
The damage to the car could be ... than we expected.


Choose the right answer.
Are you sure that the ... bus leaves at 6 p.m.?


Choose the right answer.
Everest is ... mountain in the world.

the highest

Choose the right answer.
Who is ... in your family?

the eldest

Choose the right answer.


Choose the right answer.
Honesty is ... policy.

the best

Choose the right answer.
Actions speak ... than words.


Choose the right answer.
The sea is ... unknown part of our world.

the largest

Выберите количественное числительное

Choose the right answer.
It's very warm today. It was much ... yesterday.


Choose the right answer.
That was ... case in his practice.

the least difficult

Choose the right answer.
He is the … member of the School Committee.


Choose the right answer.
Of two evils choose the ... .


Choose the right answer.


Choose the right answer.
How long does it take you to get to the ... river?


Choose the right answer.
... men declare war. But it is the youth that fight and die.


Выберите количественное числительное

Choose the right answer.


Выберите количественное числительное
twenty six

Choose the right answer.
If you require ... information ask at your local station.


Choose the right answer.
Nobody could have been … she appeared to be.

as stupid as

Choose the right answer.
Hotels are becoming ... nowadays.

more expensive

Choose the right answer.
November 19, 1711

November nineteen seventeen eleven

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
- Are they still having dinner?
- No, they ... .

have finished

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
The city of Montreal ... 70 square miles.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Perry shut the magazine she … and glanced up at the clock.

had been reading

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не ... his lessons since 2 o'clock.

has been doing

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
This time tomorrow we ….. the economics.

shall be studying

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
He ... the piano every day.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … his homework by 5 o'clock yesterday.

had finished

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
We … each other since we were children.

have known

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
My parents … yesterday.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
I ... it now.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
It … to understand the picture as a whole rather than small parts of it.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … TV for two hours when I came.

had been watching

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Nobody ... why people walk or talk in their sleep.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
All historical places of London ... in the West End.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … a book for two hours when I come.

will have been reading

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
- Would you like a cigarette?
- No, thank you, I ... .

do not smoke

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
He … his lessons by five o'clock.

will have done

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не is my closest friend in Cambridge and the closest I … ever … .

have; had

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
We … this house in 1978.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … the book and … TV when I came.

had read; was watching

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
He ... to Moscow soon.

is coming

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
I … the paper this morning.

didn't read

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
When I entered the room he … a book.

was reading

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
It was late in the year when the Pilgrims ... and found a colony.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … TV for two hours.

has been watching

Define the form of the verb in the sentence.
This book was published in 1896.

Past Indefinite Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The story of the first Thanksgiving feast ... among the Americans.

is well-known

Choose the right translation of the sentence.
Правило объяснили ученикам вчера.

The rule was explained to the pupils yesterday.

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
American first college, Harvard ... in 1636.

was founded

Define the form of the verb in the sentence.
This road will be finished next year.

Future Indefinite Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
She said her friend ….. a Peugeot some time before and adored it.

had bought

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
When you go through customs, your luggage may ... by a customs officer.

be checked

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The students ... on the industrial Revolution at the end of the term.

will be tested

What form of the verb is used in this sentence?
The choice was made to develop an economy in a mixed way.

Past Simple Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The work ... by 7 o'clock 2 days ago.

had been finished

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The letter ... by airmail in 5 days.

will be sent

What form of the verb is used in this sentence?
Even in the USA, a stronghold of free enterprise, it has been found necessary to control or regulate national income conditions.

Present Perfect Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
Milk should be ... in a fridge.


Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The theory ... well in the past.

was received

Choose the right translation of the sentence.
Мне продиктовали номер телефона.

The telephone number was dictated to me.

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
The article said the government additional credits … to banks.

would be given

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
As soon as the salesman came up to her she said she … in a Peugeot.

was interested

Define the form of the verb in the sentence.
This laboratory is cleaned every day.

Present Indefinite Passive

Find the wrong form of the verb in Passive Voice
be ask

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
He showed the lady the car which they ….. before.

had received

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
The newspaper said the rate of unemployment already … .

had grown up

Define the form of the verb in the sentence.
Your business trip has been cancelled.

Present Perfect Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
He explained that the service charge ... next time.

would be included

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
Then she said her husband ….. her buying a Peugeot.


Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
Our club ... this year.

has been built

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
If the weather should change for the better, they … to the country.

will go

Determine the mood of the verb.
I wished he were with us then.


Define the mood in the sentence.
Wish we had purchased some new equipment.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Wish we … a big sum of money in order to extend our marketing set-up.


Make up the sentence with the Imperative mood on the base of the sentence.
I am very busy today; we shall discuss the matter tomorrow.

Let’s discuss the matter tomorrow.

Determine the mood of the verb.
If she gave him the book, he would read it.


Determine the mood of the verb.
Give me your books.


Determine the mood of the verb.
Wish you were at this conference.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
I fear lest he … late.

should be

Determine the mood of the verb.
And don't call me Daniel.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
She went to bed early last night as if nothing … happened.


Determine the mood of the verb.
The weather is fine or he would be at home now.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
It's important that he … have what he wants.


Determine the mood of the verb.
I have no time or I would go for a walk with you.


Determine the mood of the verb.
Accounting is frequently called «the language of business».


Define the mood in the sentence.
If the money came in time, we should purchase some new equipment.


Determine the mood of the verb.
Take this medicine two times a day.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
If he had this book he … it to me.

would give

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
It's time you … your sick friend.


Find the sentence with the Imperative mood.
Let`s get the necessary certificates.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
I wish it … a very realistic forecast.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
If I … not so busy now I would go to the skating-rink with you tomorrow.


Make up the sentence with the Imperative mood on the base of the sentence.
It is necessary to pass the exam well.

Pass your exam well.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Now, children, it's high time you … washed and dressed.


Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Even if I had not seen the canvas, I … you anywhere as an artist.

should have known

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
You … cross the road here.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
We can be friends, … we?


Choose the right answer.
I really think you ... see a doctor.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence
He … have spoken at the conference but he did not come in time.

was to

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence
He … come tonight.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence
He mustn't take the books in your absence, … he?


Choose the right answer.
The policeman told the woman she ... worry.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
Why … I do what I don't have to?


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
I am taking the umbrella. It … rain.


Choose the right answer.
... I close the window?


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
You … come in.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
Dan … give you the book tomorrow.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
… I open the door?


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence
He … run well, when he was young.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
The price … rise if Euro doesn't rise.

doesn't have to

Choose the right answer.
The rain has stopped. You ... not take the umbrella.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
You … worry about that.


Choose the right answer.
Jimmy couldn't come to the lesson, ...?

could he

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
It … have rained yesterday.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
He … help admiring the city.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
We ought to wait for John, … we?


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
Every student … find this book and read it for better understanding of the problem.


Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
You … to report here at 5.


Choose the right answer.
He knows that he ... eat sugar. When he does, he always feels bad.


Choose the right answer.
Thomas received a warning for speeding. He ... have driven so fast.


Define the form of the infinitive.
The demand for a good may be changed by increases or decreases in the prices of the other related goods.

Indefinite passive

Insert the necessary form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
In an increasingly globalize world, economic imperatives can be seen as a most powerful force … human behavior.


Find the wrong form of the infinitive
to be keep

Find the right form of the Participle 2.


Define the form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
Having attracted the attention to this problem he managed to get a loan.

Perfect active

Define the form of the infinitive.
The prices are reported to be rising.

Continuous active

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
He was sorry for not … to him.

being introduced

Define the form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
His report was rather boring.

Present active

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
I was told of his … to New York some time before.

having gone

Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
Canshe … now.

be working

Define the form of the infinitive.
The sellers' willingness to supply a particular good is referred to as the sellers' supply of that good.

Indefinite active

Define the form of the gerund given in the sentence.
Watching football matches can be exciting enough, but of course it's more exciting playing football.


Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
The prices of the raw materials or inputs used to produce goods also cause supply … .

to change

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
He did not remember ever … this place before.

having visited

Define the form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
A cover letter is necessary in the following situation.

Present active

Define the form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
Having visited the plant he came to the right decision

Perfect active

Find the right form of the Participle 2.


Define the form of the infinitive.
The prices are reported to have risen.

Perfect active

Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
He was sorry … this conference.

to have missed

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
On his … to the native country he worked as a consultant in a large corporation.


Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
I didn't remember such a thing ... before.

having happened

Define the form of the gerund given in the sentence.
I am sure of havingseen her before.


Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
They would … with the partners and experts.

have consulted

Insert the necessary form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
… the preparations will be completed before beginning of the work.

Being started

Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
We hope … to Moscow by next Monday.

to have come

Define the type of the adverbial modifier in the sentence.
In case of your absence I shall leave you a message.

adverbial modifier of condition

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
Wherever he came, his friends asked him to tell them about his experiments.

clause of place

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
We got up early the next morning as we wanted to be in London by the afternoon.

clause of cause

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
He remembered the day when he was awarded the gold medal.

attributive clause

Finish the disjunctive question.
Production possibility boundary or transformation curve illustrates the economic problem of scarcity in production, … ?

does not it

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
That was what she did that morning on reaching home.

predicative clause

Put the general question to the sentence.
Factor inputs can be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output.

Can factor inputs be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output?

Determine the type of the question.
Can the relationship be depicted in the form of functional notation?


Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
I shall go provided you yourself help me: if you refuse I shall not go.

clause of condition

Put the disjunctive question to the sentence.
It is the method which is technically the most efficient.

It is the method which is technically the most efficient, isn't it?

Determine the type of the question.
Can such relationship be analyzed using isoquant curves or consumption curves?


Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
The more I knew him, the better I liked him.

clause of comparison

Choose the right translation of the sentence.
Яблоки красные.

The apples are red.

Put the alternative question to the sentence.
Our message spreads among our subcontractors.

Does our message spread among our subcontractors or costumers?

Determine the type of the question.
What is the meaning of the term «production function»?


Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
The girl did not look at him so that he might not see how terribly worried she was.

clause of purpose

Define the marked part of the sentence.
Outside it was getting dark.

adverbial modifier

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
Although you are a little older than I, you in fact belong to the same generation.

clause of concession

Determine the type of the question.
Economists are more concerned with the costs aspects of the input-output relationships, are not they?


Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
I'd like to see where you live.

object clause

Finish the disjunctive question.
MIM Holdings is to capitalize on the strong performance of its coal business by almost doubling the division's production over the next five years, … ?

is not it

Put the special question to the sentence.
The figure below shows the various factors influencing the location of production.

What does the figure below show?

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
What he loved best in the world was painting.

subject clause

Define the type of the adverbial modifier in the sentence.
He stopped to buy an evening paper.

adverbial modifier of purpose

Choose the right translation of the sentence.
В комнате были дети.

There were children in the room.
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