Просмотр полной версии : Иностранный язык (английский)

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11.10.2012, 01:39
Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Конечно, я не хожу в кино очень часто.

Insert the necessary articles in the sentence.
It was … spring and … air was pleasant.
—; the

Tick the sentence where the definite article is used
In … West Indies there are vast cotton-growing districts.

Choose sentence where the indefinite article is used before the underlined words
У них там есть школа.

Choose the right answer.
He was taking part … many conferences.

Choose the right sentence
That's Terry. He's the third person on the right.

Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Ярко светило солнце, и небо было того чистого голубого цвета, который предвещает хорошую погоду.

Choose the right answer.
Не was disappointed … his new job.

Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Целого мира мало.

Insert the necessary articles in the sentence.
You will go to … prison, murder!

Choose the right answer.
The old man was suffering … a heart attack.

Tick the sentence where the definite article is used
... USA is a country with a high level of immigration.

Choose the right answer.
Your success depends … yourself.

Choose the right answer.
She is married … a doctor.

Tick the sentence where the definite article is used
The liner crossed … Atlantic Ocean in seven days.

Choose the right answer.
Are you afraid … mice?

Insert the necessary article in the sentence.
My mother told me to go to … bed.

Choose the right answer.
Don't be angry … me for being late.

Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Луна зашла.

Choose sentence where the definite article is used before the underlined words
Я люблю слушать радио по утрам.

Insert the necessary articles in the sentence.
We've got … John and two … Marys in the family.
a; —

Выберите предложение, в котором употребляется some
I have … pencils and … chalk.

Choose sentence where the indefinite article is used before the underlined words
Я зажег спичку и стал искать свечу.

Tick the sentence where the definite article is used
The sun has moved to … West.

Choose the right answer.
What time shall we arrive … the next station?

Choose the right answer.
Your idea is … good, but not perfect.

Choose the right answer.
Will you help me to ... the table, Mary?

Choose the right answer.
Will you help me to ... the room, Mary?

Find the wrong variant of the use of prefix un-

Найдите синоним к выделенному слову.
They are comfortable, but can't afford some things they'd like.

Find the prefix not suitable for building of verbs

Choose the right answer.
Не … me a cup of tea.

Choose the right answer.
Through the years many people learnt they could enjoy a particular hobby and ... money from it.

Choose the right answer.
The dessert was divided … the six children.

Find the suffix not suitable for building of nouns

Choose the right answer.
I like to … a difficult question.

Choose the right answer.
Will you please ... less noise.

Find the prefix not suitable for building of adjectives

Find the wrong variant of the use of prefix re-

Choose the right answer.
There were many … trees outside.

Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix -ment

Choose the right answer.
I am sure that Jim is ... lies.

Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix -ion

Choose the right answer.
… me the book for a while.

Choose the right answer.
It goes without ... that he is the best man in the world.

Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix -ty

Choose the right answer.
Do you like ... poems by heart?
to learn

Find the wrong variant of the use of suffix -er

Choose the right answer.
My friend is a … talker.

Choose the right answer.
The scene of my favorite play is … in London.

– ______?
– Tall, good-looking, a bit shy.
What's Jim like

Before photography ______ people had their pictures painted.
was invented

She’s been floating on the air ______ the day of her engagement.

Tom Sawyer was able to make ______ by pretending that the work was a specific privilege.
his friends paint the fence

Let’s have a party, ______ we ?

Rasputin ______ responsible for many of the ill-fated events that happened during the reign of Czar Nicholas II in Russia.
was believed to have been

______ I like is illegal, immoral or fattening.

In a few years, computers ______ think better than we do.
will be able to

Middle-aged people usually regret ______ some of the mistakes of their youth. But what is done is done forever.

On the day of our 25th wedding anniversary he told me that we ______ such a wonderful life together. I wished he were sincere.
had had

If he had not been a film-star, he ______ the President of the US.
wouldn't have become

______ is no concern of mine.
What will happen to Charlie

______ you do, don’t tell Harry that we’ve lost his camera.

I ______ to buying green jeans and wearing them to work!
am still not used

She’s ______ mother of my best friend.

I ______ with children before, so I know what to expect in my new job.
have worked

The fish is ______ the meat.
as tasty as

Would you like ______ racing at the weekend?
to go

______ some problems.
There seem to be

Don’t touch the book. It ______ to me.
doesn't belong

Choose the right answer.
I'm hungry. I haven't had ... breakfast this morning.

Choose the right answer.
Scissors ... a small tool with two sharp blades screwed together.

Choose the right answer.
I'll post the letter ... .

Choose the right answer.
... record is good and ... is too.
Your; mine

Choose the right answer.
We do ... but play computer games all day.

Choose the right answer.
— Is it their car?
— No, ... is yellow.

Choose the right answer.
There ... some bread on the table.

Choose the right answer.
I'm sure I know ... .

Choose the right answer.
People say that the Loch Ness Monster does not look like any ... animal.

Choose the right answer.
Does ... like milk?

Choose the right answer.
Moscow has ... beautiful buildings and monuments.

Choose the right answer.
The ... coats are in the room.

Choose the right answer.
He is a friend of ... .

Choose the right answer.
I wish there had been ... with a camera.

Choose the right answer.
A few months ago I met an old friend of ... .

Insert the necessary pronoun in the sentence
One man finished his work at six, ….. man at seven.

Choose the right answer.
— Is it ... book?
— No, ... is there.
your; mine

Choose the right answer.
Mathematics ... my favourite subject.

Choose the right answer.
... children don't like to play.

Choose the right answer.
Her knowledge ... perfect.

Choose the right answer.
My friends have got cars. My ... cars are very expensive.

Choose the right answer.
Your ... are very white.

Choose the right answer.
Bright ... should go to school very early.

Choose the right answer.
You've made ... mistakes in your dictation.
too many

Choose the right answer.
I'd like to read the telegram ... .

Choose the right answer.
the seventeenth

Choose the right answer.
What's ... news of today?
the latest

Choose the right answer.
The damage to the car could be ... than we expected.

Choose the right answer.
Are you sure that the ... bus leaves at 6 p.m.?

Choose the right answer.
Everest is ... mountain in the world.
the highest

Choose the right answer.
Who is ... in your family?
the eldest

Choose the right answer.

Choose the right answer.
Honesty is ... policy.
the best

Choose the right answer.
Actions speak ... than words.

Choose the right answer.
The sea is ... unknown part of our world.
the largest

Выберите количественное числительное

Choose the right answer.
It's very warm today. It was much ... yesterday.

Choose the right answer.
That was ... case in his practice.
the least difficult

Choose the right answer.
He is the … member of the School Committee.

Choose the right answer.
Of two evils choose the ... .

Choose the right answer.

Choose the right answer.
How long does it take you to get to the ... river?

Choose the right answer.
... men declare war. But it is the youth that fight and die.

Выберите количественное числительное

Choose the right answer.

Выберите количественное числительное
twenty six

Choose the right answer.
If you require ... information ask at your local station.

Choose the right answer.
Nobody could have been … she appeared to be.
as stupid as

Choose the right answer.
Hotels are becoming ... nowadays.
more expensive

Choose the right answer.
November 19, 1711
November nineteen seventeen eleven

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
- Are they still having dinner?
- No, they ... .
have finished

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
The city of Montreal ... 70 square miles.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Perry shut the magazine she … and glanced up at the clock.
had been reading

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не ... his lessons since 2 o'clock.
has been doing

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
This time tomorrow we ….. the economics.
shall be studying

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
He ... the piano every day.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … his homework by 5 o'clock yesterday.
had finished

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
We … each other since we were children.
have known

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
My parents … yesterday.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
I ... it now.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
It … to understand the picture as a whole rather than small parts of it.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … TV for two hours when I came.
had been watching

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Nobody ... why people walk or talk in their sleep.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
All historical places of London ... in the West End.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … a book for two hours when I come.
will have been reading

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
- Would you like a cigarette?
- No, thank you, I ... .
do not smoke

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
He … his lessons by five o'clock.
will have done

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не is my closest friend in Cambridge and the closest I … ever … .
have; had

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
We … this house in 1978.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … the book and … TV when I came.
had read; was watching

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
He ... to Moscow soon.
is coming

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
I … the paper this morning.
didn't read

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
When I entered the room he … a book.
was reading

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
It was late in the year when the Pilgrims ... and found a colony.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Не … TV for two hours.
has been watching

Define the form of the verb in the sentence.
This book was published in 1896.
Past Indefinite Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The story of the first Thanksgiving feast ... among the Americans.
is well-known

Choose the right translation of the sentence.
Правило объяснили ученикам вчера.
The rule was explained to the pupils yesterday.

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
American first college, Harvard ... in 1636.
was founded

Define the form of the verb in the sentence.
This road will be finished next year.
Future Indefinite Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
She said her friend ….. a Peugeot some time before and adored it.
had bought

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
When you go through customs, your luggage may ... by a customs officer.
be checked

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The students ... on the industrial Revolution at the end of the term.
will be tested

What form of the verb is used in this sentence?
The choice was made to develop an economy in a mixed way.
Past Simple Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The work ... by 7 o'clock 2 days ago.
had been finished

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The letter ... by airmail in 5 days.
will be sent

What form of the verb is used in this sentence?
Even in the USA, a stronghold of free enterprise, it has been found necessary to control or regulate national income conditions.
Present Perfect Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
Milk should be ... in a fridge.

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
The theory ... well in the past.
was received

Choose the right translation of the sentence.
Мне продиктовали номер телефона.
The telephone number was dictated to me.

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
The article said the government additional credits … to banks.
would be given

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
As soon as the salesman came up to her she said she … in a Peugeot.
was interested

Define the form of the verb in the sentence.
This laboratory is cleaned every day.
Present Indefinite Passive

Find the wrong form of the verb in Passive Voice
be ask

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
He showed the lady the car which they ….. before.
had received

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
The newspaper said the rate of unemployment already … .
had grown up

Define the form of the verb in the sentence.
Your business trip has been cancelled.
Present Perfect Passive

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
He explained that the service charge ... next time.
would be included

Insert the necessary form of the verb using the Sequence of tense rule.
Then she said her husband ….. her buying a Peugeot.

Insert the necessary form of the verb in the sentence.
Our club ... this year.
has been built

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
If the weather should change for the better, they … to the country.
will go

Determine the mood of the verb.
I wished he were with us then.

Define the mood in the sentence.
Wish we had purchased some new equipment.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Wish we … a big sum of money in order to extend our marketing set-up.

Make up the sentence with the Imperative mood on the base of the sentence.
I am very busy today; we shall discuss the matter tomorrow.
Let’s discuss the matter tomorrow.

Determine the mood of the verb.
If she gave him the book, he would read it.

Determine the mood of the verb.
Give me your books.

Determine the mood of the verb.
Wish you were at this conference.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
I fear lest he … late.
should be

Determine the mood of the verb.
And don't call me Daniel.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
She went to bed early last night as if nothing … happened.

Determine the mood of the verb.
The weather is fine or he would be at home now.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
It's important that he … have what he wants.

Determine the mood of the verb.
I have no time or I would go for a walk with you.

Determine the mood of the verb.
Accounting is frequently called «the language of business».

Define the mood in the sentence.
If the money came in time, we should purchase some new equipment.

Determine the mood of the verb.
Take this medicine two times a day.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
If he had this book he … it to me.
would give

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
It's time you … your sick friend.

Find the sentence with the Imperative mood.
Let`s get the necessary certificates.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
I wish it … a very realistic forecast.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
If I … not so busy now I would go to the skating-rink with you tomorrow.

Make up the sentence with the Imperative mood on the base of the sentence.
It is necessary to pass the exam well.
Pass your exam well.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Now, children, it's high time you … washed and dressed.

Insert the necessary form of the verb.
Even if I had not seen the canvas, I … you anywhere as an artist.
should have known

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
You … cross the road here.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
We can be friends, … we?

Choose the right answer.
I really think you ... see a doctor.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence
He … have spoken at the conference but he did not come in time.
was to

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence
He … come tonight.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence
He mustn't take the books in your absence, … he?

Choose the right answer.
The policeman told the woman she ... worry.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
Why … I do what I don't have to?

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
I am taking the umbrella. It … rain.

Choose the right answer.
... I close the window?

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
You … come in.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
Dan … give you the book tomorrow.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
… I open the door?

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence
He … run well, when he was young.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
The price … rise if Euro doesn't rise.
doesn't have to

Choose the right answer.
The rain has stopped. You ... not take the umbrella.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
You … worry about that.

Choose the right answer.
Jimmy couldn't come to the lesson, ...?
could he

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
It … have rained yesterday.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
He … help admiring the city.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
We ought to wait for John, … we?

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
Every student … find this book and read it for better understanding of the problem.

Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence.
You … to report here at 5.

Choose the right answer.
He knows that he ... eat sugar. When he does, he always feels bad.

Choose the right answer.
Thomas received a warning for speeding. He ... have driven so fast.

Define the form of the infinitive.
The demand for a good may be changed by increases or decreases in the prices of the other related goods.
Indefinite passive

Insert the necessary form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
In an increasingly globalize world, economic imperatives can be seen as a most powerful force … human behavior.

Find the wrong form of the infinitive
to be keep

Find the right form of the Participle 2.

Define the form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
Having attracted the attention to this problem he managed to get a loan.
Perfect active

Define the form of the infinitive.
The prices are reported to be rising.
Continuous active

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
He was sorry for not … to him.
being introduced

Define the form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
His report was rather boring.
Present active

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
I was told of his … to New York some time before.
having gone

Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
Canshe … now.
be working

Define the form of the infinitive.
The sellers' willingness to supply a particular good is referred to as the sellers' supply of that good.
Indefinite active

Define the form of the gerund given in the sentence.
Watching football matches can be exciting enough, but of course it's more exciting playing football.

Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
The prices of the raw materials or inputs used to produce goods also cause supply … .
to change

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
He did not remember ever … this place before.
having visited

Define the form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
A cover letter is necessary in the following situation.
Present active

Define the form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
Having visited the plant he came to the right decision
Perfect active

Find the right form of the Participle 2.

Define the form of the infinitive.
The prices are reported to have risen.
Perfect active

Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
He was sorry … this conference.
to have missed

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
On his … to the native country he worked as a consultant in a large corporation.

Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence.
I didn't remember such a thing ... before.
having happened

Define the form of the gerund given in the sentence.
I am sure of havingseen her before.

Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
They would … with the partners and experts.
have consulted

Insert the necessary form of Participle 1 in the sentence.
… the preparations will be completed before beginning of the work.
Being started

Insert the necessary form of the infinitive in the sentence.
We hope … to Moscow by next Monday.
to have come

Define the type of the adverbial modifier in the sentence.
In case of your absence I shall leave you a message.
adverbial modifier of condition

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
Wherever he came, his friends asked him to tell them about his experiments.
clause of place

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
We got up early the next morning as we wanted to be in London by the afternoon.
clause of cause

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
He remembered the day when he was awarded the gold medal.
attributive clause

Finish the disjunctive question.
Production possibility boundary or transformation curve illustrates the economic problem of scarcity in production, … ?
does not it

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
That was what she did that morning on reaching home.
predicative clause

Put the general question to the sentence.
Factor inputs can be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output.
Can factor inputs be combined in a number of different ways to produce the same amount of output?

Determine the type of the question.
Can the relationship be depicted in the form of functional notation?

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
I shall go provided you yourself help me: if you refuse I shall not go.
clause of condition

Put the disjunctive question to the sentence.
It is the method which is technically the most efficient.
It is the method which is technically the most efficient, isn't it?

Determine the type of the question.
Can such relationship be analyzed using isoquant curves or consumption curves?

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
The more I knew him, the better I liked him.
clause of comparison

Choose the right translation of the sentence.
Яблоки красные.
The apples are red.

Put the alternative question to the sentence.
Our message spreads among our subcontractors.
Does our message spread among our subcontractors or costumers?

Determine the type of the question.
What is the meaning of the term «production function»?

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
The girl did not look at him so that he might not see how terribly worried she was.
clause of purpose

Define the marked part of the sentence.
Outside it was getting dark.
adverbial modifier

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
Although you are a little older than I, you in fact belong to the same generation.
clause of concession

Determine the type of the question.
Economists are more concerned with the costs aspects of the input-output relationships, are not they?

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
I'd like to see where you live.
object clause

Finish the disjunctive question.
MIM Holdings is to capitalize on the strong performance of its coal business by almost doubling the division's production over the next five years, … ?
is not it

Put the special question to the sentence.
The figure below shows the various factors influencing the location of production.
What does the figure below show?

Define the type of the subordinate clause in the sentence.
What he loved best in the world was painting.
subject clause

Define the type of the adverbial modifier in the sentence.
He stopped to buy an evening paper.
adverbial modifier of purpose

Choose the right translation of the sentence.
В комнате были дети.
There were children in the room.

08.01.2013, 14:17
может кому пригодится английский в вордовских файлах и задачник

08.01.2013, 14:20
на всякий случай прикреплю ещё два файла с тестами, вдруг что-то не откроется... ответы все верные

02.03.2013, 22:07
сдала два теста по вашим ответам,уже три ошибки. а без ошибок нет ответов?

02.03.2013, 22:18
сдала два теста по вашим ответам,уже три ошибки. а без ошибок нет ответов?

вообще-то сдано на 100/100, т.е. без одной ошибки... разместите здесь тесты с ошибками, мы посмотрим - может поменялись ответы, ТАКОЕ БЫВАЕТ: на одном направлении бакалавриата одни ответы, на другом - другие... сталкивались с этим (особенно с задачником по английскому). :rolleyes:

02.03.2013, 22:47
Шкода, А без ошибок самой слабо сделать или исправить их????

05.03.2013, 12:56
Спасибо! А подскажите пожалуйста эти ответы входят в итоговое тестирование! Я не могу сдать 2 раза . Буду очень признательно за помощь. направление "Экономика", профиль "Бухгалтерский учет , анализ аудит" 1 курс

05.03.2013, 13:20
Спасибо! А подскажите пожалуйста эти ответы входят в итоговое тестирование! Я не могу сдать 2 раза . Буду очень признательно за помощь. направление "Экономика", профиль "Бухгалтерский учет , анализ аудит" 1 курс

да, ИТОГОВОЕ было по этим тестам (может поменяли, если у Вас тесты не те, пока никто об этом не писал) .... а так я специально для сдачи ИТОГОВОГО выложила в ВОРДОВСКИХ файлах английский ещё раз: в одном ОБЩЕМ файле тренинги 1-18 и 19-20 во втором файле (в одном файле ВСЕ 20 тренингов никак не могла сохранить).... открываете эти ОБА файла и через ПОИСК найдёте сразу ответ! Главное, НЕ ВОЛНУЙТЕСЬ! УДАЧИ! :cool:

05.03.2013, 15:14
Lelya, большое спасибо у меня все открылось, очень благодарна, буду пытаться, еще раз спасибо.

30.03.2013, 21:05
Задачник Вопрос 1
Would you like ______ racing at the weekend?
to go
Вопрос 2
______ I like is illegal, immoral or fattening. ___,
Вопрос 3
Let’s have a party, ______ we ?
Вопрос 4
On the day of our 25th wedding anniversary he told me that we ______ such a wonderful life together. I wished he were sincere.
had had
Вопрос 5
Before photography ______ people had their pictures painted.
was invented
Вопрос 6
______ you do, don’t tell Harry that we’ve lost his camera. __,
Вопрос 7
She’s been floating on the air ______ the day of her engagement.
Вопрос 8
If he had not been a film-star, he ______ the President of the US.
wouldn't have become
Вопрос 9
In a few years, computers ______ think better than we do.
will be able to
Вопрос 10
Don’t touch the book. It ______ to me.
doesn't belong
Вопрос 11
I ______ to buying green jeans and wearing them to work!
am still not used
Вопрос 12
The fish is ______ the meat.
as tasty as
Вопрос 13
Tom Sawyer was able to make ______ by pretending that the work was a specific privilege.
his friends paint the fence
Вопрос 14
She’s ______ mother of my best friend.
Вопрос 15
Middle-aged people usually regret ______ some of the mistakes of their youth. But what is done is done forever.
Вопрос 16
I ______ with children before, so I know what to expect in my new job.
have worked
Вопрос 17
______ some problems. ___
There seem to be
Вопрос 18
______ is no concern of mine. ___
What will happen to Charlie
Вопрос 19
Rasputin ______ responsible for many of the ill-fated events that happened during the reign of Czar Nicholas II in Russia.
was believed to have been
Вопрос 20
– ______?
– Tall, good-looking, a bit shy. –
What's Jim like

31.03.2013, 00:19
Would you like ______ racing at the weekend?
to go
И так далее....

18.04.2013, 12:31
Ответы которые нет в списке у вас:

Choose the right answer.
Does ... like milk?

Choose the right answer.
- Is it their car?
- No, ... is yellow.

Choose the right answer.
There ... some bread on the table.

Choose the right answer.
- Is it ... book?
- No, ... is there.
your; mine

Choose the right answer.
I'm sure I know ... .

07.05.2013, 15:56
Ответы которые нет в списке у вас:

Choose the right answer.
I'm sure I know ... .

В данном случае правильный ответ

Choose the right answer.
I'm sure I know ... .

Если не знаете правильность ответов, не публикуйте, не вводите в заблуждение. :mad:

25.06.2013, 14:01
Добрый день!
У меня совсем беда с английским, а тут ни один модуль мне не подходит:eek:
у меня "техносферная безопасность", может у кого нибудь есть ответы?

28.06.2013, 13:57
Помогите у кого есть ответы на тесты английского. Первый модуль ARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS...

16.07.2013, 13:26
Тоже беда с английским как и у Светлашки, модули совсем не подходят может быть у кого-нибудь есть другие ответы, у меня всего 10 модулей, а не 20.

Добавлено через 8 минут
Ответы, которые выложил root подходят для тех у кого 10 модулей английского. Пробуйте те у кого еще не сдан.

Добавлено через 1 час 1 минуту
Ребята, для удобства занесла ответы root в word ну чтобы хоть как то помочь остальным, а то все ответы, которые у меня есть, есть и на форуме. Ответы подойдут тем у кого 10 модулей английского.

Скачать по ссылке можно: Английский язык (10 модулей) (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=27)

01.11.2013, 21:34
английский с 18 модулями есть у кого?????

18.11.2013, 16:32
Глеб, и сколько с тебя поимел Соник, если не секрет, он же задаром не делает

19.11.2013, 19:52
Ребята помогите с 18 модулями .. я по английскому не бум-бум.. и с почтой работать не могу.. Если есть у кого напишите мне [email protected]..

21.11.2013, 16:46
Английский язык (модуль с 18 темами) правда пока с 1 по 5 ( постараюсь потихоньку выкладывать дальше (все на 5)
Английский язык (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=63)

22.11.2013, 21:47
Zluka, плиииз, можешь выложить все ответы, (хоть как-то)? в инглише плаваю, а сроки горят!

25.11.2013, 10:48
Zluka, плиииз, можешь выложить все ответы, (хоть как-то)? в инглише плаваю, а сроки горят!

Я сама в нем не фонтан(((((выкладываю по мере сдачи

Добавлено через 30 секунд
Английский язык 6-9 тренинги Английский язык 6-9 темы (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=64)

30.11.2013, 16:43
люди помогите пожалуйста) я в английском вообще ни как) а модули которые выложины не подходят(

01.12.2013, 05:42
народ слушайте у меня при начале тестирования выходит такое сообщение типа "Кодекс академической добросовестности" говорится что нельзя подсматривать, искать ответы на других ресурсах. стоит ли на это обращать внимание?)

02.12.2013, 21:10
Спасибо, Zluka. Очень помогла. Без твоих ответов, было бы туго. Я твой должник.

05.12.2013, 00:35
Zluka пожалуйста помоги если есть модули 10-18

08.12.2013, 08:21
на всякий случай прикреплю ещё два файла с тестами, вдруг что-то не откроется... ответы все верные

Лялечка, вы меня спаслиииииииииииииииииии!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

10.12.2013, 21:20
Я сама в нем не фонтан(((((выкладываю по мере сдачи

Добавлено через 30 секунд
Английский язык 6-9 тренинги Английский язык 6-9 темы (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=64)


22.12.2013, 15:49
а с 9того модуля и далее у кого нибудь есть ?:)

23.12.2013, 16:40
Добрый день, начала решать тест по английскому, 1 тренинг задание на транскрипцию, у кого есть что-нибудь похожее?

28.12.2013, 00:23
Я сама в нем не фонтан(((((выкладываю по мере сдачи

Добавлено через 30 секунд
Английский язык 6-9 тренинги Английский язык 6-9 темы (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=64)

А итоговое тестирование вы сдали? У меня такие же тесты, все как-то прошла, а по итоговому уже две двойки... Срочно нужна помощь!:eek:

Добавлено через 9 минут
Соник, а мне можешь помочь? У меня не такие тесты, как здесь...

02.01.2014, 21:20
на всякий случай прикреплю ещё два файла с тестами, вдруг что-то не откроется... ответы все верные

lelya, скиньте пож-та на почту ответы по английскому с 1 по 18 модуль, почему-то этот архив не открывается [email protected]

03.01.2014, 19:45
Поделитесь, если есть у кого такой вариант английского
Английский. Иностранный язык (основной, профессиональный)
на всякий случай мыло оставлю ([email protected]).

10.01.2014, 00:25
срочно нужна помощь в решение итог не сходится 9 модулей двойка

24.01.2014, 12:28
Добавлено через 21 минуту
root, здравствуйте,помогите пожалуйста с иностранным языком(основной профессиональный)

Ирина Л
24.01.2014, 15:37
Скажите пожалуйста, вы сдали остальные модули? Очень нужно с 10 по 18 модули. Спасибо.

28.01.2014, 13:18
Помогите у кого есть английский язык с 10-18 модуля.сроки горят.

30.01.2014, 09:54
а есть с 10 по 18 за ранее спасибо

01.02.2014, 11:32
Помогите у кого есть английский язык с 10-18 модуля.
Мой E-mail: [email protected]

03.02.2014, 14:03
Привет ответил на английский
Тема 1. Вводно-фонетический курс
Кто может скинуть правельные ответы ? =)
Отвечал по ответам Zluka в PDF формате которые

03.02.2014, 21:33
У неё вроде всё правильно в ответах, несколько модулей делал по её ответам. Проверяйте еще раз, возможно не внимательно выбирали ответы, там во многих модулях есть почти одинаковые вопросы.

Кто-нибудь может выложить с 10 по 18 модули, с итоговым тестом? У кого «ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ)_» из 18 модулей.

04.02.2014, 16:20
Помогите у кого есть английский язык с 10-18 модуля. Моя почта [email protected]

04.02.2014, 22:01
Иностранный язык (основной профессиональный) (англ.) помогите!!!!!!!!! оченннь надо

06.02.2014, 13:03
доброго времени суток всем! через несколько часов выложу с 1-го по 17-й включительно.
у кого есть выкладывайте не стесняйтесь мне нужен 18-й (Основы общего перевода)

06.02.2014, 14:18
Всем привет! Срочно нужны ответы по иностранному языку из 18 модулей. Сроки поджимают. Помогите кто, чем может.

06.02.2014, 19:15
извеняюсь кого обнадежил с 1 по 5 не помню где а вот с шестого закидываю

Добавлено через 13 минут
Тест 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if I … in Paris.
ответ: had been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … the work … .
ответ: hadn’t done, either
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Ann … there …?
ответ: Did he say, had been, too
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Tom … … student of our group?
ответ: Have you heard, is, the best
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … … these books by the beginning of the next year?
ответ: Shall, we, have, read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This is … film I ….
ответ: the best, I have ever seen
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that Ann … away on Monday.
ответ: had gone
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …home, I … supper.
ответ: come, shall have cooked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked if I … in London. I answered that I … there 5 years before.
ответ: had ever been, had been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom says that he … the work.
ответ: has already done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …, we … for Moscow.
ответ: arrive, shall have already left
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… your homework?
ответ: Have you already done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... In Paris?
ответ: Have you ever been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in London? – Yes, I … there 5 years ago.
ответ: Have you been, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the article by tomorrow.
ответ: shall have translated
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … away before we came back.
ответ: had gone
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the book until next month.
ответ: shan’t have read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that that Tom … … student of our group.
ответ: was, the worst
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the film when I … in Moscow.
ответ: saw, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … this book.
ответ: have already read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… to Spain twice?
ответ: Has she been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When he … in, I understood that I … him before.
ответ: came, had seen
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … the work by the end of July.
ответ: had completed

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… this book. I … it.
ответ: Don’t buy, I’ve bought
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … everything before he … .
ответ: had done, came

Добавлено через 23 минуты
Тест 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … when Tom arrives.
shall be having supper
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if … .
I was sleeping
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … that Tom was not slipping.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What …?
are you do
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … by 7pm tonight?
will she have done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … their text-books.
Ответ один из двух:
are reading
do reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … that she was speaking on the phone.
was saying
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … when we … back.
doesn’t sleep, shall come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
am sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Why … your homework?
Ответ один из двух:
aren't you doing
hadn't you doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us what … .
we were doing
Какое предложение построено верно?
Are you sleeping
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the piano tomorrow.
shall play
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … at the window.
Ответ один из двух:
was not standing
did not stand
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … when your parents arrive?
will you be doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My brother won't be watching TV from 7 till 9pm tonight.
won't be watching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … TV now.
are not watching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The children said that they … their books.
Ответ один из двух:
were reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if … or standing.
he was sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that they … TV the day before.
ответ: had not watched
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that he … a letter.
ответ: was writing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … a foreign company.
Ответодин из двух:
had not worked
has not worked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother wondered why … homework?
Tom weren't doing his
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
ответ: am not standing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… or standing?
Ответодин из двух:
Does he sitting
Is he sitting

Добавлено через 24 минуты
Тест 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock.
had been reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By Friday we … for two days.
shall have been walking
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … here since early morning? – I … for my examination.
have you been doing, have been preparing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How long … for my brother?
have you been waiting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination.
what we had been doing there, had been preparing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Next year he… here.
will not work
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … a lot of books lately.
have read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Since when … at this factory?
have you been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book.
will have written
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that his wife … .
has already come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom asked if … for his brother?
we had been waiting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning.
get, will have been playing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When the meeting …, they … here yet.
starts, will have come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years.
will have been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The specialist said that he … English in 1991.
had begun learning
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before Ann … for Spain we … at the project for 14 days.
leaves, shall have been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann asked the worker since when … at this factory?
he had been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … the work.
has just finished
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… at this company since 2007?
has she been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asks how long … at this company?
she has been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock.
has been reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … .
has already come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … English in 1991.
began teaching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months.
go, will have been training
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The students say that … a lot of books lately.
they have read

Добавлено через 27 минут
:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:;););););););););)извеняюсь кого обнадежил с 1 по 5 не помню где а вот с шестого закидываю

Добавлено через 13 минут
Тест 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if I … in Paris.
ответ: had been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … the work … .
ответ: hadn’t done, either
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Ann … there …?
ответ: Did he say, had been, too
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Tom … … student of our group?
ответ: Have you heard, is, the best
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … … these books by the beginning of the next year?
ответ: Shall, we, have, read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This is … film I ….
ответ: the best, I have ever seen
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that Ann … away on Monday.
ответ: had gone
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …home, I … supper.
ответ: come, shall have cooked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked if I … in London. I answered that I … there 5 years before.
ответ: had ever been, had been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom says that he … the work.
ответ: has already done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …, we … for Moscow.
ответ: arrive, shall have already left
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… your homework?
ответ: Have you already done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... In Paris?
ответ: Have you ever been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in London? – Yes, I … there 5 years ago.
ответ: Have you been, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the article by tomorrow.
ответ: shall have translated
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … away before we came back.
ответ: had gone
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the book until next month.
ответ: shan’t have read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that that Tom … … student of our group.
ответ: was, the worst
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the film when I … in Moscow.
ответ: saw, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … this book.
ответ: have already read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… to Spain twice?
ответ: Has she been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When he … in, I understood that I … him before.
ответ: came, had seen
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … the work by the end of July.
ответ: had completed

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… this book. I … it.
ответ: Don’t buy, I’ve bought
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … everything before he … .
ответ: had done, came

Добавлено через 23 минуты
Тест 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … when Tom arrives.
shall be having supper
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if … .
I was sleeping
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … that Tom was not slipping.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What …?
are you do
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … by 7pm tonight?
will she have done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … their text-books.
Ответ один из двух:
are reading
do reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … that she was speaking on the phone.
was saying
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … when we … back.
doesn’t sleep, shall come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
am sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Why … your homework?
Ответ один из двух:
aren't you doing
hadn't you doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us what … .
we were doing
Какое предложение построено верно?
Are you sleeping
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the piano tomorrow.
shall play
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … at the window.
Ответ один из двух:
was not standing
did not stand
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … when your parents arrive?
will you be doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My brother won't be watching TV from 7 till 9pm tonight.
won't be watching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … TV now.
are not watching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The children said that they … their books.
Ответ один из двух:
were reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if … or standing.
he was sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that they … TV the day before.
ответ: had not watched
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that he … a letter.
ответ: was writing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … a foreign company.
Ответодин из двух:
had not worked
has not worked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother wondered why … homework?
Tom weren't doing his
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
ответ: am not standing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… or standing?
Ответодин из двух:
Does he sitting
Is he sitting

Добавлено через 24 минуты
Тест 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock.
had been reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By Friday we … for two days.
shall have been walking
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … here since early morning? – I … for my examination.
have you been doing, have been preparing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How long … for my brother?
have you been waiting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination.
what we had been doing there, had been preparing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Next year he… here.
will not work
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … a lot of books lately.
have read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Since when … at this factory?
have you been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book.
will have written
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that his wife … .
has already come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom asked if … for his brother?
we had been waiting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning.
get, will have been playing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When the meeting …, they … here yet.
starts, will have come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years.
will have been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The specialist said that he … English in 1991.
had begun learning
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before Ann … for Spain we … at the project for 14 days.
leaves, shall have been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann asked the worker since when … at this factory?
he had been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … the work.
has just finished
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… at this company since 2007?
has she been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asks how long … at this company?
she has been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock.
has been reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … .
has already come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … English in 1991.
began teaching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months.
go, will have been training
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The students say that … a lot of books lately.
they have read

06.02.2014, 19:48
А остальные модули выложите?

06.02.2014, 19:49
Тест 9

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I said that I … there the next day.
Ответ один из двух:
should go
should go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann has just said that she … to Spain next summer.
will go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He was almost sure he ... the exam.
would pass
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He has said that he … at 7 o’clock.
will come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said that she … English lessons twice a week.
would take
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew Ann … next Friday.
would be packing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that after midnight I ... .
should slip
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked them if they … in that work.
would take part
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I am almost sure he ... his exam.
will pass
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … to see us when he … in Moscow.
would come, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He knew that she … the next week.
would return
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew his aunt ... him any money.
would not lend
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I know that she … next week.
will return
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … to Spain the next summer.
would go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He has said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
will have read, ask
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She says that she … English lessons twice a week.
will take
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … by 7 o’clock.
would have come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She says that I … there tomorrow.
shall go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
would have read, asked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We said that by the time she … us up she … for two hours.
picked, would have been driving
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I thought she ... everything by our arrival, but I … wrong.
would have done, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I thought that you … late.
would be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Peter decided he ... to France on holidays.
would go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
will have read, ask
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that Kate ... by the time I … .
would have come, arrived

Добавлено через 9 минут
Тест 10
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
The mea said that I would clean the car.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
My friend said, "I know a better restaurant."
My friend said that he knows a better restaurant.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he … that man.
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
Ann said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
The man said that he would clean the car.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Nick said: "I won't tell it to anyone."
Nick said that he wouldn't tell it to anyone.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I understood why he … the previous evening.
hadn’t come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked me if I … our English teacher.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I didn't know that you … the work.
had already done
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
I said, "I am writing a test."
I said that I was writing a test.
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Tom said, "I will ring her."
Tom said that he would ring her.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that his friend … the next week.
would come
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Our friends said, "We have just arrived."
Our friends said that they had just arrived.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I woke up early."

Ann said that she had woken up early
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "We are busy."
The boys said that they were busy.
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I am reading."
Энн сказала : "я читаю."
Ответ один из двух:
Ann said that she was reading.
Ann said that I am reading.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said she … the book.
Энн сказала, что она ... книга.
had already read
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "This is our book."
The boys said that it was their book.

The boys said that that was their book.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … .
Том сказал, что он ... .
would go away, the next day morning
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew they … for me at the metro station.
Я знал, что они ... для меня у метро.
would be waiting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said she … tell me the right time, her watch … wrong.
can, is

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
The men said that he would clean the car.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
You said, "I will do it for him."
You said that you would do it for him.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The teacher said, "I did not say that."
The teacher said that he did not say that.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I asked my friend if he … by air before.
had ever traveled
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I don't know where my shoes are."
Ann said that she didn't know where her shoes were.

Добавлено через 14 минут
тест 11
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They got lost because they … the way.
Выберите один ответ:
hadn't been shown
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My brother’s car … last night.
Выберите один ответ:
was stolen
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The book … published.
Выберите один ответ:
is still being
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
All the letters … by tomorrow.
Выберите один ответ:
will have been written
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann wondered where the key … .
Выберите один ответ:
had been hidden
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … her homework before she … me.
Выберите один ответ:
had checked up, asked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The little boy … with interest by the people.
Выберите один ответ:
was watched
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Russian … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
is spoken
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When … ?
Выберите один ответ:
was this house built
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The letter … today.
Выберите один ответ:
has been written
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When …?
Выберите один ответ:
was this letter written
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The second question … when we heard the bell.
Выберите один ответ:
had only been discussed
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This winter coat … in Germany.
Выберите один ответ:
was made
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This fact … about for a long time.
Выберите один ответ:
has been known
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
America … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
was discovered
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The letter … sent.
Выберите один ответ:
has just been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The building … by the earthquake.
Выберите один ответ:
was ruined
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Many new houses … this year.
Выберите один ответ:
have been built
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Whom … into Russian by?
Выберите один ответ:
was this book translated
We … to a party?
Выберите один ответ:
were invited
That matter … when we came in?
Выберите один ответ:
was being discussed
The letter … .
Выберите один ответ:
has already been written
This theatre … a century ago
Выберите один ответ:
was built
A lot of houses … in Moscow lately
Выберите один ответ:
have been built

Добавлено через 18 минут
Тест 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a car.
Выберите один ответ:
had, would buy
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … you, I … there.
Выберите один ответ:
were, would go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … rich, … all over the world.
Выберите один ответ:
Became, I’d travel
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … him, I … to him about this matter.
Выберите один ответ:
see, shall speak
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … in your place, I … him.
Выберите один ответ:
were, would help
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … free yesterday, I … to see you.
Выберите один ответ:
are, would have come
had been, would have come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … happy if you … and see her.
Выберите один ответ:
will be, go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we … the train, we … at home now.
Выберите один ответ:
hadn’t missed, would be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … him tomorrow, I … him everything.
Выберите один ответ:
see, shall tell
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If my brother… time, he … with us.
Выберите один ответ:
has, will go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If he … today, what … ?
Выберите один ответ:
comes, shall we do
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … there if he … invited.
Выберите один ответ:
won't go, is not
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If you … hard at your English, you … .
Выберите один ответ:
worked, would succeed
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … if she … you say that?
Выберите один ответ:
would your sister think, heard
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot, I … a car long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
earned, would have bought
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a car last year.
Выберите один ответ:
had got, would have bought
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If it … possible, he … it.
Выберите один ответ:
were, would do
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we … a taxi, … the train.
Выберите один ответ:
don’t take, we’ll miss
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If it … tomorrow, we … to the country
Выберите один ответ:
rains, shan’t go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … the party in the country if it … .
Выберите один ответ:
shall have, does not rain
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we …now, we … there in time.
Выберите один ответ:
started off, shall come
start off, shall come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If you … the work, we … it now.
Выберите один ответ:
had done, could discuss

Добавлено через 20 минут
Тест 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His talk about Spain was really … .
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann needs enough time … writing her text-book.
Выберите один ответ:
to finish
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We lay on the beach … about our life.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The bag was too heavy … .
Выберите один ответ:
to carry
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I took a dictionary … up difficult words.
Выберите один ответ:
to look
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Do you like … ?
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He is smart enough … this job.
Выберите один ответ:
to get
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We were anxious … a new project.
Выберите один ответ:
to begin
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You are lucky … such good friends.
Выберите один ответ:
to have
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We came to the cinema too late … the beginning of the film.
Выберите один ответ:
to see
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Last Sunday we had fun … .
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I remember … married.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have got enough money… a house in the country.
Выберите один ответ:
to buy
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This car is too expensive … .
Выберите один ответ:
to buy
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
On Sundays Tom spent his time … English.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This student reads too slowly … a good mark.
Выберите один ответ:
to get
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I like … English books.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I want my mother … .
Выберите один ответ:
to retire
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This sportsman runs quickly enough … the competition.
Выберите один ответ:
to win
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Fred had difficulties … for the examination.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I sold my old car … the money to buy a new one.
Выберите один ответ:
to get
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His wish … an actor was great.
Выберите один ответ:
to become
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I like … Spanish because it's a very beautiful language.
Выберите один ответ:
to speak
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My son was able enough … at the age of 4.
Выберите один ответ:
to read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
It was a good idea … to the Black Sea.
Выберите один ответ:
to go

Добавлено через 22 минуты
Тест 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The new machine is … into operation next year.
Выберите один ответ:
reported to go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … in London but he came back.
Выберите один ответ:
was supposed to have stayed
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His works are … of great importance.
Выберите один ответ:
considered to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These text-books are … many advantages.
Выберите один ответ:
supposed to have
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom did not know what he was … .
Выберите один ответ:
expected to say
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom is … very well.
Выберите один ответ:
known to study
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This work was … easy.
Выберите один ответ:
thought to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
It is said … film of the month.
Выберите один ответ:
to be the best
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This village is … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be situated
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These students are … in four years.
Выберите один ответ:
supposed to graduate
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These exercises … very difficult.
Выберите один ответ:
are considered to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The children of such an age … very active.
Выберите один ответ:
are said to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He was said … one of the best scientists.
Выберите один ответ:
to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This man was … a talented actor.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This test … well.
Выберите один ответ:
is believed to have been written
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick is … on Monday.
Выберите один ответ:
expected to arrive
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The sun is … a mass of compressed gases.
Выберите один ответ:
known to represent
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann is … a good student.
Выберите один ответ:
said to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This project was … out by that student.
Выберите один ответ:
known to have been worked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Those students were … hard.
Выберите один ответ:
said to work
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Many books by this writer are … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
known to publish
known to be published
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A car was … outside.
Выберите один ответ:
heard to stop
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The child was … out crying.
Выберите один ответ:
seen to burst
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick … there in winter last year.
Выберите один ответ:
happened to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A new book by this writer is … soon.
Выберите один ответ:
expected to be published

Добавлено через 24 минуты
Тест 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A … car stood in the garden.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They went out … loudly.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Yesterday we met a group of people, … English.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The man, … next door to me, is our new teacher.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that article, write out all the new words.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English books, use the dictionary.
Выберите один ответ:
While reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The student, … at the window is my friend.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English well, that students are not afraid of the exam.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick stood at the window, … of his friend.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English, Ann could not understand the stranger’s conversation.
Выберите один ответ:
Not knowing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Have your hair … .
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He liked to rest in the evening … slowly in the park.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the room he sat down at the table.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He sat at the table … a book.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I received the letter, … by you on the 5th of May.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman, … in the car, is my elder sister.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman was sitting in the sofa, … a letter.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in the USA, we knew a lot of interesting things.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… his voice Ann went down-stairs to meet him.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The boy, … at the table, is my son.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I bought a book, … about 100 years ago.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English books, write out new word and interesting expressions.
Выберите один ответ:
When reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the street, first look to the left.
Выберите один ответ:
While crossing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… a lot of time before the arrival of the train, we decided to go to the cinema.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This is our new teacher, … next door to me.
Выберите один ответ:

Добавлено через 26 минут
16 и 17 позже
все пора спать

09.02.2014, 23:21
Всем привет! Помогите с задачником кто может. Не могу решить. Срочно нужно))
Вопрос 1
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We thought that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
would be completed
would complete
will be completed
would be completing
Вопрос 2
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine, we … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
does, shall go
will be, will go
will be, shall go
is, shall go
Вопрос 3
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … … name? – … name … Nick.
Выберите один ответ:
was, his, his, were
are, his, his, are
does, your, my, does
is, your, my, is
Вопрос 4
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom thought that he … .
Выберите один ответ:
had already seen that man before
has already seen this man before
had seen this man already before
had already seen those man ago
Вопрос 5
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The manager said that the work … finished as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
had to be
is to be
Вопрос 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
have, will have bought
had had, would have bought
had had , would buy
had, will have bought
Вопрос 7
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Выберите один ответ:
Tom asked that you must close the window please!
Tom asked to close the window.
Tom asked, that you close the window please!
Tom asked you to close the window.
Вопрос 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
have, shall
hade, will
have, would
shall have, will
Вопрос 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Moscow … … big city.
Выберите один ответ:
The, is, a
The, is, ---
---, does, ---
---, is a
Вопрос 10
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … the examination.
Выберите один ответ:
already had passed
already has passed
had already passed
has passed already
Вопрос 11
This book … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
was written
had been written
had written
were written
Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother said to her son that if … the weather … fine, they … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
the next day, was, would go
the next day, will be, will go
tomorrow, will be, would go
the next day, is, will go
Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When we … the examination, we … to go away for holydays.
Выберите один ответ:
shall pass, will be able
shall pass, could
pass, shall be able
shall pass, will can
Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... yesterday?
Выберите один ответ:
Did the rain was
Did it rain
Was rain
Was the rain
Вопрос 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he ... for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
had been waiting me
would have waited
will wait me
had been waiting for me
Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
worked, had come
had been working, came
was working, had come
had worked, came

12.02.2014, 13:25
кто сделал итоговое задание по английскому?

13.02.2014, 14:46
Ребят, выручайте, скиньте кто-нибудь ответы с 13 по 18 модули

13.02.2014, 23:05
Klyvevil, привет! на остальные модули с 16 по18 у тебя есть ответы,если есть выложи-очень нужно.Заранее благодарю,с уважением schwarz

14.02.2014, 12:03
кто сделал итоговое задание по английскому?

А там вопросы другие чем в модулях????

14.02.2014, 12:07
Ребят,скиньте пожалуйста с 16 модуля по 18 у кого есть

16.02.2014, 19:01
Добрые люди, скиньте пожалуйста 17-18 модули и итоговое задание, сроки поджимают, очень нужно.

17.02.2014, 12:53
а есть англ для новичков там транскрипции и все такое?????????????????

Добавлено через 55 секунд
Здравствуйте, есть английский для начинающих тесты????? там фонетика, транскрипции???????? пожалуйста?

18.02.2014, 14:27
Английский язык (модуль с 18 темами) правда пока с 1 по 5 ( постараюсь потихоньку выкладывать дальше (все на 5)
Английский язык (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=63)
а как PDF формат открыть?

Добавлено через 2 часа 53 минуты
Привет ответил на английский
Тема 1. Вводно-фонетический курс
Кто может скинуть правельные ответы ? =)
Отвечал по ответам Zluka в PDF формате которые

ты нашел?

23.02.2014, 17:12
Ребята выложите английский с 13 модуля - т.к. не подходят ответы и вопросы совсем не те...Пожалуйста, кто сдавал...

28.02.2014, 00:53
Пожалуйста выложите 16,17,18 модули с итогом,если есть возможность [email protected]

Roman Grom
28.02.2014, 11:00
ekaterina***, Катерина, ну что кто-нибудь помог или нет??? У меня тоже завал с16,17,18(((

01.03.2014, 00:04
нет,никто не отзывается((

01.03.2014, 12:13
Катя у меня 16 тест совпал с тестом 13 Klyvevil

03.03.2014, 16:17
Klyvevil, скажите итоговое задание создано из выдержки тестов или совсем другие вопросы?

coca cola
04.03.2014, 14:28
а с 10 по 18 модули есть у кого то ?? я так и не нашел..

05.03.2014, 19:30
Сегодня сдавал английский, и не хватило времени схватил пару,не можешь по подробнее обьяснить,как это,искать через ПОИСК?

06.03.2014, 00:25
Катя у меня 16 тест совпал с тестом 13 Klyvevil

про итог бы знать по конкретнее......

06.03.2014, 09:38
Пожалуйста выложите английский с 13 модуля.

coca cola
06.03.2014, 21:36
тест 10
1.В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
My friend said, "I know a better restaurant."
Выберите один ответ:
My friend said that he knew a better restaurant.

2. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The teacher said, "I did not say that."
Выберите один ответ:

The teacher said that he had not said that.

3. Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … .
Выберите один ответ:

would go away, the next day morning

4. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "This is our book."
Выберите один ответ:

The boys said that it was their book.

5. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Nick said: "I won't tell it to anyone."
Выберите один ответ:

Nick said that he wouldn't tell it to anyone.

6. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I am reading."
Выберите один ответ:

Ann said that she was reading.

7. Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that his friend … the next week.
Выберите один ответ:
would come

8. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "This is our book."
Выберите один ответ:
The boys said that it was their book.

9. Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked me if I … our English teacher.
Выберите один ответ:

10. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
Выберите один ответ:
The man said that he would clean the car.

11. Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said she … tell me the right time, her watch … wrong.
Выберите один ответ:

couldn’t, was

12. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
Выберите один ответ:

The men said that he would clean the car.

13. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
Выберите один ответ:
The mea said that he would clean the car.

14. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
I said, "I am writing a test."
Выберите один ответ:

I said that I was writing a test.

15. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "We are busy."
Выберите один ответ:

The boys said that they were busy.

16. Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I understood why he … the previous evening.
Выберите один ответ:

hadn’t come

17. Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew they … for me at the metro station.
Выберите один ответ:
would wait

18. Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I didn't know that you … the work.
Выберите один ответ:

had already done

19. Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said she … the book.
Выберите один ответ:

had already read

20. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I woke up early."
Выберите один ответ:

Ann said that she had woken up early.

Сигизмунд Первый
11.03.2014, 18:07
Добрый день! Скиньте пожалуйста английский язык для факультета техники и технологии с 13 модуля и до конца. [email protected] (на всякий случай). Заранее спасибо!

Добавлено через 6 минут
Zluka, у вас нет еще 13 модуля и далее?

13.03.2014, 18:21
She … that she was speaking on the phone
Выберите один ответ
… or standing?
Выберите один ответ
Is he sitting

13.03.2014, 23:55
Будут ли ответы на тесты с 13той темы??

15.03.2014, 23:24
Ребята,есть у кого модули с 1-18 по английскому.Темы не совпадают с теми что выложены.Очень нужно.

16.03.2014, 20:32
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They were watching … .
Выберите один ответ:
the sun rising

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The teacher heard … in the corridor.
Выберите один ответ:
the students walking
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Выберите один ответ:
Nick to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
her playing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Выберите один ответ:
Tom cross

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We saw a girl … the bus.
Выберите один ответ:
waiting for
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He noticed … the door.
Выберите один ответ:
her closing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … with joy.
Выберите один ответ:
his heart beat
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … with joy.
Выберите один ответ:
his heart beating

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
somebody call you
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He watched … down.
Выберите один ответ:
the sun going
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman felt … .
Выберите один ответ:
her hand tremble
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
a car passing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
Выберите один ответ:
him promise
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I expected … this problem.
Выберите один ответ:
he solve
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody expected … the next week.
Выберите один ответ:
the work to be done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom noticed … the door and go out.
Выберите один ответ:
Ann open
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The people living in the north do not see … out for months.
Выберите один ответ:
the sun come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I want … .
Выберите один ответ:
you to come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … the teacher everything about it.
Выберите один ответ:
that student tell
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
her play
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The girl watched … over the tea-things.
Выберите один ответ:
her mother bending
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The boy heard … up-stairs.
Выберите один ответ:
his sister walking
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We didn't consider … a good manager.
Выберите один ответ:
him to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Выберите один ответ:
Ann come in

18.03.2014, 13:39
Огромная благодарность за проделанную вами работу:)
Стесняюсь спросить, возможно ли увидеть следующие модули, ибо те, что уже выложены не совпадают:o

18.03.2014, 19:55
Добрый всем день! 13й модуль я выложил.. 14, 15 и 16й совпал со всеми вопросами в тестах, выложенных на 1ой странице данного форума. сегодня сажусь за 17й и 18 модуль. по мере их сдачи, выложу ответы

Добавлено через 1 час 33 минуты
кто хочет 5ть ищите ошибки сами. В тренинге было 2 ошибки в контроле 3 ошибки. оценка 4! в данном блоке нет вопросов так таковых, так что правильные ответы ищите по вариантам ответов! по этой самой причине не было возможности найти не правильные ответы.

Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We are informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Kind regards,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
I look forward to seeing you again at this exciting conference.
Yours sincerely
John Smith
Conference Secretary
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Please confirm the receipt of this letter by fax.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
Moscow 145238
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Mr.!
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
friends of mine.
It gives me pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
25 October 2012
Mr. James Hilton
General Manager
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs,
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
Best regards,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Your early reply will be appreciated.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We would like to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs,
We were very impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Their City, State, Zip Code
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We’d pay you in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We would like to thank you for your letter of ...

Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs,
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.

Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:

Meeting you next Tuesday.
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Mr. Smith,
My dear Mr. Smith,
Dears Mr. Smith,
Dear Smith,
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear James
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We’d pay you in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
I hope that You’d reply me early.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Your references are extremely good and your employment record shows a strong future. However, at present your financial condition does not totally meet ____ (name of store's) requirements.
Therefore, we cannot grant you the $____ (amount of money) open credit you requested.

Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Kind regards,
S. Voronin
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We are informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.

24.03.2014, 22:36
народ,пожалуйста,помогите с 18 тренингом,ну ни как у меня не получается [email protected]

25.03.2014, 17:29
17 модуль ответил правильно на 50% может кто шарит хорошо в деловой переписке и поможет с ответами?!

26.03.2014, 08:08
по английскому у меня только это:

26.03.2014, 08:12
Друзья! Есть ли у кого-нибудь что-нибудь по предмету Основы менеджмента, планирования и контроллинга в недвижимости

26.03.2014, 08:47
Жаль что только это но это не то, по крайней мере для меня!:( Ребята скиньте суда ответы на 17 - 18 модули у кого 18 модулей в учебном курсе!

26.03.2014, 14:02
Есть ли у кого-нибудь что-нибудь по предмету Основы менеджмента, планирования и контроллинга в недвижимости
Тема для заявок на отсутствующие предметы тут http://mti.prioz.ru/showthread.php?t=101
Если предмет есть на форуме, вы найдете его через "поиск"

26.03.2014, 23:26
Помучился но полностью сделал 18й блок. перерешал много раз и нашел ответы на все вопросы.
Выберите один ответ:

Mr Navalny said he had won enough votes to force a second round and that the count had been marred by "many serious violations". But Moscow's electoral commission said there had been no serious violations and a run-off would not take place.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:

Though disagreements remain between Moscow and Washington over US plans for a missile defence shield, there are signs that the thaw in relations could extend to a greater willingness on the part of Russia to apply pressure on Iran over its nuclear programme. However, relations between the Russia and the US took another downtown in 2012, on account of Russian sensitivity to US criticism of its treatment of human rights activists and opponents of the Kremlin.
(From BBC, 10 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Mr Navalny ran a Western-style campaign, holding informal meetings with voters outside metro stations and using glossy posters of himself with his family. He is credited with bringing grassroots politics to the Russian capital, inspiring thousands of volunteers to support his campaign.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Spanning nine time zones, Russia is the largest country on earth in terms of surface area, although large tracts in the north and east are inhospitable and sparsely populated.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
«Эх, деревенские парни забывают о многом, когда приезжают в город. Возможно, он встретил другую девушку или что-то еще случилось с ним. Ты вернёшься домой, и все будет хорошо».

Выберите один ответ:
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former head of the Yukos oil company and a supporter of the liberal opposition, is serving eight years in a Siberian penal colony on tax and fraud charges. Yukos assets were later acquired by the state oil giant Rosneft.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Женщина едет в Англию для участия в 2-недельном тренинге. Муж везет ее в аэропорт и желает ей счастливой поездки. Жена благодарит его и спрашивает: «Дорогой, что бы ты хотел, чтобы я тебе привезла?»

Выберите один ответ:
During Mr Putin's presidency Russia's booming economy and assertive foreign policy bolstered national pride. In particular, Russia promoted its perceived interests in former Soviet states more openly, even at the cost of antagonising the West.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Mayoral elections were abolished in Moscow in 2004 but re-instated as a concession to pro-democracy campaigners.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
When he started campaigning the opinion polls were predicting he would get less than 10% of the vote. But he knew that a significant proportion of Moscow was looking for a new kind of politics, and he took to the streets to meet the voters, something Muscovites had not seen in years.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Mr Roizman, a former MP often critical of Kremlin policy, defeated ruling party candidate Yakov Silin by a margin of 30% to 26%, according to preliminary results. Unlike Moscow, the city's mayor is elected by a simple majority in a single round.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
The tensest moment came in August 2008, when a protracted row over two breakaway regions of Georgia escalated into a military conflict between Russia and Georgia.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin – Russia's dominant political figure since 2000 – to enhance state control over political institutions and the media, buoyed by extensive public support for his policies.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Mr Sobyanin became mayor in 2010 after Yuri Luzhkov, who had governed the city for almost two decades, was forced out of office. The Kremlin-backed candidate has kept a low profile during the race, shunning debates with the five other candidates.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
"Right now Sobyanin and his main supporter Vladimir Putin are deciding whether to have a relatively honest election and to have a second round, or not," he said as partial results were still coming in.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)
Выберите один ответ:
President Yeltsin's successor, Vladimir Putin, moved to reduce the political influence of oligarchs soon after taking office, forcing some into exile and prosecuting others.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says there is "no evidence" he used chemical weapons, as the US Congress returns to debate military action.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Sometimes even when a candidate loses an election, they are still a winner. Only seven-and-a-half weeks ago Alexei Navalny was sitting in prison, a convicted criminal claiming political persecution who was then released pending his appeal.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
With all the votes counted, the commission said turnout in the Moscow vote was a low 32%. The Communist candidate, Ivan Melnikov, came third with 10.7%. Mr Sobyanin, once President Putin's chief of staff, told supporters earlier the election had been transparent.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
We had seen her aboard her ferry-boat and stood watching her wave her handkerchief at us.

Выберите один ответ:
In the period of rapid privatisation in the early 1990s, the government of President Boris Yeltsin created a small but powerful group of magnates, often referred to as "oligarchs", who acquired vast interests in the energy and media sectors.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
По заявлению официальных представителей избирательного комитета, кремлевский кандидат Сергей Собянин победил на выборах на пост мэра Москвы.

Выберите один ответ:
While Russians make up more than 80% of the population and Orthodox Christianity is the main religion, there are many other ethnic and religious groups. Muslims are concentrated among the Volga Tatars and the Bashkirs and in the North Caucasus.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
Income from vast natural resources, above all oil and gas, have helped Russia overcome the economic collapse of 1998. The state-run gas monopoly Gazprom is the world's largest producer and exporter, and supplies a growing share of Europe's needs.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Выберите один ответ:
"We have something to be proud of," he said at a late-night rally in Bolotnaya Square. "We have organised the most honest and open elections in the history of Moscow."
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

27.03.2014, 16:01
Помогите кто может с итоговым тестированием. Для английского из 18 модулей. Очень срочно нужно. Заранее благодарю.

27.03.2014, 18:11
Пкшашт А 17 модуль у тебя есть?
Если есть выложи пожалуйста.

28.03.2014, 10:15
Огромное спасибо пользователю "Пкшашт"! так держать!!!))) Также спасибо админу "root" и пользователю "Zluka"!!! И ещё, пользователь "Yura1528" не тупи, все ответы есть, внимательней тему кури...

Добавлено через 37 минут
Теперь вопрос в другом кто сдал итоговое тестирование? выложите ответы!

30.03.2014, 15:47
Klyvevil, скажите итоговое задание создано из выдержки тестов или совсем другие вопросы?

У меня итоговое не совпадает с тестами, там совсем другие вопросы

30.03.2014, 16:17
Коллеги. смог ответить только на тройку. кто в теме и сможет поправить, будем очень рады!
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When we … the examination, we … to go away for holydays.
Выберите один ответ:
shall pass, will be able
pass, shall be able
shall pass, could
shall pass, will can
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … two books on the table.
Выберите один ответ:
They, are
This, are
There are
These is
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… done?
Выберите один ответ:
has the work been
has been the work
has been the work
had been the work
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he …. for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
had been waiting for me
has been waiting me
has been waiting for me
will have waited
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard your name … .
Выберите один ответ:
to mention
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never want you … away.
Выберите один ответ:
been gone
to go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
Выберите один ответ:
would have been working, left
would work, would leave
had worked, leaves
will have worked, will leave
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said to Ann that she … at that company for 10 years.
Выберите один ответ:
was working
had been worked
had worked
had been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … books … on the table?
Выберите один ответ:
many, are there
many, is there
much, there are
much, they are
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... yesterday?
Выберите один ответ:
Did it rain
Was the rain
Was rain
Did the rain was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… last summer we … to Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
---, had gone
On, have gone
In, gone
---, went
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Are you interested … for this company?
Выберите один ответ:
at working
of working
on working
in working
This book … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
had been written
had written
were written
was written
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Не has his hair … .
Выберите один ответ:
to cut
be cut
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We think that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
would complete
would be complete
will be completed
will complete
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When they came in, they …. everything.
Выберите один ответ:
had understood
will understand
have understand

30.03.2014, 20:32
Английский 1-18 тесты (431.6 Кб)

Добавлено через 18 минут
Итоговое тестирование на тройку, 11 из 16. Народ подскажите, если найдете что-то неправильное, может на пересдаче поможет.

Вопрос 1
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann has said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
Выберите один ответ:
had worked, leaves
will work, will leave
will have been working, leaves
would have been working, left

Вопрос 2
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He’s just said that his wife … a new job.
Выберите один ответ:
has got
have got
had got

Вопрос 3
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... any friends?
Выберите один ответ:
Have you got
Are you have
Do you have
Are you having

Вопрос 4
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… last summer we … to Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
In, gone
---, went
On, have gone
---, had gone

Вопрос 5
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How …?
Выберите один ответ:
are you
do you
you doing
is you

Вопрос 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … … name? – … name … Nick.
Выберите один ответ:
are, his, his, are
does, your, my, does
is, your, my, is
was, his, his, were

Вопрос 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he …. for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
has been waiting me
will have waited
had been waiting for me
has been waiting for me

Вопрос 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... yesterday?
Выберите один ответ:
Was rain
Did it rain
Did the rain was
Was the rain

Вопрос 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann seemed … a lot.
Выберите один ответ:
to have changing
to have change
to have changed

Вопрос 10
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You can’t … do such things.
Выберите один ответ:
make he
to make him
make him
him making

Вопрос 11
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if the work… .
Выберите один ответ:
had done
Is done
had been done

Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard your name … .
Выберите один ответ:
to mention

Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Moscow … … big city.
Выберите один ответ:
The, is, ---
---, is a
The, is, a
---, does, ---

Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother said to her son that if … the weather … fine, they … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
tomorrow, will be, would go
the next day, will be, will go
the next day, was, would go
the next day, is, will go

Вопрос 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never want you … away.
Выберите один ответ:
to go
been gone

Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … .
Выберите один ответ:
would go there the next summer
will go there next summer
shall go to there in next summer
will go in there next summer

31.03.2014, 12:28
извеняюсь кого обнадежил с 1 по 5 не помню где а вот с шестого закидываю

Добавлено через 13 минут
Тест 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if I … in Paris.
ответ: had been

Добавлено через 27 минут

До пятёрки не хватает вот, этих верных ответов :)

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

What …?
are you doing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He said that he … a foreign company.
had not worked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Ann … when we … back.
will not be sleeping, come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… or standing?
Does he sitting

02.04.2014, 14:07
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never want you … away.
Выберите один ответ:
Я думаю так правильнее

07.04.2014, 12:02
Ребят, скиньте Итоговое хотя бы без ответов, что бы знать чего ждать.

11.04.2014, 00:16
ИТОГОВОЕ ТЕСТИРОВАНИЕ НА ЧЕТВЁРКУ,13 ИЗ 16,но я поняла что вопросы некоторые одинаковые с итоговыми тестами других студентов,но не все,дай бог,что кому то поможет:
1.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He told me … to the office that day.
Выберите один ответ:
to come
2.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
have... shall
3.Ann says that her parents ... in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
don't live
4.She asked if the work… .
Выберите один ответ:
had been done
5.If the weather … fine, we … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
is shall go
6.Ann said that her parents … in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
didn't live
7.Ann said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
Выберите один ответ:
had worked...leaves
8.He’s just said that his wife … a new job.
Выберите один ответ:
had got
9.Не has his hair … .
Выберите один ответ:
10.That student … there.
Выберите один ответ:
was thought to study
11.Tom thought that he … .
Выберите один ответ:
had already seen that man
12.He said he … the work by the end of the week.
Выберите один ответ:
would have finished
13.They promised that they … the work by the 1-st of May.
Выберите один ответ:
would have done
14.Mother said to her son that if … the weather … fine, they … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
the next day, was, would go
15.Our work … as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
must be finished
16.Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working, came

16.04.2014, 13:11
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… done?
Выберите один ответ:
has been the work
has been the work
had been the work
has the work been
Вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Выберите один ответ:
Nick told him that you to do your homework!
Nick told him to do the homework. V
Nick told him that you do your homework!
Nick told, him that he do your homework.
Вопрос 3
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if the work… .
Выберите один ответ:
had done V
had been done
Is done
Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
That student … there.
Выберите один ответ:
thought study V
was thought to studying
was thought studied
was thought to study
Вопрос 5
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The teacher said that “Romeo and Juliet"… by Shakespeare.
Выберите один ответ:
had written
had been written V
were written
has been written
Вопрос 6
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann seemed … a lot.
Выберите один ответ:
to have changed
to have change V
to have changing
Вопрос 7
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The student gave a talk by the book which ... by O.Wilde.
Выберите один ответ:
had been written V
has been written
had written
Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … two books on the table.
Выберите один ответ:
They, are
This, are
There are V
These is
Вопрос 9
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Are you interested … for this company?
Выберите один ответ:
on working
at working
in working V
of working
Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann says that her parents ... in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
wasn’t life
hadn’t lived
don’t live V
doesn’t live
Вопрос 11
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
have, will have bought
had, will have bought
had had, would have bought
had had , would buy V
Вопрос 12
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
hade, will
have, shall V
have, would
shall have, will
Вопрос 13
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Our work … as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
must finished
must be finished V
must finish
must to finish
Вопрос 14
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The book … O.Wilde.
Выберите один ответ:
was written by V
had been written for
will written by
is written of
Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When we … the examination, we … to go away for holydays.
Выберите один ответ:
pass, shall be able V
shall pass, will can
shall pass, will be able
shall pass, could
Вопрос 16
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … books … on the table?
Выберите один ответ:
many, is there
much, there are
many, are there V
much, they are

24.04.2014, 16:03
Еще вопросы и снова 5 ошибок

Вопрос 1
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working, came
was working, had come
worked, had come
had worked, came V
Вопрос 2
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … here?
Выберите один ответ:
are you doing V
are he do
do you do
is you do
Вопрос 3
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he ... for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
had been waiting for me V
had been waiting me
would have waited
will wait me
Вопрос 4
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Выберите один ответ:
Tom asked to close the window. V
Tom asked that you must close the window please!
Tom asked you to close the window.
Tom asked, that you close the window please!
Вопрос 5
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
She is … good books.
Выберите один ответ:
known to write
knew write
known to writing
knows write V
Вопрос 6
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Снять флажок
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that her parents … in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
don’t live V
didn’t live
not live
Вопрос 7
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They promised that they … the work by the 1-st of May.
Выберите один ответ:
would do
would be doing
would have done V
Вопрос 8
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You can’t … do such things.
Выберите один ответ:
make him V
to make him
him making
make he
Вопрос 9
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had worked, came
had been working, came V
was working, had come
worked, had come
Вопрос 10
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Снять флажок
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... any friends?
Выберите один ответ:
Are you having
Have you got
Do you have V
Are you have
Вопрос 11
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Снять флажок
Текст вопроса
This book … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
had been written V
had written
was written
were written
Вопрос 12
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said to Ann that she … at that company for 10 years.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working V
was working
had worked
had been worked
Вопрос 13
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Our work … as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
must finish
must to finish
must be finished V
must finished
Вопрос 14
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the work by the end of the week.
Выберите один ответ:
would have finished V
would finish
would have been finishing
Вопрос 15
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he …. for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
has been waiting me
had been waiting for me
has been waiting for me V
will have waited
Вопрос 16
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The student gave a talk by the book which ... by O.Wilde.
Выберите один ответ:
had been written V
has been written
had written

27.04.2014, 14:43

1.Find the synonym to the word Entrepreneu

2.Insert the necessary form of the verb in the Present Perfect Tense

The UK economy ….. .
-has already recovered
3.Finish the sentence

But, said Smith, the fruits of the division of labor are limited by the …..

-extent of the market
4.Determine the type of question

Can the relationship be depicted in the form of functional notation?
5.Insert the gerund in the necessary form in the sentence

He did not remember ever ….. this place before.
-having visited
6.Find the synonym to the word Curb
7.Insert the necessary form of the word in the sentence

I saw them ….. a book.
8.Answer the question

What is the next step after sending a letter?
-an interview
9.Finish the sentence

For the other part the government is directly responsible through the …..
-public sector
10.Finish the sentence

Organizing, the second management function, is ….. .
-putting the plan into action
11.Insert the necessary modal verb in the sentence

When it is important not to destroy the advantages of a monopoly the problem ….. best be solved by the state`s taking it over completely.
12.Find the synonym to the word To prohibit
-to neglect
13.Finish the statement

Inferior goods are ….. .
-low-quality goods
14.Insert the necessary form of the verb in the form of the Past Simple Tense

This text in macroeconomics ….. on the strategic analysis of markets under imperfect competition, incomplete information, and incentives.
15.Finish the statement

The partnership means ..... .
-an association of two or more people involved in business under a written partnership agreement

Exchange rates, defined by foreign exchange markets all over the world, reflect ….. market`s view of each country`s economic and political situation.


27.04.2014, 18:47
Кто нибудь может выложить как можно больше правильных ответов на все вопросы, которые встречались по английскому из 18 модулей? Спасибо.

27.04.2014, 19:25
Victor37, в смысле, перебрать все выложенные ответы и собрать все модули в одном файле с максимально правильными ответами?

28.04.2014, 16:53
Xpyma, верно.

28.04.2014, 17:25
Victor37, а сами что, не с усами? Не можете?
За вас все сдали, выложили, а вам еще и рассортировать надо? ))))

28.04.2014, 17:32
Xpyma, некоторые вопросы дублированы, да еще с не верными ответами.

28.04.2014, 21:08
некоторые вопросы дублированы, да еще с не верными ответами.
Ну если вы знаете, какие конкретно вопросы дублированы, какие с неправильными ответами, то возьмите да соберите все верные в один файл)

30.04.2014, 09:24

Полностью повторяющихся тестов например в моих вариантах нет, даже при повторном тестировании варианты меняются.
Выбирайте из предложенных, нужно хоть капельку поработать или учить мат часть, или деньги платить.
Скажите Огромное Спасибо, что люди вообще стараются тут помогать.

Ответы есть на все вопросы, 3 страницы форума пошерстить, не такой уж великий труд

Добавлено через 23 часа 17 минут
Добавлено через 22 часа 10 минут

Добавлено через 22 часа 23 минуты
Итоговое 18 мод., привожу с вариантами ответов, чтобы было легче сличить со своим.
это правленые (помощь от школьников по инету :) ), сам отвечал по итоговому Пкшашта (частично вопросы совпадают, кстати основы общего перевода у него на 5), но естественно ответил на три. Думаю правленый вариант вернее, если горит, перепроверьте и пробуйте (вдруг ваш вариант совпадет).

Вопрос 1
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The manager said that the work … finished as soon as possible.

Выберите один ответ:
is to be
had to be

Вопрос 2
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.

Выберите один ответ:
shall have, will
have, would
have, shall
hade, will

Вопрос 3
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann has said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.

Выберите один ответ:
would have been working, left
will work, will leave
will have been working, leaves
had worked, leaves

Вопрос 4
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard your name … .

Выберите один ответ:
to mention

Вопрос 5
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You can’t … do such things.

Выберите один ответ:
make him
to make him
make he
him making

Вопрос 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot, I … a house in Spain long ago.

Выберите один ответ:
earn, would have bought
earned, would have bought
earned, would buy (?? как повезет)
earned, would buy (?? как повезет)

Вопрос 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He told me, “... to the office today!”

Выберите один ответ:
You came
Had come

Вопрос 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When they came in, they …. everything.

Выберите один ответ:
will understand
had understood
have understand

Вопрос 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he …. for 3 hours.

Выберите один ответ:
has been waiting me
has been waiting for me
will have waited
had been waiting for me

Вопрос 10
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”

Выберите один ответ:
He said that I will never complete such a difficult work.
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work.
He said that you will never complete such a difficult work.
He said that he will never complete such a difficult work.

Вопрос 11
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if the work… .

Выберите один ответ:
had been done
Is done
had done

Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.

Выберите один ответ:
worked, had come
had been working, came
was working, had come
had worked, came

Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They promised that they … the work by the 1-st of May.

Выберите один ответ:
would do
would have done
would be doing

Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He told me … to the office that day.

Выберите один ответ:
that come
to come

Вопрос 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Moscow … … big city.

Выберите один ответ:
The, is, ---
---, does, ---
The, is, a
---, is a

Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The student gave a talk by the book which ... by O.Wilde.

Выберите один ответ:
has been written
had been written
had written

01.05.2014, 20:25
блин хреново что с итоговым напряг((. последний экзамен остался, не охото сдавать на плохую оценку)

04.05.2014, 13:09
пересдача показала что из 16 вопросов повторилось только 6...

08.05.2014, 12:08
люди! плиз помогите по тестам английского тесты по 18 темам. то что выложили не подходит.

Добавлено через 9 минут
у меня уже два раза двойка по первому тренингу! что будет если 3 раза подряд будет два

08.05.2014, 13:08
что будет если 3 раза подряд будет два
В модуле? Не знаю, думаю, там можно сдавать до потери пульса. Но я не уверена.
Вот в итоге - вам бы предмет не зачли.
Спросите у куратора или почитайте "Инструкцию студента"

08.05.2014, 19:19
Внесу свою небольшую лепту в работу данного сайта...
правильные ответы на контроль:
1. Ann said to Ann that she … at that company for 10 years.
had been working

2. The book … O.Wilde.
was written by

3. Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Nick told him to do the homework.

4. Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
had been working, came

5. He told me, “... to the office today!”

6. He says he … the work by the end of the week.
will have finished

7. He told me … to the office that day.
to come

8. What … … name? – … name … Nick.
is, your, my, is

9. Не has his hair … .

10. The teacher wanted … a dictation.
the students to write

11. I have never want you … away.
to go

12. Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
had been working, came

13. He said that he ... for 3 hours.
had been waiting for me

14. He says that he …. for 3 hours.
has been waiting for me

15. … done?
has the work been

16. Ann said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
would have been working, left

ииии 2я попытка... 15 из 16

He says he … the work by the end of the week.
will have finished

He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work.

Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Nick told him to do the homework.

He told me … to the office that day.
to come

Ann said that her parents … in Moscow.
didn’t live

Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Tom asked you to close the window.

Nick saw Ann … along the road.

Tom thought that he … .
had already seen that man before

That student … there.
was thought to study

I have never want you … away.
to go

Ann seemed … a lot.
to have changed

The book … O.Wilde.
was written by

He said that he … .
would go there the next summer

This book … long ago.
was written

If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.
had had, would have bought

... yesterday?
Did it rain

Иван Антонов
13.05.2014, 15:43
Весь курс моего АНГЛИЙСКОГО. Может кому-то поможет. Легко искать.Англ Язык ОТВЕТЫ ВЕСЬ КУРС.rar (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=102)

25.05.2014, 21:35

Вопрос 1
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Are you interested … for this company?

Выберите один ответ:
at working
of working
in working :):D
on working
Вопрос 2
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.

Выберите один ответ:
had, will have bought
had had, would have bought
have, will have bought
had had , would buy :):D
Вопрос 3
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He said that he … .

Выберите один ответ:
will go there next summer
will go in there next summer
would go there the next summer :):D
shall go to there in next summer
Вопрос 4
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.

Выберите один ответ:
was working, had come
had worked, came
worked, had come
had been working, came
Вопрос 5
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… … two books on the table.

Выберите один ответ:
There are
They, are
These is
This, are
Вопрос 6
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
She is … good books.
Выберите один ответ:
known to writing
known to write
knows write
knew write
Вопрос 7
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

If I … a lot, I … a house in Spain long ago.

Выберите один ответ:
earn, would have bought
earned, would have bought
earned, would buy
earned, would buy
Вопрос 8
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He’s just said that his wife … a new job.

Выберите один ответ:
has got
had got
have got
Вопрос 9
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The student gave a talk by the book which ... by O.Wilde.

Выберите один ответ:
has been written
had been written
had written
Вопрос 10
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He said he … the work by the end of the week.

Выберите один ответ:
would finish
would have finished
would have been finishing
Вопрос 11
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

We thought that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.

Выберите один ответ:
would be completed
would complete
would be completing
will be completed
Вопрос 12
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

... any friends?

Выберите один ответ:
Are you having
Are you have
Do you have
Have you got
Вопрос 13
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
That student … there.
Выберите один ответ:
was thought studied
was thought to studying
was thought to study
thought study
Вопрос 14
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

You can’t … do such things.

Выберите один ответ:
make him
to make him
make he
him making
Вопрос 15
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He said that he ... for 3 hours.

Выберите один ответ:
had been waiting me
will wait me
would have waited
had been waiting for me
Вопрос 16
Ответ сохранен
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

They promised that they … the work by the 1-st of May.

Выберите один ответ:
would be doing
would have done
would do

© 1997 - 2014, Московский технологический институт

29.05.2014, 09:42
Ребята! На 17 есть ответы?

01.06.2014, 15:57
Скажите пожалуйста,а модуля3 нету у вас?

01.06.2014, 16:24
Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Puck, park, lend, land

Выберите один ответ:

[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]

[ pʌk ], [ pak ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]

[ pʌk ], [ pak ], [ lend ], [ lend ]

[ pʌ:k ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]

Вопрос 3

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Room, beat, groom, bit

Выберите один ответ:

[ ru:m ], [ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ grum ]

[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]

[ rum ], [ bit ], [ gru:m ], [ bi:t ]

[ ru:m ], [ bit ], [ gru:m ], [ bi:t ]

Вопрос 4

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Luck, lark, pen, pan

Выберите один ответ:

[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pe:n ], [ pæn ]

[ lʌ:k ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]

[ lʌ:k ], [ la:rk ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]

[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]

Вопрос 5

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Luck, lark, loose, look

Выберите один ответ:

[ lʌk ], [ lak ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]

[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ luz ], [ luk ]

[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ lu:k ]

[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]

Вопрос 6

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Lend, land, puck, park

Выберите один ответ:

[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pak ]

[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]

[ lend ], [ lend ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]

[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌ:k ], [ pa:k ]

Вопрос 7

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Cot, caught, tied, tired

Выберите один ответ:

[ kɔt ], [ kɔut ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]

[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]

[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ tairəd ]

[ kɔ:t ], [ kɔt ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]

Вопрос 8

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Word, ward, worker, walker

Выберите один ответ:

[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔkə: ]

[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]

[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wəkə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]

[ wə: ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]

Вопрос 9

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Ban, bang, cot, caught

Выберите один ответ:

[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]

[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔt ]

[ ben ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]

[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔ:t ], [ kɔ:t ]

Вопрос 10

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Ten, turn, torn, hall

Выберите один ответ:

[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔn ], [ hɔ:l ]

[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔl ]

[ ten ], [ tə:rn ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]

[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]

Вопрос 11

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Not, naught, win, wing

Выберите один ответ:

[ nɔ:t ], [ nɔt ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]

[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wi:ŋ ]

[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]

[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ wi:n ], [ wiŋ ]

Вопрос 12

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Sit, full, feel, seat, fool

Выберите один ответ:

[ sit ], [ ful ], [ si:t ], [ fu:l ], [ fi:l ]

[ si:t ], [ ful ], [ fil ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]

[ sit ], [ fu:l ], [ fil ] [ si:t ], [ ful ]

[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]

Вопрос 13

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Fox, forks, lie, liar

Выберите один ответ:

[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]

[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:rks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]

[ fɔks ], [ fɔks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]

[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laə ]

Вопрос 14

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Tim, team, live, leave

Выберите один ответ:

[ ti:m ], [ tim ], [ li: v ], [ liv ]

[ tim ], [ tim ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]

[ tim ], [ ti: m ], [ liv ], [ liv ]

[ tim ], [ ti:m ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]

Вопрос 15

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Hell, hurl, hall, lawn

Выберите один ответ:

[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]

[ hel ], [ hə:rl ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]

[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔl ], [ lɔ:n ]

[ hel ], [ həl ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]

[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔun ]

Вопрос 16

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Len, learn, lawn, all

Выберите один ответ:

[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔn ], [ ɔ:l ]

[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]

[ len ], [ lən ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]

[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔl ]

Вопрос 17

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Were, war, work, walk

Выберите один ответ:

[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wək ], [ wɔ:k ]

[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]

[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔk ]

[ wə ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]

Вопрос 18

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Come, room, calm, feel

Выберите один ответ:

[ kʌm ], [ rum ], [ kam ], [ fi:l ]

[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]

[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ kam ], [ fi:l ]

[ kʌ:m ], [ rum ], [ ka:m ], [ fil ]

Вопрос 19

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Pot, port, fan, fang

Выберите один ответ:

[ pɔ:t ], [ pɔt ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]

[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæ:n ], [ fæŋ ]

[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]

[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ] [ feŋ ]

Вопрос 20

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Win, wing, ban, bang

Выберите один ответ:

[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]

[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæ:n ], [ bæŋ ]

[ wi:n ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]

[ win ], [ wi:ŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]

Вопрос 21

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bed, bird, born, earl

Выберите один ответ:

[ bed ], [ bəd ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]

[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔn ], [ ə:l ]

[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]

[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ əl ]

Вопрос 22

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bed, said, bad, sand

Выберите один ответ:

[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sænd ]

[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sæd ]

[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ send ]

[ bæd ], [ sed], [ bed ], [ sænd ]

Вопрос 23

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Write, riot, buy, buyer

Выберите один ответ:

[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baə ]

[ vrait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]

[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]

[ rait ], [ rait ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]

Вопрос 24

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bit, beat, dip, deep

Выберите один ответ:

[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ di:p ], [ dip ]

[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]

[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ dip ]

[ bi:t ], [ bit ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]

Вопрос 25

Пока нет ответа

Балл: 1,00

Отметить вопрос

Текст вопроса

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Spot, sport, dry, dryer

Выберите один ответ:

[ spɔ:t ] [ spɔt ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]

[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draə ]

[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]

[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai: ], [ draiə ]

01.06.2014, 16:31
Snow84, есть же онлайн переводчики с транскрипцией. Если не владеете английским - погуглите, займет 10 минут на весь тест.

01.06.2014, 16:34
Вообще не владею английским , подскажите плиззззззз

01.06.2014, 16:37
Snow84, я же говорю - погуглите. Гуглом владеете?

01.06.2014, 19:28
5 балов из 25 :D:D
видимо знание-то подкачало Вас)))

01.06.2014, 19:48
5 балов из 25 :D:D
видимо знание-то подкачало Вас)))

Да ладно :D Быть не может!
Если серьезно, то не верю, жаль, у меня теста нет. Но, говорю, учила амер., а не британский. Во многом разница именно в произношении.

Ответите верно - прикрепите, плиз, хочу сравнить.
Это модуль? По протоколу тестирования легко проверить неверные ответы.

17.06.2014, 15:35
Английский тренинг 3 по 1-18 тренингам в ворде кому нужно для удобства поиска по вопросам. по мере сдачи буду выкладывать остальные!!! пишите на маил [email protected]

19.06.2014, 18:23
Доброго времени суток форумчане! А есть у кого итоговое тестирование? буду благодарен за помощь :)

26.06.2014, 21:50
Где я могу найти ответы с 3-го модуля пожалуйста подскажите!!!!!!!!!

01.07.2014, 15:04
помогите для колледжа английский экзамен СДО

04.07.2014, 14:47
помогите у кого есть 5 тренинг

07.07.2014, 00:53
помогите с итоговой

10.07.2014, 10:13
Добрый день. Ребята помогите сдать английский. У меня профиль ПГС. Модули не подходят. 1-ый модуль про транскрипции.(вводно фонетический курс)

11.07.2014, 17:11

Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bed, bird, born, earl

Выберите один ответ:
[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ əl ]
[ bed ], [ bəd ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]
[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]
[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔn ], [ ə:l ]
Вопрос 2
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Fox, forks, lie, liar

Выберите один ответ:
[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:rks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]
[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laə ]
[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]
[ fɔks ], [ fɔks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Word, ward, worker, walker

Выберите один ответ:
[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]
[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wəkə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]
[ wə: ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]
[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔkə: ]
Вопрос 4
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Not, naught, win, wing

Выберите один ответ:
[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]
[ nɔ:t ], [ nɔt ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]
[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wi:ŋ ]
[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ wi:n ], [ wiŋ ]
Вопрос 5
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Win, wing, ban, bang

Выберите один ответ:
[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæ:n ], [ bæŋ ]
[ win ], [ wi:ŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]
[ wi:n ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]
[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]
Вопрос 6
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Luck, lark, pen, pan

Выберите один ответ:
[ lʌ:k ], [ la:rk ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]
[ lʌ:k ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pe:n ], [ pæn ]
Вопрос 7
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Ten, turn, torn, hall

Выберите один ответ:
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]
[ ten ], [ tə:rn ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔl ]
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔn ], [ hɔ:l ]
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Write, riot, buy, buyer

Выберите один ответ:
[ rait ], [ rait ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
[ vrait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baə ]
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bit, beat, dip, deep

Выберите один ответ:
[ bi:t ], [ bit ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]
[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ di:p ], [ dip ]
[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]
[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ dip ]
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Tim, team, live, leave

Выберите один ответ:
[ tim ], [ ti: m ], [ liv ], [ liv ]
[ ti:m ], [ tim ], [ li: v ], [ liv ]
[ tim ], [ tim ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]
[ tim ], [ ti:m ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Ban, bang, cot, caught

Выберите один ответ:
[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔt ]
[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]
[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔ:t ], [ kɔ:t ]
[ ben ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Sit, full, feel, seat, fool

Выберите один ответ:
[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]
[ si:t ], [ ful ], [ fil ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]
[ sit ], [ fu:l ], [ fil ] [ si:t ], [ ful ]
[ sit ], [ ful ], [ si:t ], [ fu:l ], [ fi:l ]
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Spot, sport, dry, dryer

Выберите один ответ:
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draə ]
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai: ], [ draiə ]
[ spɔ:t ] [ spɔt ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Cot, caught, tied, tired

Выберите один ответ:
[ kɔt ], [ kɔut ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]
[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]
[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ tairəd ]
[ kɔ:t ], [ kɔt ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Come, room, calm, feel

Выберите один ответ:
[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]
[ kʌ:m ], [ rum ], [ ka:m ], [ fil ]
[ kʌm ], [ rum ], [ kam ], [ fi:l ]
[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ kam ], [ fi:l ]
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Pot, port, fan, fang

Выберите один ответ:
[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ] [ feŋ ]
[ pɔ:t ], [ pɔt ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]
[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæ:n ], [ fæŋ ]
[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]
Вопрос 17
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Boom, bull, but, Bart

Выберите один ответ:
[ bum ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]
[ bu:m ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ bat ]
[ bu:m ], [ bu:l ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]
[ bu:m ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]
Вопрос 18
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Luck, lark, loose, look

Выберите один ответ:
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ luz ], [ luk ]
[ lʌk ], [ lak ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ lu:k ]
Вопрос 19
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Lend, land, puck, park

Выберите один ответ:
[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pak ]
[ lend ], [ lend ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]
[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]
[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌ:k ], [ pa:k ]
Вопрос 20
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Hell, hurl, hall, lawn

Выберите один ответ:
[ hel ], [ hə:rl ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]
[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔl ], [ lɔ:n ]
[ hel ], [ həl ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]
[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔun ]
[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]
Вопрос 21
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Room, beat, groom, bit

Выберите один ответ:
[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]
[ rum ], [ bit ], [ gru:m ], [ bi:t ]
[ ru:m ], [ bit ], [ gru:m ], [ bi:t ]
[ ru:m ], [ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ grum ]
Вопрос 22
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Were, war, work, walk

Выберите один ответ:
[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔk ]
[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wək ], [ wɔ:k ]
[ wə ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]
[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]
Вопрос 23
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Len, learn, lawn, all

Выберите один ответ:
[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔl ]
[ len ], [ lən ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]
[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔn ], [ ɔ:l ]
[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]
Вопрос 24
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Puck, park, lend, land

Выберите один ответ:
[ pʌk ], [ pak ], [ lend ], [ lend ]
[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]
[ pʌk ], [ pak ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]
[ pʌ:k ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]
Вопрос 25
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Не отмеченоОтметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bed, said, bad, sand

Выберите один ответ:
[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ send ]
[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sænd ]
[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sæd ]
[ bæd ], [ sed], [ bed ], [ sænd ]

13.07.2014, 18:12
вот по этой ссылке на 4 точно можно транскрипцию сдать http://http://lingorado.com/transcription/

14.07.2014, 18:22
Укажите верную транскрипцию. Luck, lark, loose, look
Выберите один ответ:
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Hell, hurl, hall, lawn
Выберите один ответ:
[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Bed, bird, born, earl
Выберите один ответ:
[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Bit, beat, dip, deep
Выберите один ответ:
[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di: p ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Not, naught, win, wing
Выберите один ответ:
[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Win, wing, ban, bang
Выберите один ответ:
[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Spot, sport, dry, dryer
Выберите один ответ:
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Luck, lark, pen, pan
Выберите один ответ:
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Sit, full, feel, seat, fool
Выберите один ответ:
[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Puck, park, lend, land
Выберите один ответ:
[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Boom, bull, but, Bart
Выберите один ответ:
[ bu:m ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Come, room, calm, feel
Выберите один ответ:
[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Word, ward, worker, walker
Выберите один ответ:
[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Cot, caught, tied, tired
Выберите один ответ:
[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Pot, port, fan, fang
Выберите один ответ:
[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Lend, land, puck, park
Выберите один ответ:
[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Ban, bang, cot, caught
Выберите один ответ:
bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Bed, said, bad, sand
Выберите один ответ:
[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sænd ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Write, riot, buy, buyer
Выберите один ответ:
[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Tim, team, live, leave
Выберите один ответ:
[ tim ], [ ti:m ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Room, beat, groom, bit
Выберите один ответ:
[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Were, war, work, walk
Выберите один ответ:
[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Ten, turn, torn, hall
Выберите один ответ:
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Len, learn, lawn, all
Выберите один ответ:
[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Fox, forks, lie, liar
Выберите один ответ:
[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]

16.07.2014, 17:07
Укажите правильный ответ.Characterize
Укажите правильный ответ.Pleasure
Укажите правильный ответ.Соединение
Укажите правильный ответ.Смело
Укажите правильный ответ.Годный к употреблению
Укажите правильный ответ.Съедобный
Укажите правильный ответ.Облако
: Cloud
Укажите правильный ответ.Addressee
Укажите правильный ответ.Agreement
Укажите правильный ответ.Дружба
Укажите правильный ответ.Skier
Укажите правильный ответ.Солнечный
Укажите правильный ответ.Обычный
Укажите правильный ответ.False
Укажите правильный ответ.Ответственность
Укажите правильный ответ.Inventor
Укажите правильный ответ.Свобода
Укажите правильный ответ.To sharpen
Укажите правильный ответ.Безоблачный
Укажите правильный ответ.Важность

Добавлено через 2 часа 30 минут
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… book is on the table.
… she often come here?
.Go … please.
Go … the room please.
out of
Our teacher … not often give us a lot of homework to do.
… doesn’t work here.
Nick … sick.
Open … book at page 25.
Tom is … home now.
I … not a student.
I … not there now.
Put the book … the bag please.
• into
Come … here please.
нет верного ответа
Ann … English.
doesn’t speak
Go to … blackboard please.

Nick and Tom … friends.
• Are
Come … please.
• in
… in please.
• Don’t come
Take your book and put it … the table please.
… you live in Moscow
• Do
Where … he work?
• does
We are … school now.
• at
Go … the blackboard please.
… you at home?
• Are
Come … the room please.

17.07.2014, 19:04
Доброго всем дня! Господа помогите с 6-18 модулем английского! Сроки горят, плиз...:-)

Добавлено через 4 минуты
Xpyma, Доброго дня! Подскажите пожалуйста- как и где найти подсказку к 6-18 модулям!!! ОООчень нужно!

17.07.2014, 22:20
Xpyma, Доброго дня! Подскажите пожалуйста- как и где найти подсказку к 6-18 модулям!!! ОООчень нужно!

Доброго. А сами сдать не пробовали?

21.07.2014, 20:56
Тест 9

Добавлено через 26 минут
16 и 17 позже
все пора спать

:confused::confused:13 тренинг совсем не подходит.....

24.07.2014, 19:02
They always go together to school.

Вопрос 2
When did you go to the cinema?

Вопрос 3
Did you come from Spain last month?

Вопрос 4
… you … … school … Tuesday?
Were, at,---, on

Вопрос 5
… book … very interesting.
This, was

Вопрос 6.
… … we … in England.
Last June, were

Вопрос 7
Our students … learn English … year.
didn’t, last

Вопрос 8
… … here yesterday?
Who came

Вопрос 9
My husband … work … there.:
didn’t, ---

Вопрос 10
… … the blackboard please.
Look at

Вопрос 11
I often … to see Ann in the evening.

Вопрос 12
… she often … … here … last year?
Did, come, ---, ---

Вопрос 13
Did you do your homework yesterday?

Вопрос 14
Nick … go … school … Monday.
didn’t, to, on

Вопрос 15
… the book … your bag?
Is, in

Вопрос 16.
Did Ann do well at school last month?

Вопрос 17
Tom … go to school. He … sick.
didn’t, was

Вопрос 18
… … you do … the weekend?
What, did, at

Вопрос 19
Ann … … and … … .
came in, sat down

Вопрос 20
We … … … our homework … here., ---
didn’t often do, ---

Вопрос 21
Did she learn English last year?

Вопрос 22
… Ann … the country … summer?
Was, in, last

Вопрос 23
Tom … … and … … the room.
stood up, went out of

Вопрос 24
… … he do yesterday?
What did

Вопрос 25
We were in Spain 2 years ago.

Добавлено через 4 часа 31 минуту
МОДУЛЬ 5(две ошибки)

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … English books … you … last year?
many, did, have

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You haven’t got any English books, … …?
have, you

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When she … the work, we shall go … a walk.
finishes, for

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you … student? – Yes, I ….
Are, a, am

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Yesterday we … for a walk … … evening.
went, in, the

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … for a walk in the evening? – Yes, we ….
Shall, we, go, shall

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to the country this summer … …? – Yes, … .
You, will, go, won’t, you, we, shall

Какое из предложений построено верно?
Will you come to see us, when you are in Moscow again?

Заполните пропуски в предложении
I have got … … books on this subject but my friend has got very … books on it.
---, few, many

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have got … … books on this subject. I shan’t buy any more.
a, few

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … busy on Monday evening, … … ?
Выберите один ответ:
You, will, be, won’t, you

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to Moscow again, … …?
Выберите один ответ:
you, will, come, won’t, you

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… we go … … cinema tomorrow?
Shall, to, the

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine … Sunday, we … … the country.
is, on, shall go, to

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … away tomorrow, … … ?
Ann, will, go, won’t, she

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When we … in the country, we … in … river.
live, shall swim
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … English books … you …?
Выберите один ответ:
many, do, have (???)

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… is … … on the table.
There, a, pen

Какое из предложений построено верно?
If I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to see us on Sunday? – No, they ….
Will, they, come, won’t

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … … in the evening.
Выберите один ответ:
There, will be, many, people

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… pen … on the table.
The, is

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She does not read … ….
a, lot of (???)

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … to the cinema yesterday, … …?
Выберите один ответ:
They, went, didn’t, they

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … this work later, … … ?
We, shall, do, shan’t, we

Добавлено через 16 часов 25 минут

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …, we … for Moscow.
arrive, shall have already left

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked if I … in London. I answered that I … there 5 years before.
had ever been, had been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … the work by the end of July.
Had completed

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Tom … … student of our group?
Have you heard, is, the best

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When he … in, I understood that I … him before.
came, had seen

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in London? – Yes, I … there 5 years ago.
Have you been, was

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This is … film I ….
the best, I have ever seen

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom says that he … the work.
has already done

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… your homework?
Have you already done

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that that Tom … … student of our group.
was, the worst

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … this book.
have already read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … the work … .
hadn’t done, either

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... In Paris?
Have you ever been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … … these books by the beginning of the next year?
Shall, we, have, read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if I … in Paris.
had been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that Ann … away on Monday.
had gone

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the article by tomorrow.
shall have translated

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the film when I … in Moscow.
saw, was

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the book until next month.
shan’t have read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …home, I … supper.
come, shall have cooked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Ann … there …?
Did he say, had been, too

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … everything before he … .
had done, came

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… this book. I … it.
Don’t buy, I’ve bought

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… to Spain twice?
Has she been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … away before we came back.
had gone

28.07.2014, 02:49
Тут все ответы к итоговому, которые я смогла найти...

Вопрос 1
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The manager said that the work … finished as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
had to be

Вопрос 2
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
have, shall

Вопрос 3
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann has said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
Выберите один ответ:
will have been working, leaves

Вопрос 4
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard your name … .
Выберите один ответ:

Вопрос 5
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You can’t … do such things.
Выберите один ответ:
make him

Вопрос 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot, I … a house in Spain long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
earned, would buy

Вопрос 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He told me, “... to the office today!”
Выберите один ответ:

Вопрос 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When they came in, they …. everything.
Выберите один ответ:

Вопрос 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he …. for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
has been waiting for me

Вопрос 10
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”
Выберите один ответ:
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work.

Вопрос 11
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if the work… .
Выберите один ответ:
had been done

Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working, came

Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They promised that they … the work by the 1-st of May.
Выберите один ответ:
would have done

Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He told me … to the office that day.
Выберите один ответ:
to come

Вопрос 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Moscow … … big city.
Выберите один ответ:
---, is a

Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The student gave a talk by the book which ... by O.Wilde.
Выберите один ответ:
had been written

Вопрос 17
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before we … to Moscow, we … in a small town.
Выберите один ответ:
moved, had lived.

Вопрос 18
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
Выберите один ответ:
would have been working, left.

Вопрос 19
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he ... for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
had been waiting for me.

Вопрос 20
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had worked, came.

Вопрос 21
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our
Выберите один ответ:
had been working, came.

Вопрос 22
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … two books on the table.
Выберите один ответ:
There are.

Вопрос 23
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He’s just said that his wife … a new job.
Выберите один ответ:
has got.

Вопрос 24
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”
Выберите один ответ:
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work.

Вопрос 25
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... yesterday?
Выберите один ответ:
Did it rain.

Вопрос 26
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine, we … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
is, shall go.

Вопрос 27
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … here?
(What …?)
Выберите один ответ:
are you doing.

Вопрос 28
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Выберите один ответ:
Tom asked you to close the window.

Вопрос 29
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … books … on the table?
Выберите один ответ:
many, are there.

Вопрос 30
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We thought that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
would be completed

Вопрос 31
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … .
Выберите один ответ:
would go there the next summer

Вопрос 32
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom thought that he … .
Выберите один ответ:
had already seen that man before

Вопрос 33
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Are you interested ... for this company?
Выберите один ответ:
in working

Вопрос 34
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before we ... to Moscow, we ... in a small town.
Выберите один ответ:
moved, had lived

Вопрос 35
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says he … the work by the end of the week.
Выберите один ответ:
would have finished

Вопрос 36
We thought that all the works on that project ... by June but we wrong.
would be completed

Вопрос 37
She is ... good books.
known to write

Вопрос 38
We think that all the works on that project ... by June but we were wrong.
will be completed

Вопрос 39
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom ... at a foreign company for 3 years before he ... to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working, came

Вопрос 40
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The book ... . O.Wilde.
was written by

Вопрос 41
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she ... with us for 3 weeks before she ... for England.
would have been working, left

Вопрос 42
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Nick told him, «Do your homework!»
Выберите один ответ:
him to do the homework.
(Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Nick told him to do the homework.)

Вопрос 43
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
Had had, would have bought

Вопрос 44
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that her parents … in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
didn’t live

Вопрос 45
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How …?
Выберите один ответ:
are you

Вопрос 46
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you ever … in … USA?
Выберите один ответ:
have, been, the

Вопрос 47
The teacher wanted … a dictation.
Выберите один ответ:
the students to write

Вопрос 48
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Не has his hair … .
Выберите один ответ:

Вопрос 49
… last summer we … to Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
---, went

Если кому-то поможет, буду рада

28.07.2014, 15:34
Вопрос 1
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He noticed … the door.
Выберите один ответ:
her closed
her closing
her to close
closing her
Вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman felt … .
Выберите один ответ:
tremble her hand
her hand to tremble
her hand tremble
trembling her hand
Вопрос 3
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The girl watched … over the tea-things.
Выберите один ответ:
bending her mother
her mother bending
How her mother bending
her mother to bend
Вопрос 4
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Выберите один ответ:
crossed Tom
Tom to cross
Tom cross
cross Tom
Вопрос 5
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We saw a girl … the bus.
Выберите один ответ:
to wait
wait for
waiting for
Вопрос 6
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
a car to pass
passing a car
a car passed
a car passing
Вопрос 7
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I expected … this problem.
Выберите один ответ:
he to solve
him to solve
he solve
him solving
Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The teacher heard … in the corridor.
Выберите один ответ:
the students walking
the students to walk
the students walked
walking the students
Вопрос 9
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They were watching … .
Выберите один ответ:
rising the sun
rising the sun
the sun to rise
the sun rising
Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
her to play
play her
her playing
playing her
Вопрос 11
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The people living in the north do not see … out for months.
Выберите один ответ:
the sun come
the sun came
come the sun
the sun to come
Вопрос 12
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He watched … down.
Выберите один ответ:
the sun to go
the sun going
the sun went
the sun having gone
Вопрос 13
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … with joy.
Выберите один ответ:
beat his heart
beating his heart
his heart to beat
his heart beating
Вопрос 14
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Выберите один ответ:
for Nick be
Nick to be
Nick being
Nick be
Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I want … .
Выберите один ответ:
you to come
you to coming
you come
to come you
Вопрос 16
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We didn't consider … a good manager.
Выберите один ответ:
him to be
him be
him being
that him to be
Вопрос 17
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
Выберите один ответ:
him promised
promise him
him to promise
him promise
Вопрос 18
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody expected … the next week.
Выберите один ответ:
the work be done
the work being done
to be done the work
the work to be done
Вопрос 19
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
play her
her play
her playing
her to play
Вопрос 20
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom noticed … the door and go out.
Выберите один ответ:
Ann to open
Ann opening
open Ann
Ann open

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
somebody you to call
somebody you call
somebody call you
somebody to call you

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The boy heard … up-stairs.
Выберите один ответ:
his sister to walk
his sister walking
walked his sister
walking his sister
He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Выберите один ответ:
Ann to come in
come in Ann
Ann coming in
Ann come in
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … the teacher everything about it.
Выберите один ответ:
that student told
tell that student
that student to tell
that student tell

Список тем, на вопросы по которым Вы ответили неверно
Рекомендуем Вам изучить их повторно:

o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom noticed … the door and go out.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The teacher heard … in the corridor.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He saw … , take a letter and read it.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman felt … .
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … with joy.

• 1
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He noticed … the door.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman felt … .
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The girl watched … over the tea-things.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I expected … this problem.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The teacher heard … in the corridor.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They were watching … .
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody expected … the next week.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never heard … the piano.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom noticed … the door and go out.

o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He saw … , take a letter and read it.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … with joy.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody expected … the next week.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … with joy.
o Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman felt … .


Добавлено через 3 минуты
He noticed … the door.
her closing
The woman felt … .
her hand tremble
The girl watched … over the tea-things.
her mother bending
We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Tom cross
We saw a girl … the bus.
waiting for
He heard … .
a car passing
I expected … this problem.
him to solve
The teacher heard … in the corridor.
the students walking
They were watching … .
the sun rising
Tom heard … the piano.
her playing
The people living in the north do not see … out for months.
the sun come
He watched … down.
the sun going
He felt … with joy.
beat his heart
Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Nick to be
I want … .
you to come
We didn't consider … a good manager.
him to be
Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
him promise
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody expected … the next week.
to be done the work
the work be done
I have never heard … the piano.
her play
Ann open
Tom noticed … the door and go out.
I heard … .
somebody call you
The boy heard … up-stairs.
his sister walking
He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Ann to come in
I heard … the teacher everything about it.
that student tell

на 4/4

30.07.2014, 01:20
Скиньте пожалуйста 16,17,18 Плиззззз!!!!!

30.07.2014, 14:35
пажалуста помогите с 4модулем из 18 зарание спасибо

30.07.2014, 18:22
cпс в одноклассниках сидишь, как тя можно найти
если нужна будет помощь

_fly in the sky_
04.08.2014, 04:24
ребята, помогите плиз с 17 модулем. у кого есть??

09.08.2014, 23:57
Скиньте пожалуйста ответы на 16 тренинг!!!

10.08.2014, 23:38
16 и 18 пожалуйста скиньте))

12.08.2014, 01:19

14.08.2014, 16:42
может кому-то пригодится18 модулей+итог.zip (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=124) модули на "5" итог на 4

24.08.2014, 15:20
Спс,уже нашла.

Добавлено через 4 часа 45 минут
Срочненько!Пожалуйста помогите с итоговым заданием!!!!!!!!!

25.08.2014, 13:19
18 модулей + контроль ___ всё что нашлось в этой теме. Иностранный сдал на 4. Всем участникам огромное спасибо. Удачи.:)

25.08.2014, 20:02
Klyvevil,Привет! можешь выложить остальное за английский, к тому что ранее выкладывал! Заранее спасибо.

02.09.2014, 19:03
Может кому поможет Итоговое-английский.rar (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=129) v2, не на все вопросы нашел ответы на нашем форуме, но решил в итоге с первого раза итоговое на 5 (15 из 16)

23.09.2014, 10:44
Доброе утро! lyaka, скажите, а есть ответы на остальные модули?... Выложите пожаааалуйста... Спасибо!!!!!!!!!!!

03.10.2014, 17:01
На какие остальные? Лично у меня их 18 было плюс итог,и всё это архивом я выложила здесь:eek:

04.10.2014, 19:49
[QUOTE=lyaka;10668]На какие остальные? Лично у меня их 18 было плюс итог,и всё это архивом я выложила здесь:eek:[/QUO

У меня тоже 18, просто сначала не заметила файл с остальными ответами:)... Спасибо:)

08.10.2014, 12:50
щас выдимо новые задания.
первым идут транскрипции....

прикладываю тема1 фонетика транскрипция.... ох и кошмарище глаза сломаеш

модуль 2 - любой онлайн переводчик

08.10.2014, 14:36
модуль 3

Nick and Tom … friends.

Come … the room please

… in please
Don’t come

Go … the blackboard please.

I … not a student

Go … please

… she often come here?

Open … book at page 25

Come … here please.
нет верного ответа

Go … the room please
out of

Go to … blackboard please

Take your book and put it … the table please

… you at home

I … not there now

I … not there now

We are … school now

… you live in Moscow?

book is on the table

Come … please

Put the book … the bag please

Tom is … home now

Where … he work

Our teacher … not often give us a lot of homework to do

Nick … sick

doesn’t work here

Ann … English
doesn’t speak

Добавлено через 5 минут
модуль 4

They always go together to school.

Вопрос 2
When did you go to the cinema?

Вопрос 3
Did you come from Spain last month?

Вопрос 4
… you … … school … Tuesday?
Were, at,---, on

Вопрос 5
… book … very interesting.
This, was

Вопрос 6.
… … we … in England.
Last June, were

Вопрос 7
Our students … learn English … year.
didn’t, last

Вопрос 8
… … here yesterday?
Who came

Вопрос 9
My husband … work … there.:
didn’t, ---

Вопрос 10
… … the blackboard please.
Look at

Вопрос 11
I often … to see Ann in the evening.

Вопрос 12
… she often … … here … last year?
Did, come, ---, ---

Вопрос 13
Did you do your homework yesterday?

Вопрос 14
Nick … go … school … Monday.
didn’t, to, on

Вопрос 15
… the book … your bag?
Is, in

Вопрос 16.
Did Ann do well at school last month?

Вопрос 17
Tom … go to school. He … sick.
didn’t, was

Вопрос 18
… … you do … the weekend?
What, did, at

Вопрос 19
Ann … … and … … .
came in, sat down

Вопрос 20
We … … … our homework … here., ---
didn’t often do, ---

Вопрос 21
Did she learn English last year?

Вопрос 22
… Ann … the country … summer?
Was, in, last

Вопрос 23
Tom … … and … … the room.
stood up, went out of

Вопрос 24
… … he do yesterday?
What did

Вопрос 25
We were in Spain 2 years ago.

Добавлено через 19 часов 15 минут

1. have you
2. - You will go to the country this summer, won't you? - Yes, we shall.
3. They went to the cinema yesterday, didn't they?
5. You will come to Moscow again, won't you?
6. I have got a few books on this subject.
7. - Are you a student? - Yes, I am.
8. We shall do this work later, shan't we?
9. - Will they come to see us on Sunday? - No, they won't.
10. If I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?
11. - Shall we go for a walk in the evening? - Yes, we shall.
12. If the weather is fine on Sunday, we shall go to the country.
13. When we shall live in the country, we shall swim in the river.
14. I have got a few books on this subject but my friend has got very many books on it.
15. There will be many people in the evening.
16. How many English books have you got?
How many English books do you have?
17. When she finishes the work, we shall go for a walk.
18. Ann will go away tomorrow, won't she?
19. Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow?
20. There is a pen on the table.
21. Yesterday we went for a walk in the evening.
22. The pen is on the table.
23. Will you come to see us when you are in Moscow again?
24. How many English books did you have last year?
25. You will be busy on Monday evening, won't you?

29.10.2014, 19:59
Привет всем! Нужна помощь с итоговым
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He told me, “... to the office today!”
Выберите один ответ:
You came
Had come
Вопрос 2
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot, I … a house in Spain long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
earned, would buy
earned, would have bought
earn, would have bought
earned, would buy
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The manager said that the work … finished as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
had to be
is to be
Вопрос 4
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann has said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
Выберите один ответ:
would have been working, left
had worked, leaves
will have been working, leaves
will work, will leave
Вопрос 5
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… last summer we … to Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
---, went
---, had gone
In, gone
On, have gone
Вопрос 6
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine, we … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
is, shall go
will be, shall go
will be, will go
does, shall go
Вопрос 7
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he ... for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
would have waited
had been waiting me
had been waiting for me
will wait me
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says he … the work by the end of the week.
Выберите один ответ:
Would finished
will have finished
would have finished
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Are you interested … for this company?
Выберите один ответ:
at working
on working
of working
in working
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Не has his hair … .
Выберите один ответ:
to cut
be cut
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
The teacher wanted … a dictation.
Выберите один ответ:
the students to write
the students write
the students writing
to write the students
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Выберите один ответ:
Nick told him to do the homework.
Nick told him that you do your homework!
Nick told, him that he do your homework.
Nick told him that you to do your homework!
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Our work … as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
must to finish
must finished
must be finished
must finish
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Выберите один ответ:
Tom asked to close the window.
Tom asked you to close the window.
Tom asked that you must close the window please!
Tom asked, that you close the window please!
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother said to her son that if … the weather … fine, they … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
the next day, is, will go
tomorrow, will be, would go
the next day, will be, will go
the next day, was, would go
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Moscow … … big city.
Выберите один ответ:
The, is, a
---, is a
---, does, ---
The, is, ---

03.11.2014, 15:09
Тема 1 Вводно-фонетический курс 100 %

1. Luck, lark, pen, pan
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]
2. Word, ward, worker, walker
[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]
3. Luck, lark, loose, look
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]
4. Room, beat, groom, bit
[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]
5. Sit, full, feel, seat, fool
[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]
6. Tim, team, live, leave
[ tim ], [ ti:m ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]
7. Ten, turn, torn, hall
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]
8. Cot, caught, tied, tired
[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]
9. Were, war, work, walk
[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]
10. Spot, sport, dry, dryer
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]
11. Boom, bull, but, Bart
[ bu:m ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]
12. Lend, land, puck, park
[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]
13. Write, riot, buy, buyer
rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
14. Pot, port, fan, fang
[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]
15. Bed, bird, born, earl
[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]
16. Hell, hurl, hall, lawn
[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]
17. Bed, said, bad, sand
[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sænd ]
18. Len, learn, lawn, all
[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]
19. Ban, bang, cot, caught
[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]
20. Come, room, calm, feel
[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]
21. Win, wing, ban, bang
[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]
22. Puck, park, lend, land
[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]
23. Not, naught, win, wing
[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]
24. Bit, beat, dip, deep
[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di:p ] последнюю транскрипцию вставляет как смайл) "d i : р"
25. Fox, forks, lie, liar
[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]

Тема 2 Словообразование в английском языке 100 %

1. Свобода Freedom
2. Collection Коллекция
3. Pleasure Удовольствие
4. Skier Лыжник
5. Дружба Friendship
6. Agreement Соглашение
7. Соединение Connection
8. Смело Courageously
9. False Фальшивый
10. Subway Метро
11. Inventor Изобретатель
12. Съедобный Eatable
13. Addressee Адресат
14. Обычный Usual
15. Ответственность Responsibility
16. Happiness Счастье
17. Безоблачный Cloudless
18. Characterize Характеризовать
19. To sharpen Заострять
20. Облако Cloud
21. Важность Importance
22. Годный к употреблению Usable
23. Внимательно Carefully
24. Солнечный Sunny

08.11.2014, 21:16
18 модулей + контроль ___ всё что нашлось в этой теме. Иностранный сдал на 4. Всем участникам огромное спасибо. Удачи.:)
На экономе подходит этот англ. Но вообще, мне непонятна методика подачи материала преподавателем: изучаем времена, так задавайте в тестах простые предложения, без согласования времен. А то сначала 9 тестов на времена со сложными предложениями сдай, и только потом узнаем, как оказывается должны согласовываться времена...Конечно, препод этого не прочитает )))

Олег Анатольевич
10.11.2014, 20:19
кто сделал итоговое задание по английскому?

Сегодня сдал на "five", но одна ошибка есть. Выкладываю для контроля и в помощь (Итоговая: английский (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=146)

20.11.2014, 22:00
Спасибо тебе большое ZLUKA, прям спосла от погибели:):):)

01.12.2014, 21:12
Добрые люди скиньте пожалуйста английский 17-18 тему
[email protected]

06.12.2014, 16:51
Здравствуйте! У кого есть ответы на Иностранный язык (основной профессиональный) (англ.)? Будьте так любезны помогите пожалуйста. Скиньте пожалуйста на почту [email protected] Заранее вам благодарна.

Антон 212
11.12.2014, 12:49
Скиньте пожалуйста с 7-го по 15 включительно...плиз..!)))

12.12.2014, 21:36
Этого здесь не нашел, пришлось рыть в нете. Пока не проверял.

When we … the examination, we … to go away for holidays.
pass, shall be able

Ann said that she ... the work in no time.
would be able to do

08.01.2015, 08:17
Помогите пожалуйста!!!
Вопрос 1
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He felt … with joy.
Выберите один ответ:
him to bit his heart
his heart to bit
bit his heart
his heart bit
Вопрос 2
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I heard … the teacher everything about it.
Выберите один ответ:
that student tell
that student to tell
tell that student
that student told
Вопрос 3
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Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
Выберите один ответ:
him promised
him to promise
promise him
him promise
Вопрос 4
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The teacher heard … in the corridor.
Выберите один ответ:
the students walked
walking the students
the students walking
the students to walk
Вопрос 5
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

They were watching … .
Выберите один ответ:
the sun rising
the sun to rise
rising the sun
rising the sun
Вопрос 6
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The girl watched … over the tea-things.
Выберите один ответ:
her mother bending
How her mother bending
her mother to bend
bending her mother
Вопрос 7
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I want … .
Выберите один ответ:
you come
you to come
to come you
you to coming
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I have never heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
her playing
play her
her to play
her play
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Tom heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
playing her
her playing
her to play
play her
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Everybody expected … the next week.
Выберите один ответ:
the work be done
to be done the work
the work to be done
the work being done
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I expected … this problem.
Выберите один ответ:
him to solve
he to solve
he solve
him solving
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Выберите один ответ:
come in Ann
Ann coming in
Ann come in
Ann to come in
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Выберите один ответ:
crossed Tom
cross Tom
Tom cross
Tom to cross
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The boy heard … up-stairs.
Выберите один ответ:
walked his sister
walking his sister
his sister walking
his sister to walk
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The woman felt … .
Выберите один ответ:
her hand tremble
trembling her hand
her hand to tremble
tremble her hand
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The people living in the north do not see … out for months.
Выберите один ответ:
the sun came
the sun come
the sun to come
come the sun
Вопрос 17
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Выберите один ответ:
Nick be
Nick being
Nick to be
for Nick be
Вопрос 18
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Ann wants … .
Выберите один ответ:
retire her mother
her to retire mother
retiring her mother
her mother to retire
Вопрос 19
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Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He noticed … the door.
Выберите один ответ:
her to close
closing her
her closing
her closed
Вопрос 20
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
somebody to call you
somebody you call
somebody call you
somebody you to call

08.01.2015, 16:58
может кому-то пригодится18 модулей+итог.zip (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=124) модули на "5" итог на 4

У меня не открывается, скиньте пожалуйста в другом формате:confused:. У меня 10 модуль не совпадает с теми что выложены:eek:

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Английский язык (модуль с 18 темами) правда пока с 1 по 5 ( постараюсь потихоньку выкладывать дальше (все на 5)
Английский язык (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=63)

Выложите пожалуйста с 10 по 18!!!!!!!!!

09.01.2015, 20:30
Всем привет! Скажите, пожалуйста, если провалить итоговое тестирование, то следующая попытка будет с аналогичными заданиями??

12.01.2015, 19:58
Нет, вопросы будут точно отличаться.

16.01.2015, 20:48
Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Spot, sport, dry, dryer

21.01.2015, 20:08
Ann said that she … the examination.
Выберите один ответ:
already has passed
has passed already
had already passed
already had passed
как с этим вопросом????????

Добавлено через 35 секунд
помогите ребята срочно нужно!!

02.02.2015, 15:48
We thought that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.

02.02.2015, 17:15
We thought that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.

- would be completed

Добавлено через 57 секунд
- would be completed

06.02.2015, 08:31
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... any friends?
Выберите один ответ:
Are you have
Do you have
Are you having
Have you got
Вопрос 2
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … books … on the table?
Выберите один ответ:
many, is there
many, are there
much, they are
much, there are
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he …. for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
will have waited
had been waiting for me
has been waiting me
has been waiting for me
Вопрос 4
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Не has his hair … .
Выберите один ответ:
to cut
be cut
Вопрос 5
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The manager said that the work … finished as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
is to be
had to be
Вопрос 6
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… done?
Выберите один ответ:
had been the work
has been the work
has been the work
has the work been
Вопрос 7
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother said to her son that if … the weather … fine, they … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
tomorrow, will be, would go
the next day, was, would go
the next day, is, will go
the next day, will be, will go
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … two books on the table.
Выберите один ответ:
This, are
There are
They, are
These is
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before we … to Moscow, we … in a small town.
Выберите один ответ:
have moved, have lived
had moved, lived
moved, had lived
had been moving, lived
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Выберите один ответ:
Nick told him to do the homework.
Nick told him that you do your homework!
Nick told, him that he do your homework.
Nick told him that you to do your homework!
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never wanted you … away.
Выберите один ответ:
to go
been gone
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard your name … .
Выберите один ответ:
to mention
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
was working, had come
worked, had come
had been working, came
had worked, came
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We think that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
will be completed
will complete
would be complete
would complete
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you ever … in … USA?
Выберите один ответ:
have, been, the
had, been, the
did, were, the
have, been, ---
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How …?
Выберите один ответ:
you doing
are you
do you
is you

ребят, сдала на 4. выкладываю. вдруг кому-нибудь понадобится.

06.02.2015, 16:22
Здравствуйте!, Помогите сделать итоговое тестирование по английскому языку . Заранее спасаибо.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before we … to Moscow, we … in a small town.
Выберите один ответ:
have moved, have lived
had moved, lived
moved, had lived
had been moving, lived
Вопрос 2
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... any friends?
Выберите один ответ:
Are you having
Do you have
Have you got
Are you have
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
was working, had come
worked, had come
had worked, came
had been working, came
Вопрос 4
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Выберите один ответ:
Tom asked that you must close the window please!
Tom asked, that you close the window please!
Tom asked to close the window.
Tom asked you to close the window.
Вопрос 5
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … .
Выберите один ответ:
shall go to there in next summer
would go there the next summer
will go in there next summer
will go there next summer
Вопрос 6
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We think that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
would be complete
will complete
will be completed
would complete
Вопрос 7
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”
Выберите один ответ:
He said that you will never complete such a difficult work.
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work.
He said that he will never complete such a difficult work.
He said that I will never complete such a difficult work.
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… last summer we … to Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
On, have gone
---, went
In, gone
---, had gone
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had worked, came
had been working, came
worked, had come
was working, had come
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He’s just said that his wife … a new job.
Выберите один ответ:
have got
has got
had got
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann has said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
Выберите один ответ:
would have been working, left
had worked, leaves
will work, will leave
will have been working, leaves
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he ... for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
had been waiting for me
had been waiting me
will wait me
would have waited
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine, we … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
will be, shall go
does, shall go
will be, will go
is, shall go
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We thought that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
would complete
would be completing
will be completed
would be completed
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
had had , would buy
had, will have bought
have, will have bought
had had, would have bought
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
shall have, will
hade, will
have, shall
have, would

09.02.2015, 01:03
Привет всем. Сдал английский с 3 попытки на 4 бала. Вопросы меняются с каждой попыткой, так что набирайте ответов как можно больше. Спасибо людям которые выложили тут ответы, хотя и не на все нашел ответы. При сдаче пришлось онлайн пользоваться сайтом - школьные знания.com (не реклама) хотя и не панацея, но можно быстро найти ответ, но не факт что правильный...:cool:
Моя карта итоговой сдачи -

Вопрос 1
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
have, shall

Вопрос 2
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... any friends?
Выберите один ответ:
Have you got

Вопрос 3
This book … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
was written

Вопрос 4
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… last summer we … to Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
---, went

Вопрос 5
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Не has his hair … .
Выберите один ответ:

Вопрос 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He’s just said that his wife … a new job.
Выберите один ответ:
has got

Вопрос 7
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”
Выберите один ответ:
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work.

Вопрос 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann says that her parents ... in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
don’t live

Вопрос 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick saw Ann … along the road.
Выберите один ответ:

Вопрос 10
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if the work… .
Выберите один ответ:
had been done

Вопрос 11
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann seemed … a lot.
Выберите один ответ:
to have changed

Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working, came

Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Are you interested … for this company?
Выберите один ответ:
in working

Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Moscow … … big city.
Выберите один ответ:
---, is a

Вопрос 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never heard … this song.
Выберите один ответ:
you to sing

Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine, we … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
is, shall go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says he … the work by the end of the week.
Выберите один ответ:
would have finished

Вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Our work … as soon as possible.
Выберите один ответ:
must be finished

Вопрос 3
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never wanted you … away.
Выберите один ответ:
to go

Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … … name? – … name … Nick.
Выберите один ответ:
is, your, my, is

Вопрос 5
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… done?
Выберите один ответ:
has the work been

Вопрос 6
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Moscow … … big city.
Выберите один ответ:
---, is a

Вопрос 7
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … .
Выберите один ответ:
would go there the next summer

Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He told me, “... to the office today!”
Выберите один ответ:

Вопрос 9
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”
Выберите один ответ:
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work.

Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They promised that they … the work by the 1-st of May.
Выберите один ответ:
would do

Вопрос 11
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He told me … to the office that day.
Выберите один ответ:
that come

Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom thought that he … .
Выберите один ответ:
had already seen that man before

Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said to Ann that she … at that company for 10 years.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working

Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... yesterday?
Выберите один ответ:
Did it rain

Вопрос 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he ... for 3 hours.
Выберите один ответ:
had been waiting for me

Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … two books on the table.
Выберите один ответ:
There are

1. Ann said to Ann that she … at that company for 10 years.
had been working

2. The book … O.Wilde.
was written by

3. Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Nick told him to do the homework.

4. Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
had been working, came

5. He told me, “... to the office today!”

6. He says he … the work by the end of the week.
will have finished

7. He told me … to the office that day.
to come

8. What … … name? – … name … Nick.
is, your, my, is

9. Не has his hair … .

10. The teacher wanted … a dictation.
the students to write

11. I have never want you … away.
to go

12. Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
had been working, came

13. He said that he ... for 3 hours.
had been waiting for me

14. He says that he …. for 3 hours.
has been waiting for me

15. … done?
has the work been

16. Ann said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
would have been working, left

ииии 2я попытка... 15 из 16

1. He says he … the work by the end of the week.
will have finished

2. He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work

3. Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Nick told him to do the homework.

4. He told me … to the office that day.
to come

5. Ann said that her parents … in Moscow.
didn’t live

6. Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Tom asked you to close the window.

7. Nick saw Ann … along the road.

8. Tom thought that he … .
had already seen that man before

9. That student … there.
was thought to study

10. I have never want you … away.
to go

11. Ann seemed … a lot.
to have changed

12. The book … O.Wilde.
was written by

13. He said that he … .
would go there the next summer

14. This book … long ago.
was written

15. If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.
had had, would have bought

16. ... yesterday?
Did it rain

17. Ann has said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England
had worked, leaves

09.02.2015, 20:57
Всем, добрый вечер! Вопросы в итоговом тестировании вопросы те же, что и в модулях? (интересует магистерская программа).

12.02.2015, 00:23
Ребята, пожалуйста, у кого есть ответы по английскому тестированию с 1 модулем транскрипция скиньте на почту [email protected]

12.02.2015, 23:56

15.02.2015, 22:44
ребята скиньте пожалуйста ответы на 16 модуль спасибо за ранееее

Добавлено через 1 минуту
по английские

21.02.2015, 18:45
народ у кого есть ответы на модуль 16 скиньте на почту [email protected]

24.02.2015, 17:04
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Tom heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
playing her
her to play
play her
her playing
Вопрос 2
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Tom noticed … the door and go out.
Выберите один ответ:
Ann open
open Ann
Ann to open
Ann opening
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The woman felt … .
Выберите один ответ:
tremble her hand
her hand to tremble
her hand tremble
trembling her hand
Вопрос 4
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

They were watching … .
Выберите один ответ:
the sun rising
rising the sun
the sun to rise
rising the sun
Вопрос 5
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

We saw a girl … the bus.
Выберите один ответ:
waiting for
wait for
to wait
Вопрос 6
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Выберите один ответ:
Ann coming in
Ann to come in
Ann come in
come in Ann
Вопрос 7
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Выберите один ответ:
Nick to be
for Nick be
Nick be
Nick being
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I have never heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
her play
play her
her playing
her to play
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The teacher heard … in the corridor.
Выберите один ответ:
walking the students
the students walked
the students to walk
the students walking
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He felt … with joy.
Выберите один ответ:
his heart to bit
his heart bit
bit his heart
him to bit his heart
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

The girl watched … over the tea-things.
Выберите один ответ:
How her mother bending
bending her mother
her mother to bend
her mother bending
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
Выберите один ответ:
him promise
him to promise
him promised
promise him
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Ann wants … .
Выберите один ответ:
her mother to retire
retiring her mother
retire her mother
her to retire mother
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

We didn't consider … a good manager.
Выберите один ответ:
him to be
him being
him be
that him to be
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Everybody expected … the next week.
Выберите один ответ:
the work to be done
to be done the work
the work being done
the work be done
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
a car passing
a car to pass
a car passed
passing a car
Вопрос 17
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I want … .
Выберите один ответ:
you come
to come you
you to come
you to coming
Вопрос 18
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Выберите один ответ:
crossed Tom
cross Tom
Tom cross
Tom to cross
Вопрос 19
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I expected … this problem.
Выберите один ответ:
he solve
he to solve
him solving
him to solve
Вопрос 20
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
somebody call you
somebody you to call
somebody to call you
somebody you call

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Помогите, пожалуйста, ответить на13 тренинг, он есть, но вопросы совсем другие)))

24.02.2015, 23:04
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … the examination.
Выберите один ответ:
had already passed
has passed already
already has passed
already had passed

14.03.2015, 21:43
Помогите заполните пропуски в предложении.
… doesn’t work here.
Выберите один ответ:
Our friends

Nick and Tom … friends.
Выберите один ответ:

Добавлено через 8 минут
Помогите заполните пропуски в предложении.
Where … he work?
Выберите один ответ:
… she often come here?
Выберите один ответ:
Come … here please.
Выберите один ответ:
нет верного ответа

Come … the room please.
Выберите один ответ:
out of

Come … please.
Выберите один ответ:
нет верного ответа

… in please.
Выберите один ответ:
Not come
Don’t come
To come not
Not to come

Ann … English.
Выберите один ответ:
isn’t speak
doesn’t speak
do not speaking
not speak

I … not a student.
Выберите один ответ:

… you live in Moscow?
Выберите один ответ:

Go … the room please.
Выберите один ответ:
out of

Nick … sick.
Выберите один ответ:

Tom is … home now.
Выберите один ответ:

Take your book and put it … the table please.
Выберите один ответ:

Open … book at page 25.
Выберите один ответ:

Our teacher … not often give us a lot of homework to do.
Выберите один ответ:

Go … please.
Выберите один ответ:

We are … school now.
Выберите один ответ:

… you at home?
Выберите один ответ:

Go to … blackboard please.
Выберите один ответ:

I … not there now.
Выберите один ответ:

… book is on the table.
Выберите один ответ:

Go … the blackboard please.
Выберите один ответ:

15.03.2015, 00:11
А вопросы в итоговом тесте будут из тренингов или левые совершенно?

19.03.2015, 19:11
Дистанционное изучение английского языка. Бесплатные занятия http://espc.club/?utm_campaign=marketing

01.04.2015, 22:37
Огромное спасибо всем, кто поделился ответами на всех четырех страницах всего топика !! Сдал на пять итоговое, плюс нашел ответы здесь же на все модули. Кстати, про итоговое - основную часть вопросов нашел на первой странице ветки, остальные вопросы здесь тоже есть. Сдавал итоговое сегодня. Еще раз всем спасибо.

06.04.2015, 13:56
Кто недавно сдавал итоговое по английскому(18 модулей) скиньте плиз вашу версию вопросов сюда или на мыло [email protected] Заранее спасибо

14.04.2015, 20:35
… Ann do well at school last month?
Выберите один ответ:

… she learn English last year?
Выберите один ответ:
… Ann go… the country … summer?
Выберите один ответ:
Did, to, last
When … … … … cinema?
Выберите один ответ:
did you go to the
We … in Spain 2 years ago.
Выберите один ответ:
They always … together to school.
Выберите один ответ:
… you come from Spain … last month?
Выберите один ответ:
Did, ---
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you do your homework yesterday?
Выберите один ответ:

Добавлено через 4 часа 8 минут
Ребят тоже интересует 18 модуль,ответов я так и не нашел. Буду благодарен за любую помощь [email protected]

23.04.2015, 10:49
помогите решит 17-18 и итоговое задание по английскому?

Спасибо за внимание!!!

30.04.2015, 10:43
Всем привет))) ребята помогите пожалуйста, есть ли у кого-нибудь ответы Тема 5 контроль.Я не могу сама решить!!!!

03.05.2015, 18:21
Zluka, спасибо вам большое))))

13.05.2015, 18:13
1.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Len, learn, lawn, all

[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]

2.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Tim, team, live, leave

[ tim ], [ ti:m ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]

3.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Spot, sport, dry, dryer

[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]

4.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Boom, bull, but, Bart

[ bu:m ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]

5.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Bed, bird, born, earl

[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]

6.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Sit, full, feel, seat, fool

[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]

7.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Cot, caught, tied, tired

[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]

8.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Hell, hurl, hall, lawn

[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]

9.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Word, ward, worker, walker

[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]

10.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Write, riot, buy, buyer

[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]

11.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Fox, forks, lie, liar

[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]

12.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Pot, port, fan, fang

[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]

13.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Room, beat, groom, bit

[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]

14.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Win, wing, ban, bang

[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]

15.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Bit, beat, dip, deep

[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]

16.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Ten, turn, torn, hall

[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]

17.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Luck, lark, loose, look

[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]

18.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Ban, bang, cot, caught

[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]

19.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Not, naught, win, wing

[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]

20.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Lend, land, puck, park

[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]

21.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Puck, park, lend, land

[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]

22.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Come, room, calm, feel

[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]

23.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Were, war, work, walk

[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]

24.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Luck, lark, pen, pan

[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]

25.Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Bed, said, bad, sand

[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sænd ]

Ирина Бо
20.05.2015, 07:41
Ребят! Есть у когонить ответы с 1 модуля? (транскрипции),помогите пожалуйста [email protected]

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Вводно фонетический курс.Тема 1. Помогите!!!! [email protected]

25.05.2015, 09:11
помогите решить десятое задание, пожалуйста! А то некоторых вопросов тут нет вообще

Добавлено через 4 минуты
Ирина Бо, отправил Вам на почту

17.06.2015, 17:43
выложите плиз с 16 по 18 модуль

27.06.2015, 02:51
Тренинг 8 на 4 балла
Кто решит на 5 отпишитесь

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann asked the workersincewhen … att his factory?
he had been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … here sinceearly morning? – I … for my examination.
have you been doing, have been preparing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How long … for my brother?
have you been waiting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock.
had been reading

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months.
go, will have been training

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … English in 1991.
began teaching

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before Ann … for Spain we … at the project for 14 days.
leaves, shall have been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … .
has already come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The specialist said that he … English in 1991.
had begun learning

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock.
has been reading

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Next year he… here.
will not work

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … a lot of books lately.
have read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Since when … at this factory?
have you been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that his wife … .
had already come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The students say that … a lot of books lately.
they have read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… at this company since 2007?
has she been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination.
what we had been doing there, had been preparing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom asked if … for his brother?
we had been waiting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years.
will have been working*

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book.
will have written

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning.
get, will have been playing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asks how long … at this company?
has she been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When the meeting …, they … here yet.
starts, will have come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By Friday we … for two days.
shall have been walking

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … the work.
just has finished

Добавлено через 21 час 5 минут

Добавлено через 21 час 19 минут
Тренинг 9 на 5 баллов.
Есть две ошибки, но это не помешало мне сдать на отлично)

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She says that I … there tomorrow.
shall go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Peter decided he ... to France on holidays.
would go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He was almost sure he ... the exam.
would pass

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We said that by the time she … us up she … for two hours.
picked, would have been driving

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
will have read, ask

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
would have read, asked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He has said that he … at 7 o’clock.
will come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I thought she ... everything by our arrival, but I … wrong.
would have done, was

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that after midnight I ... .
should sleep*

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I thought that you … late.
would be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She says that she … English lessons twice a week.
will take

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann has just said that she … to Spain next summer.
would go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He has said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
would have been reading, had asked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said that she … English lessons twice a week.
would take

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew his aunt ... him any money.
would not lend

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew Ann … next Friday.
would be packing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I said that I … there the next day.
should go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He knew that she … the next week.
would return

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … by 7 o’clock.
would have come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … to Spain the next summer.
would go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked them if they … in that work.
would take part

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … to see us when he … in Moscow.
would come, was

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I know that she … next week.
will return

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that Kate ... by the time I … .
would have come, arrived

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I am almost sure he ... his exam.
will pass

Добавлено через 21 час 12 минут

Добавлено через 22 часа 5 минут
Тренинг 10

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
The men said that he would clean the car.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Nick said: "I won't tell it to anyone."
Nick said that he wouldn't tell it to anyone.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked me if I … our English teacher.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
Ann said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
The mea said that he would clean the car.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
I said, "I am writing a test."
I said that I was writing a test.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I understood why he … the previous evening.
hadn’t come

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
You said, "I will do it for him."
You said that you would do it for him.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that his friend … the next week.
would come

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "This is our book."
The boys said that that was their book.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I don't know where my shoes are."
Ann said that she didn't know where her shoes were.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew they … for me at the metro station.
would be waiting

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Our friends said, "We have just arrived."
Our friends said that they had just arrived.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Tom said, "I will ring her."
Tom said that he would ring her.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I didn't know that you … the work.
had already done

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … .
would go away, the next day morning

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "This is our book."
The boys said that it was their book.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "This is our book."
The boys said that it was their book.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I am reading."
Ann said that she was reading.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
*She said she … tell me the right time, her watch … wrong.
couldn’t, was

09.07.2015, 15:16
Огромное спасибо, добрый человек:)

21.07.2015, 10:29
на всякий случай прикреплю ещё два файла с тестами, вдруг что-то не откроется... ответы все верные

выложите все ответы в формате word пожалуйста

Елена Антонюк
22.07.2015, 22:55
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I took a dictionary … up difficult words.

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to looking
for looking
to look
Вопрос 2
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Do you like … ?

Выберите один ответ:
been skated
to skate
Вопрос 3
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I remember … married.

Выберите один ответ:
when getting
of getting
I getting
Вопрос 4
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Ann needs enough time … writing her text-book.

Выберите один ответ:
for finish
to finish
to finishing
Вопрос 5
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We came to the cinema too late … the beginning of the film.

Выберите один ответ:
for see
for be seeing
to see
Вопрос 6
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I like … English books.

Выберите один ответ:
having read
to be read
Вопрос 7
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Last Sunday we had fun … .

Выберите один ответ:
in skating
of skating
Вопрос 8
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Fred had difficulties … for the examination.

Выберите один ответ:
to prepare
being prepare
Вопрос 9
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We lay on the beach … about our life.

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Вопрос 10
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He is smart enough … this job.

Выберите один ответ:
to get
to getting
For getting
for get
Вопрос 11
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You are lucky … such good friends.

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Being had
have had
to have
Вопрос 12
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I have got enough money… a house in the country.

Выберите один ответ:
for buy
for buy
to buy
to buying
Вопрос 13
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The bag was too heavy … .

Выберите один ответ:
to carry
to be carrying
for carry
Вопрос 14
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We were anxious … a new project.

Выберите один ответ:
being begun
to begin
Вопрос 15
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This student reads too slowly … a good mark.

Выберите один ответ:
to getting
to get
for getting
Вопрос 16
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I want my mother … .

Выберите один ответ:
to retire
for retiring
Вопрос 17
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I like … Spanish because it's a very beautiful language.

Выберите один ответ:
be spoken
Вопрос 18
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His wish … an actor was great.

Выберите один ответ:
being became
to become
Вопрос 19
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This sportsman runs quickly enough … the competition.

Выберите один ответ:
for winning
to be win
to win
Вопрос 20
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My son was able enough … at the age of 4.

Выберите один ответ:
for reading
to read
16, 17 и 18 модулем пожалуйста!!!

25.07.2015, 18:58
скиньте пожалуйста 7 модуль кто нибудь

Добавлено через 1 час 35 минут
Denko, скинь пожалуйста ответы по английскому с 7 модуля,буду оч признательна [email protected]

26.07.2015, 15:00

Тест 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … when Tom arrives.
shall be having supper
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if … .
I was sleeping
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … that Tom was not slipping.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What …?
are you do
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … by 7pm tonight?
will she have done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … their text-books.
are reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … that she was speaking on the phone.
was saying
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … when we … back.
doesn’t sleep, shall come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
am sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Why … your homework?
Ответ один из двух:
aren't you doing
hadn't you doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us what … .
we were doing
Какое предложение построено верно?
Are you sleeping
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the piano tomorrow.
shall play
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … at the window.
Ответ один из двух:
was not standing
did not stand
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … when your parents arrive?
will you be doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My brother won't be watching TV from 7 till 9pm tonight.
won't be watching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … TV now.
are not watching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The children said that they … their books.
Ответ один из двух:
were reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if … or standing.
he was sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that they … TV the day before.
ответ: had not watched
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that he … a letter.
ответ: was writing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … a foreign company.
had not worked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother wondered why … homework?
Tom weren't doing his
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
ответ: am not standing

26.07.2015, 22:09
Татьяна26 у тебя есть ответы на 13 тест по английскому ?

Добавлено через 2 минуты
скинь пожалуйста ответы по английскому с 13 модуля,буду очень признателен ;)

Добавлено через 4 минуты
Скиньте пожалуйста ответы по английскому с 13 модуля,буду очень признателен [email protected]

01.08.2015, 12:06
кто-нибудь может прислать ответы на модули английского (тестирование тренинги и контроль) с 15-18

02.08.2015, 18:06
[QUOTE=lyaka;9969]может кому-то пригодится18 модулей+итог.zip (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=124) модули на "5" итог на 4[/Q

Большое спасибо, выручили:)

03.08.2015, 20:32
Klyvevil, привет ,ты сдал с 16 по 18 тесты? Можешь скинуть?

11.08.2015, 08:09
У кого есть английский с 15 модуля по 18?? И если есть итоговый..сроки поджимают.((
[email protected]

13.08.2015, 22:41
Всем привет! Скиньте пожалуйста итоговое [email protected]

18.08.2015, 12:43
Друзья! У кого есть английский язык 17 и далее модуль, выложите пожалуйста. Буду признательна!

18.08.2015, 21:47
Сейчас сдаю 6 модуль, по мере возможности буду сюда скидывать

Мария Владимировна
19.08.2015, 12:22
а можно мне на почту скинуть а то не могу здесь открыть, с этим языком не дружу(не когда, дружить когда малыш маленький) заранее спасибо

27.08.2015, 10:27
Доброго времени суток, сдал кто нибудь итоговое по английскому? те что выложены не подходят, буду очень признателен

Добавлено через 2 часа 9 минут
Всем огромное спасибо с 3-й попытки всётаки сдал на 4 пришлось лопатить всё что тут имеется, удачи))

Добавлено через 2 часа 10 минут
Всем огромное спасибо за выложенные ответы, с 3-й попытки сдал итоговое на 4, всем успехов))

30.08.2015, 23:23
Английский с 1 по 18 + итоговое

31.08.2015, 00:22

Надежда груздева
02.09.2015, 12:48
Всем привет!!) Прошу помочт с ответами по английскому языку модуль 6.7. колледж

19.09.2015, 09:00
Всем привет) рябята пожалуйста, кто может помочь, проблемы со сдачей(((( зависла на 5 тренинге.... Учила немецкий, поэтому для меня сдать вообще проблема... Плизззз помогите

20.09.2015, 16:50
1 Ann … when we … back. will not be sleeping, come
2 Mother wondered why … homework? Tom weren't doing his
3 Ann said that they … TV the day before. had not watched
4 She asked if … or standing. he was sitting
5 What … by 7pm tonight? will she have done
6 .… or standing? Is he sitting
7 He said that he … a foreign company. was not working, had not worked (оба варианта верные)
8 What … when your parents arrive? will you be doing
9 I … . am not standing
10 I … the piano tomorrow. shall play
11. Ann … that Tom was not slipping. knew
12 I … . am sitting
13 Why … your homework? aren't you doing
14. We … when Tom arrives. shall be having supper
15 She … that she was speaking on the phone. said
16 He asked us what … . we were doing
17 You are sleeping. Are you sleeping? (см. вопросительное предложение или нет)
18 What …? are you doing
19 Tom said that he … a letter. was writing
20. My brother ... TV from 7 till 9pm tonight won't be watching
21 They … TV now. are not watching
22 The children said that they … their books. were reading
23 They … their text-books. are reading
24. Ann … at the window. was not standing
25 He asked me if … . I was sleeping

28.09.2015, 13:45
Привет,ребята!выкладываю мои ответы!не все правильно,где-то 5,где то 4, где то 3. Остались только основы общего перевода
Test 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …, we … for Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
will arrive, will already have left
arrive, will already has left
arrive, will have already left
will have arrived, already left
Вопрос 2
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She … the article by tomorrow.
Выберите один ответ:
will translate
will have translated
will translated
Вопрос 3
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I … this book.
Выберите один ответ:
have read already
already read
have already read
already have read
Вопрос 4
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He asked if I … in London. I answered that I … there 5 years before.
Выберите один ответ:
ever had been, had was
had ever been, had been
ever was, was
have ever been, was
Вопрос 5
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Tom says that he … the work.
Выберите один ответ:
had already done
already did
has already done
already has done
Вопрос 6
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When he … in, I understood that I … him before.
Выберите один ответ:
has come, will see
came, had seen
come, had seen
had come, have seen
Вопрос 7
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… to Spain twice?
Выберите один ответ:
Has she been
She has been
Been she
She was
Вопрос 8
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… that Tom … … student of our group?
Выберите один ответ:
Have you heard, was, the most good
Have you heard, is, the best
Had you heard, was, the best
Did you hear, is, the best
Вопрос 9
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They … away before we came back.
Выберите один ответ:
will go
had gone
Вопрос 10
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This is … film ….
Выберите один ответ:
the most good, I ever have seen
the most best, ever saw
more good, I ever saw
the best, I have ever seen
Вопрос 11
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By the time you …home, … supper.
Выберите один ответ:
will have come, I'll have cook
come, I'll have cooked
comes, I'll will cooked
will come, I'll have cooked
Вопрос 12
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He … the book until next month.
Выберите один ответ:
won’t readed
won’t have read
won’t read
won’t be reading
Вопрос 13
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… in London? – Yes, I … there 5 years ago.
Выберите один ответ:
Did you be, had been
Had you been, have been
Have you been, was
You were, was
Вопрос 14
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He said that Ann … away.
Выберите один ответ:
already have gone
went already
had already gone
has already gone
Вопрос 15
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He said that he … the work … .
Выберите один ответ:
hadn’t done, either
had not done, too
hasn’t done, either
did not do, too
Вопрос 16
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He … the work by the end of July.
Выберите один ответ:
has completed
will complete
had completed
Вопрос 17
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He said that that Tom … … student of our group.
Выберите один ответ:
had been, the worse
was, the worst
is, the most bad
was, the most bed
Вопрос 18
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... In Paris?
Выберите один ответ:
Had you ever been
Did you ever been
Have you ever been
Were you ever
Вопрос 19
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… that Ann … there …?
Выберите один ответ:
Said he, had been, too
Did he said, were, either
Did he say, had been, too
Have he say, had been, either
Вопрос 20
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He asked me if I … in Paris.
Выберите один ответ:
have been
had be
had been
Вопрос 21
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… this book. I … it.
Выберите один ответ:
Don’t buy, I buyed
Don’t to buy, I’ve bought
Not to ,buy, I’ve buy
Don’t buy, I’ve bought
Вопрос 22
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I … the film when I … in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
saw, was
has seen, been
have see, was
have seen, was
Вопрос 23
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… your homework?
Выберите один ответ:
Did you already do
Have you already done
Have you done already
Already did you do
Вопрос 24
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We … everything before he … .
Выберите один ответ:
had done, came
did, had come
did, came
have done, came
Вопрос 25
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Текст вопроса
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… … … … these books by the beginning of next year?
Выберите один ответ:
Will, they, have, read
Will, they, ---, read
They, will, have, read
They, will, have, read
Test 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us what … .
Выберите один ответ:
were you doing
are we do
are you doing
we were doing
Вопрос 2
Пока нет ответа
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Текст вопроса
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… or standing?
Выберите один ответ:
Is he sitting
Is he sit
Does he sitting
He is sitting
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Tom said that he … a letter.
Выберите один ответ:
was writing
was written
is writing
Вопрос 4
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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… the piano tomorrow.
Выберите один ответ:
I play
I'll playing
I’ll have played
I'll play
Вопрос 5
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Балл: 1,00
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I … .
Выберите один ответ:
am sitting
is sitting
do sitting
am sit
Вопрос 6
Пока нет ответа
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They … TV now.
Выберите один ответ:
are not watching
are not watched
had not watched
doesn’t watching
Вопрос 7
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… when Tom arrives.
Выберите один ответ:
We'll had supper
We have supper
We'll be having supper
We'll having supper
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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He asked me if … .
Выберите один ответ:
was I sleeping
I have slept
I did slept
I was sleeping
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
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Ann … when we … back.
Выберите один ответ:
doesn’t sleep, will come
won’t sleep, will come
will not be sleeping, come
will not be sleeping, will have come
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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The children said that they … their books.
Выберите один ответ:
did reading
had reading
were reading
Вопрос 11
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Ann said that they … TV the day before.
Выберите один ответ:
have not watched
had not watched
were not watching
are not watching
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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I … .
Выберите один ответ:
am not stand
does not stand
am not stand
am not standing
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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They … their text-books.
Выберите один ответ:
are reading
are read
do reading
Вопрос 14
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She … that she was speaking on the phone.
Выберите один ответ:
was saying
had said
Вопрос 15
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Mother wondered why … homework?
Выберите один ответ:
aren't Tom doing your
Tom wasn't doing his
had Tom done your
hadn't Tom doing his
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
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She asked if … or standing.
Выберите один ответ:
was he sitting
did he sitting
did he sit
he was sitting
Вопрос 17
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Ann … at the window.
Выберите один ответ:
was not standing
did not stood
had not stood
does not standing
Вопрос 18
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What …?
Выберите один ответ:
have you did
are you done
are you doing
are you do
Вопрос 19
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
Какое предложение построено верно?
Выберите один ответ:
Are you slept?
Do you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
You are sleeping?
Вопрос 20
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Текст вопроса
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He said that he … for a foreign company.
Выберите один ответ:
were not working
has not worked
not works
had not worked
Вопрос 21
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Why … your homework?
Выберите один ответ:
aren't you doing
aren't you do
hadn't you doing
you aren't doing
Вопрос 22
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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What … when your parents arrive?
Выберите один ответ:
you will be doing
you will doing
will you be doing
will you done
Вопрос 23
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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My brother ... TV from 7 till 9 p,m tonight.
Выберите один ответ:
won't watch
won't has watched
won't have watched
won't be watching
Вопрос 24
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Ann … that Tom was not slipping.
Выберите один ответ:
was knowing
had know
Вопрос 25
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Текст вопроса
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What … by 7pm tonight?
Выберите один ответ:
will do
will she be doing
will she have done
will have she done
Test 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock.
Выберите один ответ:
had read
have been reading
had been reading
has been reading
Вопрос 2
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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What … here since early morning? – I … for my examination.
Выберите один ответ:
have you done, have been preparing
you have done, have prepared
have you been doing, have been preparing
you have been doing, was preparing
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
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Текст вопроса
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He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination.
Выберите один ответ:
what had you been doing here, have been preparing
what have you been doing here, had prepared
what you have been doing there, have prepared
what we had been doing there, had been preparing
Вопрос 4
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Текст вопроса
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He asks how long … at this company?
Выберите один ответ:
had she been working
she has been working
she had been working
has she been working
Вопрос 5
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock.
Выберите один ответ:
was reading
have read
has been reading
has read
Вопрос 6
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Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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When the meeting …, they … here yet.
Выберите один ответ:
will be staring, will have been come
starts, will have come
will start, will have been coming
start, will be coming
Вопрос 7
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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The specialist said that he … English the year before.
Выберите один ответ:
had begun learning
begun learning
has begun learning
began learning
Вопрос 8
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Текст вопроса
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By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years.
Выберите один ответ:
will have worked
will been working
will work
will have been working
Вопрос 9
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Текст вопроса
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By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since early morning.
Выберите один ответ:
get, will have been playing
have got, will be playing
got, will play
get, will have played
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
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Текст вопроса
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I … a lot of books lately.
Выберите один ответ:
have read
have been reading
was reading
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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She … the work.
Выберите один ответ:
just has finished
has just been finishing
had just finish
has just finished
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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By Friday … for two days.
Выберите один ответ:
we'll have walked
we'll walk
we'll have been walking
we'll be walking
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Since when … at this factory?
Выберите один ответ:
you have worked
was you working
have you been working
did you worked
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Before Ann … for Spain, we … on the project for 14 days.
Выберите один ответ:
leaves, well have been working
will leave, will be working
leave, will have been working
will have left, will have worked
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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She … English in 1991.
Выберите один ответ:
has begun teaching
begun teaching
begin teaching
began teaching
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Ann asked the worker since when … at this factory?
Выберите один ответ:
have you been working
has he been working
he had been working
he had been worked
Вопрос 17
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Текст вопроса
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By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book.
Выберите один ответ:
will be writing
will have been writing
will have written
will write
Вопрос 18
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Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The students say that … a lot of books lately.
Выберите один ответ:
they has been reading
they had been reading
they reading
they have read
Вопрос 19
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Next year he… here.
Выберите один ответ:
will not work
will not have been working
will not works
will not been working
Вопрос 20
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Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Tom asked how long … for his brother?
Выберите один ответ:
we had been waiting
we were waiting
had we been waiting
we have been waiting
Вопрос 21
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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… at this company since 2007?
Выберите один ответ:
was she working
has she been working
she has been working
has she worked
Вопрос 22
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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How long … for my brother?
Выберите один ответ:
you were waiting
you have waited
you have been waiting
have you been waiting
Вопрос 23
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Tom said that his wife … .
Выберите один ответ:
already came
has already come
had already came
had already come
Вопрос 24
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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He … .
Выберите один ответ:
already has come
has came already
has already come
have been already coming
Вопрос 25
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00

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Текст вопроса
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Before these students … to the competition, the coach … them for 6 months.
Выберите один ответ:
will have gone, will have been training
go, will have been training
will go, will have been trained
go, will train
Test 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
Выберите один ответ:
will read, would ask
would have been reading, ask
would have read, asked
will have read, 'll ask
Вопрос 2
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Текст вопроса
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He said that he … by 7 o’clock.
Выберите один ответ:
will come
would be coming
would come
would have come
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Peter decided he ... to France on holidays.
Выберите один ответ:
would be going
will go
will have gone
would go
Вопрос 4
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Текст вопроса
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I said that I … there the next day.
Выберите один ответ:
would gone
will go
will have gone
would go
Вопрос 5
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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She says that she … English lessons twice a week.
Выберите один ответ:
will be taking
will take
would be taking
would be taken
Вопрос 6
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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I am almost sure he ... his exam.
Выберите один ответ:
would passed
will pass
would have pass
Вопрос 7
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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I was sure that after midnight I ... .
Выберите один ответ:
will have slept
would have been sleeping
would have slept
would sleep
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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I thought that you … late.
Выберите один ответ:
would been being
would have been
will be
would be
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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I knew his aunt ... him any money.
Выберите один ответ:
will not lent
would not lend
will be lending
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann says that she … to Spain next summer.
Выберите один ответ:
will go
would have gone
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said that she … English lessons twice a week.
Выберите один ответ:
will have been taking
would have take
would be taking
would take
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that Kate ... by the time I … .
Выберите один ответ:
came, would arrive
will come, arrive
comes, have arrived
would have come, arrived
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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Tom said he … to see us when he … in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
comes, would be
would come, was
came, is
will come, has been
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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She says that … there tomorrow.
Выберите один ответ:
I'd have been going
I'll go
I'll be going
I'd have gone
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
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Текст вопроса
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He knew that she … the next week.
Выберите один ответ:
would have returned
will return
would return
would be returning
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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He asked them if they … in that work.
Выберите один ответ:
have taken part
would have been taken part
would take part
will take part
Вопрос 17
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Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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He was almost sure he ... the exam.
Выберите один ответ:
would be passing
will have been passing
would have passed
would pass
Вопрос 18
Пока нет ответа
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Текст вопроса
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We said that by the time she … us up she … for two hours.
Выберите один ответ:
would have picked, would be driving
picked, would have been driving
would pick, would have driven
picks, will have been driving
Вопрос 19
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Текст вопроса
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I knew Ann … the next day.
Выберите один ответ:
will be packing
would be packing
will have packed
would have packed
Вопрос 20
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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I know that she … next week.
Выберите один ответ:
will have returned
will return
would have returned
would be returning
Вопрос 21
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … to Spain the next summer.
Выберите один ответ:
will be going
would go
will go
Вопрос 22
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
Выберите один ответ:
will have read, asked
will have read, have asked
would have read, asked
would have been reading, had asked
Вопрос 23
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Текст вопроса
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He says that he … at 7 o’clock.
Выберите один ответ:
will come
would came
would have came
will have come
Вопрос 24
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Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
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I thought she ... everything by our arrival, but I … wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
would have done, was
would have been doing, have been
will have done, had been
will do, am
Вопрос 25
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He says he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
Выберите один ответ:
would have been reading, asked
will read, asked
will have been reading, ask
will have read, ask

Test 10
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Mother asked Peter, “Where is your text-book”?
Выберите один ответ:
Mother asked Peter, where is his text-book?
Mother asked Peter, where had been your text-book.
Mother asked Peter where his text-book was.
Mother asked Peter where was your text-book?

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I am reading."
Выберите один ответ:
Ann said that I was reading.
Ann said that she was reading.
Ann said that she reads.
Ann said that I am reading.
Вопрос 2
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I understood why he … the previous evening.
Выберите один ответ:
hadn’t come
has not come
didn’t come
would not come
Вопрос 3
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He said that his friend … the next week.
Выберите один ответ:
will come
had come
would come
Вопрос 4
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Текст вопроса
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "It is our book."
Выберите один ответ:
The boys said that this it was our book.
The boys said that it was their book.
The boys said that it is our book.
The boys said that that it our book.
Вопрос 5
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Ann said she … the book.
Выберите один ответ:
has already read
had already read
will already read
already read
Вопрос 6
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Текст вопроса
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The teacher said, "I did not say it."
Выберите один ответ:
The teacher said that he did not say it.
The teacher said that I had not said it.
The teacher said that he had not said it.
The teacher said that I did not say it.
Вопрос 7
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В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
My friend said, "I know a better restaurant."
Выберите один ответ:
My friend said that I knew a better restaurant.
My friend said that he knows a better restaurant.
My friend said that he knew a better restaurant.
My friend said that I know a better restaurant.
Вопрос 8
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В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said to her sister, “We have to visit our parents”.
Выберите один ответ:
Ann said to her sister they have to visit parents.
Ann said to her sister, we have to visit our parents.
Ann said to her sister that we had to visit parents.
Ann said to her sister that they had to visit their parents.
Вопрос 9
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Nick asked Tom where he … so early then.
Выберите один ответ:
was going
am going
Вопрос 10
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В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Mary said, "I can translate this article."
Выберите один ответ:
Mary said that she can translate this article.
Mary said that she could translate this article.
Mary said that I can to translate this article.
Нет верного ответа
Вопрос 11
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В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
Выберите один ответ:
The men said that I should clean the car.
The men said he shall clean the car.
Нет верного ответа
The men said I clean the car.
Вопрос 12
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Текст вопроса
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Our friends said, "We have just arrived."
Выберите один ответ:
Our friends said that we had just arrived.
Our friends said that they had just arrived.
Our friends said that we have just arrived.
Our friends said that they have just arrived.
Вопрос 13
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She asked me if I … our English teacher.
Выберите один ответ:
will remember
had remembered
Вопрос 14
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Текст вопроса
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I woke up early."
Выберите один ответ:
Ann said that she woke up early.
Ann said that she had woken up early.
Ann said that I had woken up early.
Ann said that I woke up early.
Вопрос 15
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В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
Выберите один ответ:
Ann said that I had gone to the cinema the day before.
Ann said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.
Ann said that I went to the cinema yesterday.
Ann said that I had gone to the cinema yesterday.
Вопрос 16
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В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
I said, "I am writing a test."
Выберите один ответ:
I said that I am writing a test.
I said that I was writing a test.
I said that you were writing a test.
I said that you are writing a test.
Вопрос 17
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В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Nick said: "I won't tell it to anyone."
Выберите один ответ:
Nick said that I won't tell it to anyone.
Nick said that he wouldn't tell it to anyone.
Nick said that he won't tell it to anyone.
Nick said that I wouldn't tell it to anyone.
Вопрос 18
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I knew they … for me at the metro station.
Выберите один ответ:
will have waited
would have been waiting
will wait
would wait
Вопрос 19
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I didn't know that you … the work.
Выберите один ответ:
have already done
already did
would already do
had already done
Вопрос 20
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Текст вопроса
В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
Выберите один ответ:
The man said that I will clean the car.
The men said that he will clean the car.
The man said that he would clean the car.
The men said that I would clean the car.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … .
Выберите один ответ:
would go away, the next day morning
would go away, tomorrow morning
will go away, the next day morning
will go away, the next morning

Test 11

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The little boy … with interest by the people.
Выберите один ответ:
were watched
had been watched
has been watched
was watched
Вопрос 2
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When …?
Выберите один ответ:
had been this letter written
is written this letter
was this letter written
has this letter been written
Вопрос 3
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America … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
had been discovered
has been discovered
was discovered
is discovered
Вопрос 4
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When …?
Выберите один ответ:
was this question discussed
this question has been discussed
has this question been discussed
this question will be discussed
Вопрос 5
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This theatre … a century ago.
Выберите один ответ:
was built
is built
has been built
had been built
Вопрос 6
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The building … by the earthquake.
Выберите один ответ:
have been ruines
has been ruined
was ruined
Вопрос 7
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That matter … when we came in.
Выберите один ответ:
was been discussing
had discussed
was being discussed
Вопрос 8
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The book … published.
Выберите один ответ:
still has been being
has been still being
will still being
is still being
Вопрос 9
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All the letters … by tomorrow.
Выберите один ответ:
would be written
will be written
will have been written
is written
Вопрос 10
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Ann wondered where the key … .
Выберите один ответ:
had been hidden
will be hidden
is hidden
was hidden
Вопрос 11
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This winter coat … in Germany.
Выберите один ответ:
has been made
was made
will be made
Вопрос 12
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The letter … .
Выберите один ответ:
have already been written
already is written
has been already written
has already been written
Вопрос 13
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The second question … when we heard the bell.
Выберите один ответ:
were only discussed
had only been discussed
is only been discussing
has only been discussed
Вопрос 14
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A lot of houses … in Moscow lately.
Выберите один ответ:
have been built
had been built
were built
Вопрос 15
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The letter … today.
Выберите один ответ:
was written
has been written
had been written
Вопрос 16
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What … today?
Выберите один ответ:
has you do
did you do
are you do
have you do
Вопрос 17
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They got lost because they … the way.
Выберите один ответ:
hasn't been shown
hadn't shown
hadn't been shown
aren’t shown
Вопрос 18
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I … her homework before she … me.
Выберите один ответ:
checked up, was asked
had been checked up, asked
had checked up, asked
was checked up, was asked
Вопрос 19
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We … to a party.
Выберите один ответ:
have been invited
were invited
was invited
had been invited
Вопрос 20
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Whom … into Russian by?
Выберите один ответ:
was this book translated
was this book been translated
had been this book translated
this book is translated
Test 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … in your place, I … him.
Выберите один ответ:
was, would help
‘d be, helped
were, would help
had been, would help
Вопрос 2
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If I … a lot of money, I … a car last year.
Выберите один ответ:
would have, would buy
had got, will have bought
get, buy
had got, would have bought
Вопрос 3
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If I … free yesterday, I … to see you.
Выберите один ответ:
are, would have come
had been, would have come
had been, had come
were, would have come
Вопрос 4
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If I … you, I … there.
Выберите один ответ:
was, would go
had been, would go
‘d be, would go
were, would go
Вопрос 5
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If I … him tomorrow, … him everything.
Выберите один ответ:
see, I'll have told
see, I'll tell
had seen, I’d have told
will see, I'll tell
Вопрос 6
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If they …now, they … there on time.
Выберите один ответ:
start off, will come
started off, will come
will start off, come
would start off, had come
Вопрос 7
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If you … the work, we … it now.
Выберите один ответ:
had done, could have discussed
had done, could discuss
would do, could discuss
would have done, could discuss
Вопрос 8
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If it … tomorrow, they … to the country
Выберите один ответ:
‘ll rain, won’t go
rained, won’t go
rains, won’t go
‘d rain, wouldn’t have gone
Вопрос 9
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He … there if he … invited.
Выберите один ответ:
wouldn't go, wouldn't not
won't go, didn't not
won't go, will not be
won't go, is not
Вопрос 10
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If I … rich, … all over the world.
Выберите один ответ:
became, I’d travel
became, I’ll travel
‘ll become, travel
became, I’d have traveled
Вопрос 11
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If I … a lot of money, I … a car.
Выберите один ответ:
had, would buy
will have, buy
had, will buy
have, would buy
Вопрос 12
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If we … a taxi, … the train.
Выберите один ответ:
don’t take, we’ll miss
Wouldn’t have taken, had missed
Wouldn’t take, missed
Didn’t take, we’ll miss
Вопрос 13
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She … happy if you … and see her.
Выберите один ответ:
would be, will have gone
would be, will go
would have been, will go
will be, go
Вопрос 14
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What ... if he … today?
Выберите один ответ:
will she do, came
would she do, comes
will she do, will come
will she do, comes
Вопрос 15
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If my brother… time, he … with us.
Выберите один ответ:
will have, goes
will have, had gone
would have, goes
has, will go
Вопрос 16
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Ask Tom to wait if he … .
Выберите один ответ:
will come
would come
had come
Вопрос 17
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If I … him, I … to him about this matter.
Выберите один ответ:
saw, would have spoken
Had seen, will speak
saw, would speak
will see, will speak
Вопрос 18
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… the party in the country if it … .
Выберите один ответ:
We had, would not rain
We'll have, did not rain
We'll have, does not rain
We had had, would not rain
Вопрос 19
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What … if she … you say that?
Выберите один ответ:
did your sister think, hear
would your sister think, heard
Will your sister think, had heard
would your sister have thought, heard
Вопрос 20
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If it … possible, he … it.
Выберите один ответ:
would be, did
were, would do
‘d have been, would do
had been, would do
Test 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … the teacher everything about it.
Выберите один ответ:
that student to tell
that student tell
that student told
tell that student
Вопрос 2
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Tom heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
playing her
her playing
play her
her to play
Вопрос 3
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He noticed … the door.
Выберите один ответ:
her closed
her to close
her closing
closing her
Вопрос 4
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He heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
passing a car
a car to pass
a car passed
a car passing
Вопрос 5
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I have never heard … the piano.
Выберите один ответ:
play her
her playing
her play
her to play
Вопрос 6
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The teacher heard … in the corridor.
Выберите один ответ:
the students walking
walked the students
walking the students
the students to walk
Вопрос 7
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We didn't consider … a good manager.
Выберите один ответ:
him to be
him be
that him to be
him being
Вопрос 8
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The woman felt … .
Выберите один ответ:
her hand tremble
tremble her hand
trembling her hand
her hand to tremble
Вопрос 9
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He felt … with joy.
Выберите один ответ:
his heart to bit
his heart bit
bit his heart
him to bit his heart
Вопрос 10
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We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Выберите один ответ:
cross Tom
crossed Tom
Tom cross
Tom to cross
Вопрос 11
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The people living in the north do not see … out for months.
Выберите один ответ:
come the sun
the sun come
the sun came
the sun to come
Вопрос 12
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Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
Выберите один ответ:
him to promise
promise him
him promised
him promise
Вопрос 13
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He felt … .
Выберите один ответ:
slide his smile away
sliding his smile away
his smile slide away
his smile to slide away
Вопрос 14
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The boy heard … up-stairs.
Выберите один ответ:
his sister walking
his sister to walk
walked his sister
walking his sister
Вопрос 15
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We saw a girl … the bus.
Выберите один ответ:
waiting for
to wait
wait for
Вопрос 16
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I heard … .
Выберите один ответ:
somebody to call you
somebody you call
somebody call you
somebody you to call
Вопрос 17
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Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Выберите один ответ:
Nick being
Nick be
Nick to be
for Nick be
Вопрос 18
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I expected … this problem.
Выберите один ответ:
him solving
he to solve
he solve
him to solve
Вопрос 19
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He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Выберите один ответ:
Ann come in
come in Ann
Ann coming in
Ann to come in
Вопрос 20
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The girl watched … over the tea-things.
Выберите один ответ:
her mother bending
How her mother bending
bending her mother
her mother to bend
Test 14

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A car was … outside.
Выберите один ответ:
heard stopped
heard stop
heard to stop
heard stopping
Вопрос 2
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Those students were … hard.
Выберите один ответ:
said worked
said to worked
saying to work
said to work
Вопрос 3
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Tom is … very well.
Выберите один ответ:
known studying
known to study
known to studies
known study
Вопрос 4
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A new book by this writer is … soon.
Выберите один ответ:
expected published
expected to be published
expected to publish
expected to be publishing
Вопрос 5
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These students are … in four years.
Выберите один ответ:
supposed graduating
supposed graduate
supposed to be graduated
supposed to graduate
Вопрос 6
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The child was … out crying.
Выберите один ответ:
seen to burst
seen burst
seen bursting
been seen to burst
Вопрос 7
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This man was … a talented actor.
Выберите один ответ:
known being
known be
known to be
known been
Вопрос 8
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Nick is … on Monday.
Выберите один ответ:
expected to arrive
expected arrive
expected arrived
expecting arrive
Вопрос 9
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Many books by this writer are … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
known published
known to publish
known to be published
known to be publishing
Вопрос 10
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Tom … in London but he came back.
Выберите один ответ:
will be supposed to have stayed
is supposed staying
was supposed stay
was supposed to have stayed
Вопрос 11
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The new machine is … into operation next year.
Выберите один ответ:
reported gone
reported to go
reported going
reported go
Вопрос 12
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The sun is … a mass of compressed gases.
Выберите один ответ:
known represented
known to be represented
known to represent
known represents
Вопрос 13
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This project was … out by that student.
Выберите один ответ:
known to have worked
known to have been worked
known worked
known to work
Вопрос 14
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This village is … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be situated
known to situate
known to be situating
situated known
Вопрос 15
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These text-books are … many advantages.
Выберите один ответ:
supposed had
supposed to have
supposed having
supposed have
Вопрос 16
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This test … well.
Выберите один ответ:
is believed to write
is believed writing
is believed to have written
is believed to have been written
Вопрос 17
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Nick … there in winter last year.
Выберите один ответ:
happened be
happened to being
happens to be
happened to be
Вопрос 18
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This work was … easy.
Выберите один ответ:
thought be
thought been
thought being
thought to be
Вопрос 19
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His works are … of great importance.
Выберите один ответ:
considered to be
considered been
considered being
considered be
Вопрос 20
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The children of such an age … very active.
Выберите один ответ:
were said be
are said to be
are said been
have been said being
It is said … film of the month.
Выберите один ответ:
to be best
be the best
to be the best
being the best

Test 15
… his voice Ann went downstairs to meet him.
Выберите один ответ:
Been hearing
Having been heard
Вопрос 2
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He sat at the table … a book.
Выберите один ответ:
while reading
been reading
when reading
Вопрос 3
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They went out … loudly.

Выберите один ответ:
while talking
when talking
Вопрос 4
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Yesterday we met a group of people, … English.
Выберите один ответ:
that speaking
while spoken
Вопрос 5
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… the street, first look to the left.
Выберите один ответ:
Having crossed
While crossing
While crossed
Вопрос 6
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… a lot of time before the arrival of the train, we decided to go to the cinema.
Выберите один ответ:
Been having
When having
Вопрос 7
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… that article, write out all the new words.
Выберите один ответ:
Have read
Had read
Have been read
Вопрос 8
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The woman was sitting in the sofa, … a letter.
Выберите один ответ:
having be read
while reading
when reading
Вопрос 9
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… English well, that students are not afraid of the exam.
Выберите один ответ:
Been Knowing
While Knowing
When Knowing
Вопрос 10
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Have your hair … .
Выберите один ответ:
been cut
been cutting
Вопрос 11
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A … car stood in the garden.
Выберите один ответ:
while broken
having been broken
Вопрос 12
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… English, Ann could not understand the strangers’ conversation.
Выберите один ответ:
As not knowing
Not been knowing
While not knowing
Not knowing
Вопрос 13
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The man, … next door to me, is our new teacher.
Выберите один ответ:
Which living
while living
Вопрос 14
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He liked to rest in the evening … slowly in the park.
Выберите один ответ:
having been walking
been walking
Вопрос 15
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Nick stood at the window, … of his friend.
Выберите один ответ:
while think
to think
Вопрос 16
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The boy, … at the table, is my son.
Выберите один ответ:
while sitting
that sitting
Вопрос 17
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… English books, use the dictionary.
Выберите один ответ:
While reading
Been reading
On reading
Having been read
Вопрос 18
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… in the USA, we knew a lot of interesting things.
Выберите один ответ:
been traveling
been traveled
Вопрос 19
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… the room he turned on the light.
Выберите один ответ:
While enter
When to enter
Вопрос 20
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… English books, write out new word and interesting expressions.
Выберите один ответ:
Been read
Having been read
When reading

I bought a book, … about 100 years ago.
Выберите один ответ:
having written
been written

Test 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This student reads too slowly … a good mark.
Выберите один ответ:
for getting
to get
to getting
Вопрос 2
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We came to the cinema too late … the beginning of the film.
Выберите один ответ:
for see
to see
for be seeing
Вопрос 3
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I took a dictionary … up difficult words.
Выберите один ответ:
for looking
to look
to looking
Вопрос 4
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The bag was too heavy … .
Выберите один ответ:
to be carrying
to carry
for carry
Вопрос 5
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Fred had difficulties … for the examination.
Выберите один ответ:
to prepare
being prepare
Вопрос 6
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My son was able enough … at the age of 4.
Выберите один ответ:
to read
for reading
Вопрос 7
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I like … English books.
Выберите один ответ:
having read
to be read
Вопрос 8
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I remember … married.
Выберите один ответ:
when getting
I getting
of getting
Вопрос 9
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I want my mother … .
Выберите один ответ:
to retire
for retiring
Вопрос 10
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This car is too expensive … .
Выберите один ответ:
to buy
for buy
for buying
Вопрос 11
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Ann needs enough time … writing her text-book.
Выберите один ответ:
to finishing
for finish
to finish
Вопрос 12
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We lay on the beach … about our life.
Выберите один ответ:
Вопрос 13
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I sold my old car … a new one.
Выберите один ответ:
to buy
to bought
Вопрос 14
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I like … Spanish because it's a very beautiful language.
Выберите один ответ:
be spoken
Вопрос 15
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It was a good idea … to the Black Sea.
Выберите один ответ:
to go
being gone
of going
Вопрос 16
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Last Sunday we had fun … .
Выберите один ответ:
of skating
in skating
Вопрос 17
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This sportsman runs quickly enough … the competition.
Выберите один ответ:
for winning
to be win
to win
Вопрос 18
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We were anxious … a new project.
Выберите один ответ:
to begin
being begun
Вопрос 19
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You are lucky … such good friends.
Выберите один ответ:
to have
Being had
have had
Вопрос 20
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On Sundays Tom spent his time … English.
Выберите один ответ:
to practice
having practice
being practiced

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have got enough money… a house in the country.
Выберите один ответ:
for buy
to buy
to buying
for buy

Test 17
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear James
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
Dear Mr.!
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
Dear friend,
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
My dear James
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
Вопрос 2
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Балл: 1,00
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Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Yours Director,
S. Voronin
Вопрос 3
Пока нет ответа
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Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We’ll make payment for you in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
We’d pay you in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
We’ll make payment for you in US Dollars. We are ready! We’d open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
Payment will be made in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
Вопрос 4
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Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
Moscow 145238
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
London, NE 20
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
Moscow 145238
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20
April 8, 1990
Moscow 145238
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20
Moscow 145238
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20
Вопрос 5
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Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Your early reply will be appreciated.
With best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
I hope that You’d reply me early.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
I am waiting for your reply very much.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
Your early reply will be appreciated.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
Вопрос 6
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Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
With kind regards,
S. Voronin
Kind regards,
S. Voronin
With best wishes
S. Voronin
Kind regards,
S. Voronin
Вопрос 7
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Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We like to thank you for your letter of ...
We would like to thank you for your letter of ...
We would like to thank you as we’ve just received your letter of ...!
We’d like thanking you for your letter of ...
Вопрос 8
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Вопрос 9
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
I hope hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Hearing from you soon.
S. Voronin
Вопрос 10
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Don’t hesitate to write me if you need something. I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
Best regards,
S. Voronin
If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
Best regards,
S. Voronin
If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
With best regards,
S. Voronin
If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I want very much to work with you successfully in the future.
Best regards,
S. Voronin
Вопрос 11
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
I shall meet you next Tuesday.
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Meeting you next Tuesday.
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
See you next Tuesday!
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Till next Tuesday.
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Вопрос 12
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We would want informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
We’d look forward to informing of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
We are informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
We want to inform of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
Вопрос 13
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs,
We were very impressed by the quality of samples! We are ready to give you a trial order!
Dear Sirs,
We were very impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.
Our dear Sirs,
We were very impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.
Dear Sirs,
We are so much impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.
Вопрос 14
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation! It’ll take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
I thank you so much! You invited me to the International Congress to be held next month.
My dear sir,
I thank you so much! You invited me to the International Congress to be held next month.
Вопрос 15
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
It gives me pleasure to accept your invitation! Now I look forward to see you and other friends of mine.
You gave me pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.
I was happy when I accepted your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.
It gives me pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.
Вопрос 16
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
Dear Sirs,
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
Dear my Sirs,
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
Вопрос 17
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
My dear Mr. Smith,
Dear Mr. Smith,
Dears Mr. Smith,
Dear Smith,
Вопрос 18
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
25 October 2012
General Manager
Mr. James Hilton
25 October 2012
General Manager
Mr. James Hilton
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
25 October 2012
Mr. James Hilton
General Manager
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
General Manager
Mr. James Hilton
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
25 October 2012
Вопрос 19
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Name
Your Address
Their City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Their City, State, Zip Code
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Name
Your Address
Their Name
Their Address
Their City, State, Zip Code
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Their City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Вопрос 20
Пока нет ответа
Балл: 1,00
Отметить вопрос
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We like to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.
We like to discuss the question of discount as well. We can agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.
We want to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.
We would like to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.

20.10.2015, 15:52
Добрый день!
Есть у кого ответы на иностранный язык 2, СПО?

23.10.2015, 12:56
Итоговое, прошу помочь.
Вопрос 1

Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Выберите один ответ:
Nick told him that you to do your homework!
Nick told, him that he do your homework.
Nick told him that you do your homework!
Nick told him to do his homework.
Вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
Превратите прямую речь в косвенную.
Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Выберите один ответ:
Tom asked to close the window.
Tom asked, that you close the window please!
Tom asked that you must close the window please!
Tom asked you to close the window.
Вопрос 3
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You can’t … do such things.
Выберите один ответ:
make he
him making
make him
to make him
Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that her parents … in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
don’t live
didn’t live
not live
Вопрос 5
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I realized that everything that … wasn’t important.
Выберите один ответ:
had happened
was happen
will happen
Вопрос 6
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never wanted you … away.
Выберите один ответ:
to go
been gone
Вопрос 7
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … at that company for 10 years.
Выберите один ответ:
was working
had been working
had been worked
Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
She is … good books.
Выберите один ответ:
knows write
known to writing
knew write
known to write
Вопрос 9
Текст вопроса
That student … there.
Выберите один ответ:
thought study
was thought studied
was thought to studying
was thought to study
Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … the examination.
Выберите один ответ:
has passed already
already had passed
already has passed
had already passed
Вопрос 11
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you say you ... early the following morning?
Выберите один ответ:
---, would have get up
Did, have to get up
Do, would have get up
Did, would have to get up
Вопрос 12
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … books … on the table?
Выберите один ответ:
many, is there
much, they are
much, there are
many, are there
Вопрос 13
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the work by the end of the week.
Выберите один ответ:
would have been finishing
would have finished
would finish
Вопрос 14
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he ….since early morning.
Выберите один ответ:
will have waited
has been wait for me
had been waiting for me
has been waiting for me
Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
had, will have bought
had had , would buy
had had, would have bought
have, will have bought
Вопрос 16
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never heard … this song.
Выберите один ответ:
you sings
you to sing
you sing
sing you

Николай Сидорович
01.11.2015, 19:05
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Many books by this writer are … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
"known to publish" - НЕ правильный ответ
"known to be published" - правильный ответ

15.11.2015, 00:24
1) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bed, said, bad, sand
-[ bed ],[ sed ],[ bæd ],[ sænd ]

2) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Luck, lark, loose, look
-[ lʌk ],[ la:k ],[ lu:z ],[ luk ]

3) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Win, wing, ban, bang
-[ win ],[ wiŋ ],[ bæn ],[ bæŋ ]

4) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Sit, full, feel, seat, fool

-[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]

5) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Write, riot, buy, buyer
- [ rait ],[ raiət ],[ bai ],[ baiə ]

6) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Room, beat, groom, bit
-[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]

7) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Ten, turn, torn, hall
-[ ten ],[ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ],[ hɔ:l ]

8) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Pot, port, fan, fang
-[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]

9) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Tim, team, live, leave

-[ tim ], [ ti:m ],[ liv ],[ li:v ]

10) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Boom, bull, but, Bart
-[ bu:m ],[ bul ],[ bʌt ],[ ba:t ]

11) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Len, learn, lawn, all
-[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]

12) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Hell, hurl, hall, lawn
-[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]

13) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Luck, lark, pen, pan
-[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]

14) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Lend, land, puck, park
-[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]

15) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Come, room, calm, feel 
-[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]

16) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Were, war, work, walk
-[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]

17) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Not, naught, win, wing

-[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]

18) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bit, beat, dip, deep
-[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]

19) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Cot, caught, tied, tired
-[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]

20) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Word, ward, worker, walker
-[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]

21) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Puck, park, lend, land
-[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]

22) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Spot, sport, dry, dryer
-[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]

23) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Fox, forks, lie, liar
-[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]

24) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Ban, bang, cot, caught
-[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]

25) Укажите верную транскрипцию.

Bed, bird, born, earl
-[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]

Добавлено через 22 минуты
Укажите правильный ответ:

Дружба - Friendship

Addressee- адресат

Смело - Courageously

Inventor- изобретатель

Свобода - Freedom

Облако - Cloud

Безоблачный - Cloudless

Годный к употреблению -Usable

Pleasure - Удовольствие

Внимательно - Carefully

Ответственность - Responsibility

Skier - лыжник

Collection - коллекция

Съедобный - Eatable

Полезный - Useful

To sharpen - заострять

Agreement - соглашение

Обычный - Usual

Солнечный - Sunny

Важность - Importance

Елена В.
15.11.2015, 11:11
Колледж - анг.яз., собрала что осталось.

Галина Ли
18.11.2015, 17:30
МОДУЛИ 1 - 18 и ИТОГ
ВЫСТАВЛЯЮ ВСЕ МОДУЛИ И ИТОГ. ЗА КАЧЕСТВО ЗАРАНЕЕ ИЗВИНЯЮСЬ!!! Конечно, не все на 5, но надеюсь кому-нибудь поможет :)

Укажите верную транскрипцию. Luck, lark, loose, look
Выберите один ответ:
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию. Hell, hurl, hall, lawn
Выберите один ответ:
[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Bed, bird, born, earl
Выберите один ответ:
[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Bit, beat, dip, deep
Выберите один ответ:
[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Not, naught, win, wing
Выберите один ответ:
[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Win, wing, ban, bang
Выберите один ответ:
[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Spot, sport, dry, dryer
Выберите один ответ:
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Luck, lark, pen, pan
Выберите один ответ:
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Sit, full,
feel, seat, fool
Выберите один ответ:
[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Puck, park, lend, land
Выберите один ответ:
[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Boom, bull, but, Bart
Выберите один ответ:
[ bu:m ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию. Come, room, calm, feel
Выберите один ответ:
[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.Word, ward,
worker, walker
Выберите один ответ:
[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Cot, caught, tied, tired
Выберите один ответ:
[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Pot, port, fan, fang
Выберите один ответ:
[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Lend, land, puck, park
Выберите один ответ:
[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Ban, bang, cot, caught
Выберите один ответ:
bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Bed, said, bad, sand
Выберите один ответ:
[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sænd ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Write, riot, buy, buyer
Выберите один ответ:
[rait], [raiət], , [baiə]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Tim, team, live, leave
Выберите один ответ:
[ tim ], [ ti:m ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Room, beat, groom, bit
Выберите один ответ:
[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Were, war, work, walk
Выберите один ответ:
[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Ten, turn, torn, hall
Выберите один ответ:
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Len,
learn, lawn, all
Выберите один ответ:
[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]

Укажите верную транскрипцию.Fox, forks, lie, liar
Выберите один ответ:
[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]


Укажите правильный ответ.Characterize
Укажите правильный ответ. Внимательно
Укажите правильный ответ. Happiness
Укажите правильный ответ.Смело
Укажите правильный ответ.Годный к употреблению
Укажите правильный ответ.Съедобный
Укажите правильный ответ.Облако
Укажите правильный ответ.Addressee
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.Дружба
Укажите правильный ответ.Skier
Укажите правильный ответ.Солнечный
Укажите правильный ответ.Обычный
Укажите правильный ответ.False
Укажите правильный ответ.Ответственность
Укажите правильный ответ. Полезный
Укажите правильный ответ.Свобода
Укажите правильный ответ.To sharpen
Укажите правильный ответ.Безоблачный
Укажите правильный ответ.Важность
Укажите правильный ответ.Agreement
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… book is on the table.
… she often come here?
.Go … please.
Go … the room please.
out of
Our teacher … not often give
us a lot of homework to do.
… doesn’t work here.
Nick … sick.
Open … book at page 25.
Tom is … home now.
I … not a student.
I … not there now.
Put the book … the bag please.
• into
Come … here please.
нет верного ответа
Ann … English.
doesn’t speak
Go to … blackboard please.
Nick and Tom … friends.
Come … please.
• in
… in please.
• Don’t come
Take your book and put it …
the table please.
… you live in Moscow
• Do
Where … he work?
• does
We are … school now.
• at
Go … the blackboard please.
… you at home?
• Are
Come … the room please.


They always … together to
Вопрос 2
When … … … … cinema?
did you go to the
Вопрос 3
… you come from Spain … last
Вопрос 4
… you … … school … Tuesday?
Were, at,---, on
Вопрос 5
… book … very interesting.
This, was
Вопрос 6.
… … we … in England.
Last June, were
Вопрос 7
Our students … learn English …
didn’t, last
Вопрос 8
… … here yesterday?
Who came
Вопрос 9
My husband … work … there.:
didn’t, ---
Вопрос 10
… … the blackboard please.
Look at
Вопрос 11
I often … to see Ann in the
Вопрос 12
… she often … … here … last
Did, come, ---, ---
Вопрос 13
…you do your homework
Вопрос 14
Nick … go … school … Monday.
didn’t, to, on
Вопрос 15
… the book … your bag?
Is, in
Вопрос 16.
… Ann do well at school last
Вопрос 17
Tom … go to school. He … sick.
didn’t, was
Вопрос 18
… … you do … the weekend?
What, did, at
Вопрос 19
Ann … … and … … .
came in, sat down
Вопрос 20
We … … … our homework … here.,
didn’t often do, ---
Вопрос 21
… she learn English last year?
Вопрос 22
… Ann … the country … summer?
Was, in, last
Вопрос 23
Tom … … and … … the room.
stood up, went out of
Вопрос 24
… … he do yesterday?
What did
Вопрос 25
We … in Spain 2 years ago.


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … English books … you …
last year?
many, did, have

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You haven’t got any English books, … …?
have, you

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When she … the work, we'll go … a walk.
finish, at

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you … student? – Yes, I ….
Are, a, am

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Yesterday he … for a walk … … evening.
went, in, the

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … for a walk in the evening? – Yes, they ….
Will, they, go, will
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to the country this summer … …? – Yes, … .
Your sister, will, go, won’t, she, she, will

Какое из предложений построено верно?
Will you come to see us, when you are in Moscow again?

Заполните пропуски в предложении
I have got … … books on this subject but my friend has got very … books on it.
---, few, many

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They have got … … books on this subject. They …won’t buy any more.
a, few

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … busy on Monday evening, … … ?
Выберите один ответ:
You, will, be, won’t, you

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to Moscow again, … …?
Выберите один ответ:
you, will, come, won’t, you

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… go … … cinema tomorrow?
we'll, to, the

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine … Sunday, they … … the country.
is, on, will go, to

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … away tomorrow, … … ?
Ann, will, go, won’t, she

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When they … in the country, they … in … the river.
live, will swim

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … English books … you …?
Выберите один ответ:
many, have, got

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… is … … on the table.
There, a, pen

Какое из предложений построено верно?
If I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to see us on Sunday? – No, they ….
Will, they, come, won’t

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … … in the evening.
Выберите один ответ:
There, will be, many, people

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… pen … on the table.
The, is

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She does not read … ….
---, Little

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … to the cinema yesterday, … …?
Выберите один ответ:
They, went, didn’t, they

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … this work later, … … ?
Your friends, will, do, won’t, they


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …, we … for Moscow.
arrive, will have already left

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked if I … in London. I answered that I … there 5 years before.
had ever been, had been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … the work by the end of July.
Had completed
has completed

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … the book until next
won’t be reading
won’t readed

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Tom … … student of our group?
Have you heard, is, the best

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When he … in, I understood that I … him before.
came, had seen

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in London? – Yes, I … there 5 years ago.
Have you been, was

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This is … film …. the most good, I ever have seen
more good, I ever saw

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom says that he … the work.
has already done

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… your homework?
Have you already done

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that that Tom … …
student of our group.
was, the worst

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … this book.
have already read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … the work … .
hadn’t done, either

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... In Paris?
Have you ever been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … … these books by the beginning of next year?
Will, they, have, read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if I … in Paris.
had been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that Ann … away.
went already
already have gone
had already gone

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … the article by tomorrow.
shall have translated ???
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the film when I … in Moscow.
saw, was

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the book until next month.
shan’t have read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …home, … supper.
will come, I'll have
will have come, I'll have cook

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Ann … there …?
Did he say, had been, too

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … everything before he … .
had done, came

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… this book. I … it.
Don’t buy, I’ve bought

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… to Spain twice?
Has she been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … away before we came
had gone


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … that she was speaking on the phone.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The children said that they …
their books.
were reading

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the piano tomorrow.
I'll play

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … TV now.
are not watching

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… or standing?
Is he sitting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My brother ... TV from 7 till 9pm tonight.
won't be watching

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … by 7pm tonight?
will she have done

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … that Tom was not slipping.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us what … .
we were doing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … a foreign
had not worked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that he … a letter.
Выберите один ответ:
was writing

Какое предложение построено верно?
Выберите один ответ:
Are you sleeping

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if … or standing.
Выберите один ответ:
he was sitting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if … .
I was sleeping

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
am sitting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … when we … back.
will not be sleeping, come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that they … TV the day before.
had not watched

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… when Tom arrives.
We'll be having supper

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … their text-books.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother wondered why … homework?

Tom wasn't doing his

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
am not standing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Why … your homework?
aren't you doing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … when your parents
will you be doing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … at the window.
was not standing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What …?
are you doing


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann asked the workersincewhen … att his factory?
he had been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … here sinceearly morning? – I … for my examination.
have you been doing, have been preparing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How long … for my brother?
have you been waiting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock.
had been reading

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months.
go, will have been training

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … English in 1991.
began teaching

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before Ann … for Spain we … at the project for 14 days.
leaves, shall have been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … .
has already come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The specialist said that he … English in 1991.
had begun learning

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock.
has been reading

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Next year he… here.
will not work

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … a lot of books lately.
have read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Since when … at this factory?
have you been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that his wife … .
had already come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The students say that … a lot of books lately.
they have read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… at this company since 2007?
has she been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination.
what we had been doing there, had been preparing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom asked if … for his brother?
we had been waiting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years.
will have been working*

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book.
will have written

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning.
get, will have been playing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asks how long … at this company?
has she been working

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When the meeting …, they … here yet.
starts, will have come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By Friday we … for two days.
shall have been walking

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … the work.
just has finished


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She says that I … there tomorrow.
shall go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Peter decided he ... to France on holidays.
would go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He was almost sure he ... the exam.
would pass

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We said that by the time she … us up she … for two hours.
picked, would have been driving

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
will have read, ask

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
would have read, asked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He has said that he … at 7 o’clock.
will come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I thought she ... everything by our arrival, but I … wrong.
would have done, was

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that after midnight I ... .
should sleep*

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I thought that you … late.
would be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She says that she … English lessons twice a week.
will take

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann has just said that she … to Spain next summer.
would go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He has said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
would have been reading, had asked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said that she … English lessons twice a week.
would take

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew his aunt ... him any money.
would not lend

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew Ann … next Friday.
would be packing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I said that I … there the next day.
should go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He knew that she … the next week.
would return

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … by 7 o’clock.
would have come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … to Spain the next summer.
would go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked them if they … in that work.
would take part

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … to see us when he … in Moscow.
would come, was

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I know that she … next week.
will return

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that Kate ... by the time I … .
would have come, arrived

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I am almost sure he ... his exam.
will pass


В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Mary said, "I can translate this article."
Нет верного ответа

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The teacher said, "I did not say it."
The teacher said that he had not said it.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
My friend said, "I know a better restaurant."
My friend said that he knew a better restaurant.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he … that man.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
Ann said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
The men said that I would clean the car.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Nick said: "I won't tell it to anyone."
Nick said that he wouldn't tell it to anyone.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I understood why he … the previous evening.
hadn’t come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked me if I … our English teacher.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I didn't know that you … the work.
had already done

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
I said, "I am writing a test."
I said that I was writing a test.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Tom said, "I will ring her."
Tom said that he would ring her.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that his friend … the next week.
would come

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Our friends said, "We have just arrived."
Our friends said that they had just arrived.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I woke up early."
Ann said that she had woken up early

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "We are busy."
The boys said that they were busy.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I am reading."
Энн сказала : "я читаю."
Ответ один из двух:
Ann said that she was reading.
Ann said that I am reading.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said she … the book.
Энн сказала, что она ... книга.
had already read

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "It is our book."
The boys said that it was their book.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … .
Том сказал, что он ... .
would go away, the next day morning

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew they … for me at the metro station.
Я знал, что они ... для меня у метро.
would be waiting
would have been waiting

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said she … tell me the right time, her watch … wrong.
can, is
would not can, were

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
You said, "I will do it for him."
You said that you would do it for him.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The teacher said, "I did not say that."
The teacher said that he had not said that.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I asked my friend if he … by air before.
had ever traveled

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I don't know where mySHOES are."
Ann said that she didn't know where her shoes were.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said to her sister,
“We have to visit our parents”.
Ann said to her sister that
they had to visit their parents.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Mother asked Peter, “Where is your text-book”?
Mother asked Peter where his text-book was.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick asked Tom where he … so early.
am going
was going
go ???


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They got lost because they … the way.
Выберите один ответ:
hadn't been shown

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My brother’s car … last night.
Выберите один ответ:
was stolen

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The book … published.
Выберите один ответ:
is still being

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
All the letters … by tomorrow.
Выберите один ответ:
will have been written

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann wondered where the key … .
Выберите один ответ:
had been hidden

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … her homework before she … me.
Выберите один ответ:
had checked up, asked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The little boy … with interest
by the people.
Выберите один ответ:
was watched

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Russian … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
is spoken

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When … ?
Выберите один ответ:
was this house built

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The letter … today.
Выберите один ответ:
has been written

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When …?
Выберите один ответ:
was this letter written

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The second question … when we heard the bell.
Выберите один ответ:
had only been discussed

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This winter coat … in Germany.
Выберите один ответ:
was made

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This fact … about for a long time.
Выберите один ответ:
has been known

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
America … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
was discovered

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The letter … sent.
Выберите один ответ:
has just been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The building … by the earthquake.
Выберите один ответ:
was ruined

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Many new houses … this year.
Выберите один ответ:
have been built

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Whom … into Russian by?
Выберите один ответ:
was this book translated

We … to a party?
Выберите один ответ:
were invited

That matter … when we came in?
Выберите один ответ:
was being discussed

The letter … .
Выберите один ответ:
has already been written

This theatre … a century ago
Выберите один ответ:
was built

A lot of houses … in Moscow lately
Выберите один ответ:
have been built

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … today?
has you do

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When …?
was this question discussed


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … you, I … there.
Выберите один ответ:
were, would go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … happy if you … and see her.
will be, go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If it … possible, he … it.
were, would do
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … there if he … invited.
won't go, is not
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we … a taxi, … the train.
don’t take, we’ll miss
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … the party in the country if it … .
Выберите один ответ:
shall have, does not rain
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a car.
Выберите один ответ:
had, would buy
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … in your place, I … him.
were, would help
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot, I … a car long ago.
earned, would have bought
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If it … tomorrow, we … to the country
Выберите один ответ:
rains, shan’t go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a car last year.
had got, would have bought
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If you … hard at your English, you … .
Выберите один ответ:
worked, would succeed
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If you … English before, you … a good job last year.
Выберите один ответ:
had learned, could have found

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … him, I … to him about this matter.
Ответ: оба правильно
see, shall speak +
saw, would speak +

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we … the train, we … at home now
hadn’t missed, would be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If he … smarter, he … so.
were, wouldn’t have said
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we …now, we … there in time.
start off, shall come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … free yesterday, I … to see you.
Выберите один ответ:
had been, would have come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If he … today, what … ?
Выберите один ответ:
comes, shall we do
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ask Tom to wait if he … .
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If my brother… time, he … with us.
Выберите один ответ:
has, will go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … rich, … all over the world.
Выберите один ответ:
became, I’d travel
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … him tomorrow, … him everything.
had seen, I’d have
will see, I'll tell ????

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If you … the work, we … it now.
would have done,
could discuss

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If they …now, they … there on time.
start off, will come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If it … tomorrow, they … to the country
rained, won’t go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What ... if he … today?
will she do, will
will she do, comes ???

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … if she … you say that?
would your sister
have thought, heard

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the party in the country if it … .
We'll have, does not rain


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I want … .
Выберите один ответ:
you to come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom noticed … the door and go out.
Ann open
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The teacher heard … in the corridor.
the students walking
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Nick to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
him promise
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We didn't consider … a good manager.
him to be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Ann come in
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They were watching … .
the sun rising
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He noticed … the door.
her closing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He watched … down.
the sun going
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never heard … the piano.
her play
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He heard … .
a car passing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Tom cross
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … with joy.
Ответ: оба правильно
his heart beating +
his heart bit +
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … the teacher everything about it.
that student tell

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I expected … this problem.
Him to solve
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody expected … the next
the work to be done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The girl watched … over the tea-things.
her mother bending
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman felt … . her hand tremble
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The boy heard … up-stairs.
his sister walking
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … .
somebody call you
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom heard … the piano.
her playing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The people living in the north
do not see … out for months.
the sun to come
the sun came ???

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We saw a girl … the bus.
wait for
waiting ???

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … .
his smile to slide
his smile slide away


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The new machine is … into operation next year.
Выберите один ответ:
reported to go

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … in London but he came back.
Выберите один ответ:
was supposed to have stayed

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His works are … of great importance.
Выберите один ответ:
considered to be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These text-books are … many advantages.
Выберите один ответ:
supposed to have

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom did not know what he was …
Выберите один ответ:
expected to say

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom is … very well.
Выберите один ответ:
known to study

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This work was … easy.
Выберите один ответ:
thought to be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
It is said … film of the month.
Выберите один ответ:
to be the best

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This village is … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be situated

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These students are … in four years.
Выберите один ответ:
supposed to graduate

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These exercises … very difficult.
Выберите один ответ:
are considered to be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The children of such an age …
very active.
Выберите один ответ:
are said to be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He was said … one of the best scientists.
Выберите один ответ:
to be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This man was … a talented actor.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This test … well.
Выберите один ответ:
is believed to have been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick is … on Monday.
Выберите один ответ:
expected to arrive

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The sun is … a mass of compressed gases.
Выберите один ответ:
known to represent

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann is … a good student.
Выберите один ответ:
said to be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This project was … out by that student.
Выберите один ответ:
known to have been worked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Those students were … hard.
Выберите один ответ:
said to work

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Many books by this writer are … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be published

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A car was … outside.
Выберите один ответ:
heard to stop
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The child was … out crying.
Выберите один ответ:
seen to burst

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick … there in winter last year.
Выберите один ответ:
happened to be

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A new book by this writer is … soon.
Выберите один ответ:
expected to be published


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A … car stood in the garden.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They went out … loudly.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Yesterday we met a group of people, … English.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The man, … next door to me, is our new teacher.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that article, write out all the new words.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English books, use the dictionary.
Выберите один ответ:
While reading

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The student, … at the window is my friend.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English well, that students are not afraid of the exam.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick stood at the window, … of his friend.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English, Ann could not understand the stranger’s conversation.
Выберите один ответ:
Not knowing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Have your hair … .
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He liked to rest in the evening … slowly in the park.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the room he sat down at the table.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He sat at the table … a book.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I received the letter, … by you on the 5th of May.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman, … in the car, is my elder sister.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman was sitting in the sofa, … a letter.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in the USA, we knew a lot of interesting things.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… his voice Ann went down-stairs to meet him.
Выберите один ответ:
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The boy, … at the table, is my son.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I bought a book, … about 100 years ago.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English books, write out new word and interesting expressions.
Выберите один ответ:
When reading

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the street, first look to the left.
Выберите один ответ:
While crossing

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… a lot of time before the arrival of the train, we decided to go to the cinema.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This is our new teacher, … next door to me.
Выберите один ответ:


Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His talk about Spain was really … .
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann needs enough time … writing her text-book.
Выберите один ответ:
to finish

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We lay on the beach … about our life.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The bag was too heavy … .
Выберите один ответ:
to carry

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I took a dictionary … up difficult words.
Выберите один ответ:
to look

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Do you like … ?
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He is smart enough … this job.
Выберите один ответ:
to get

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We were anxious … a new project.
Выберите один ответ:
to begin

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You are lucky … such good friends.
Выберите один ответ:
to have

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We came to the cinema too late … the beginning of the film.
Выберите один ответ:
to see

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Last Sunday we had fun … .
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I remember … married.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have got enough money… a house in the country.
Выберите один ответ:
to buy

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This car is too expensive … .
Выберите один ответ:
to buy
for buying

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
On Sundays Tom spent his time … English.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This student reads too slowly … a good mark.
Выберите один ответ:
to get

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I like … English books.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I want my mother … .
Выберите один ответ:
to retire

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This sportsman runs quickly enough … the competition.
Выберите один ответ:
to win

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Fred had difficulties … for the examination.
Выберите один ответ:

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I sold my old car … the money to buy a new one.
Выберите один ответ:
to get

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I sold my old car … a new one.
Выберите один ответ:
to buy

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His wish … an actor was great.
Выберите один ответ:
to become

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I like … Spanish because it's a very beautiful language.
Выберите один ответ:
to speak

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My son was able enough … at the age of 4.
Выберите один ответ:
to read

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
It was a good idea … to the Black Sea.
Выберите один ответ:
to go


Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs, We were very impressed by the
quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.

Вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Their City, State, Zip Code

Вопрос 3
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs,
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.

Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Smith,
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next

Вопрос 5
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
25 October 2012
Mr. James Hilton
General Manager
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР

Вопрос 6
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.

Вопрос 7
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
It gives me pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.

Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
Best regards,
S. Voronin

Вопрос 9
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Meeting you next Tuesday.
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin

Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Mr. Smith,

Вопрос 11
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin

Вопрос 12
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Kind regards,
S. Voronin

Вопрос 13
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Payment will be made in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.

Вопрос 14
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Your references are extremely good and your employment record shows a strong future. However, at present your financial condition does not totally meet ____ (name of store's) requirements.
Therefore, we cannot grant you the $____ (amount of money) open credit you requested.
Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Your early reply will be appreciated.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager

Вопрос 16
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear James
10/11 DECEMBER 2009
I have pleasure in inviting
you to attend our special conference…

Вопрос 17
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
I look forward to seeing you again at this
exciting conference.
Yours sincerely
John Smith
Conference Secretary

Вопрос 18
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We would like to discuss the question of
DISCOUNT as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one

Вопрос 19
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We are informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.

Вопрос 20
Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
Moscow 145238
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20

Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Please confirm the receipt of this letter by
Yours faithfully,

Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated.

Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin

Текст вопроса
Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We would like to thank you for your letter of ...


Вопрос 1
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Income from vast natural resources, above all oil and gas, have helpedRussia overcome the economic collapse of 1998. The state-run gas monopoly Gazprom is the world's largest producer and exporter, and supplies a growing share of Europe's needs. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
"Right now Sobyanin and his main supporter Vladimir Putin aredeciding whether to have a relatively honest election and to have a second round, or not," he saidas partial results were still coming in.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 3
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
During Mr Putin's presidency Russia's booming economy and assertive foreign policybolstered national pride. In particular, Russia promoted its perceived interests in former Soviet states more openly, even at the cost of antagonising the West. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
Найдите правильный вариант перевода.
“Oh, the boys from the country to forget a lot when they to come to the city. May be, he met
another girl or something. You’ll come back home, and you’ll be) all right.” (From “No Story”
by O. Henry)
Выберите один ответ:
«Эх, деревенские парни забывают о многом, когда приезжают в город. Возможно, он
встретил другую девушку или что-то еще случилось с ним. Ты вернёшься домой, и
все будет хорошо».

Вопрос 5
Текст вопроса
Найдите правильный вариант перевода.
Мы проводили ее до парома, а потом стояли и смотрели, как она машет нам на прощанье своим платочком.
We had seen her aboard her ferry-boat and stood watching her wave her handkerchief at us.

Вопрос 6
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные
ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является
правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
While Russians make up more than 80% of the population and OrthodoxChristianity is the main religion, there are many other ethnic and religious groups. Muslims are concentrated among the Volga Tatars and the Bashkirs and in the North Caucasus. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 7
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
The tensest moment came in August 2008, when a protracted row over two breakaway regions of Georgia escalated into a military conflictbetween Russia and Georgia. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
Mr Navalny said he had won enough votes to force a second round and that the count hadbeen marred by "many serious violations". But Moscow's electoral commission said there had been no serious violations and a run-off would not take place. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 9
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
When he started campaigning the opinion polls were predictinghe would get less than 10% of the vote. But he knew that a significant proportion of Moscow was looking for a new kind of politics, and he took to the streets to meet the voters, something Muscoviteshad not seen in years. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former head of the Yukos oil company and a supporter of theliberal pposition, is serving eight years in a Siberian penal colony on tax and fraud charges. Yukos assets were later acquired by the state oil giant Rosneft. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 11
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mr Sobyanin became mayor in 2010 after Yuri Luzhkov, who had governed thecity for almost two ecades, was forced out of office. The Kremlin-backed candidate has kept a low profile during the race, hunning debates with the five other candidates. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 12
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
With all the votes counted, the commission said turnout in theMoscow vote was a low 32%. The Communist candidate, Ivan Melnikov, came third with 10.7%. Mr Sobyanin,once President Putin's chief of staff, told supporters earlier the election had been transparent. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 13
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в
пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным.
Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
"We have something to be proud of," he said at a late-night rally in Bolotnaya Square. "We have organised the most honest and open elections in the history of Moscow." (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 14
Текст вопроса
Найдите правильный вариант перевода.
A woman goes to
England to attend a 2-week, company training session. Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her to have a good trip. The wife answers: “Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring for you?” (From “Just Joking Off” by Richard Num)
Выберите один ответ:
Женщина едет в Англию для участия в 2-недельном тренинге. Муж везет ее в аэропорт и
желает ей счастливой поездки. Жена благодарит его и спрашивает: «Дорогой, что
бы ты хотел, чтобы я тебе привезла?»

Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
In the period of rapid privatisation in the early 1990s, thegovernment of President Boris Yeltsin created a small but powerful group of magnates, often referred to as "oligarchs", who acquired vast interests in the energy and media sectors. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 16
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin – Russia's dominant politicalfigure since 2000 – to enhance state control over political institutions and the media, buoyed by extensive public support for his policies. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 17
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says there is "noevidence" he usedchemical weapons, as the US Congress returns to debate military action. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 18
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mayoral elections were abolished in Moscow in 2004 but re-instatedas a concession to pro-democracy campaigners. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 19
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mr Navalny ran a Western-style campaign, holding informal meetingswith voters outside metro stations and using glossy posters of himself with his family. He is creditedwith bringing grassroots politics to the Russian capital, inspiring thousands of volunteers to support his campaign. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 20
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Though disagreements remain between Moscow and Washington over US plans for a missile defence shield, there are signs that the thaw in relationscould extend to a greater willingness on the part of Russia to apply pressure on Iran over its nuclear programme. However, relations between the Russia and the US took another downturn in 2012, on account ofRussian sensitivity to US criticism of its treatment of human rights activists and opponents of the Kremlin. (From BBC, 10 September 2013)

Вопрос 1
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
President Yeltsin's successor, Vladimir Putin, moved to reduce the political influence ofoligarchs soon after taking office, forcing some into exile and prosecuting others. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены
различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов
является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mr Roizman, a former MP often critical of Kremlin policy, defeatedruling party candidate Yakov Silin by a margin of 30% to 26%, according to preliminary results. Unlike Moscow, the city's mayor is elected by a simple majority in a single round. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в
пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным.
Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Spanning nine time zones, Russia is the largest country on earth in terms of surface area, although large tracts in the north and east are inhospitable and sparsely populated. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 19
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в
пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным.
Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
When he started campaigning the opinion polls were predicting he would get less than 10% of the vote. But he knew that a significant proportion of Moscow was looking for a new kind of politics, and he
took to the streets to meet the voters, something Muscovites had not seen in years. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Найдите правильный вариант перевода.
Kremlin-backed candidate Sergei Sobyanin has won the election for mayor of Moscow, Russian election
officials have announced. (From BBC, 9 September 2013)
Поддерживаемый Кремлем кандидат Сергей Собянин победил на выборах на пост мэра Москвы, объявленных российскими чиновниками. Кремлевский кандидат Сергей Собянин победит на выборах на пост мэра Москвы, считают российские чиновники.

[B]Итоговое задание

Вопрос 1
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We think that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
will be completed

Вопрос 2
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … here?
Выберите один ответ:
are you doing

Вопрос 3
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… done?
Выберите один ответ:
has the work been

Вопрос 4
This book … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
was written

Вопрос 5
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … two books on the table.
Выберите один ответ:
There are

Вопрос 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann says that her parents ... in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
don’t live

Вопрос 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the work by the end of the week.
Выберите один ответ:
would have finished

Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
have, shall

Вопрос 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you ever … in … USA?
Выберите один ответ:
have, been, the

Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine, we … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
is, shall go

Вопрос 11
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When we … the examination, we … to go away for holydays.
Выберите один ответ:
pass, shall be able

Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … books … on the table?
Выберите один ответ:
many, are there

Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working, came

Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann seemed … a lot.
Выберите один ответ:
to have changed

Вопрос 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The teacher said that “Romeo and Juliet"… by Shakespeare.
Выберите один ответ:
has been written

Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… last summer we … to Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
---, went

18.11.2015, 23:02
1-1,2-3,3-1,4-4,5-3,6-4,7-4,8-4,9-3,10-4,11-1,12-2,13-4,14-4,15-3,16-4,17-3,18-1,19-1,20-2,21-4,22-1,23-3,24-4,25-4.Я сдала на "4".Это ответы к Модулю 1Выбери правильную транскрипцию.

20.11.2015, 03:12
Модули с 10 по 18. И итоговое. Но в итоговом мало совпало - остальные ответы искала здесь, шерстила за отведённое время все страницы и всё-таки успела и сдала на 5 (с одной ошибкой)! Надеюсь, кому-нибудь поможет! ;)мой английский 10-18 + экзамен.zip (http://mti.prioz.ru/krfilesmanager.php?do=downloadfile&dlfileid=221)

Решила - добавлю и неархивированный текст - здесь искать очень удобно!

МОДУЛЬ 10 (2 ошибки)
1.В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Mary said, "I can translate this article."
Mary said that she could translate this article.

2.В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The teacher said, "I did not say it."
The teacher said that he had not said it.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
My friend said, "I know a better restaurant."
My friend said that he knew a better restaurant.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he … that man.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
Ann said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The man said, "I will clean the car."
The man said that he would clean the car.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Nick said: "I won't tell it to anyone."
Nick said that he wouldn't tell it to anyone.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I understood why he … the previous evening.
hadn’t come

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked me if I … our English teacher.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I didn't know that you … the work.
had already done

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
I said, "I am writing a test."
I said that I was writing a test.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Tom said, "I will ring her."
Tom said that he would ring her.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that his friend … the next week.
would come

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Our friends said, "We have just arrived."
Our friends said that they had just arrived.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I woke up early."
Ann said that she had woken up early

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "We are busy."
The boys said that they were busy.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I am reading."
Энн сказала : "я читаю."
Ответ один из двух:
Ann said that she was reading.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said she … the book.
Энн сказала, что она ... книга.
had already read

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The boys said, "It is our book."
The boys said that it was their book.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … .
Том сказал, что он ... .
would go away, the next day morning

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew they … for me at the metro station.
Я знал, что они ... для меня у метро.
would wait

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said she … tell me the right time, her watch … wrong.
couldn’t, was

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
You said, "I will do it for him."
You said that you would do it for him.

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
The teacher said, "I did not say that."
The teacher said that he had not said that.

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I asked my friend if he … by air before.
had ever traveled

В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said, "I don't know where my shoes are."
Ann said that she didn't know where her shoes were.

27.В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Ann said to her sister, “We have to visit our parents”.
Ann said to her sister that they had to visit their parents.

28.В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?
Mother asked Peter, “Where is your text-book”?
Mother asked Peter where his text-book was.

29.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick asked Tom where he … so early.
was going

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They got lost because they … the way.
Выберите один ответ:
hadn't been shown

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My brother’s car … last night.
Выберите один ответ:
was stolen

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The book … published.
Выберите один ответ:
is still being

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
All the letters … by tomorrow.
Выберите один ответ:
will have been written

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann wondered where the key … .
Выберите один ответ:
had been hidden

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … her homework before she … me.
Выберите один ответ:
had checked up, asked

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The little boy … with interest by the people.
Выберите один ответ:
was watched

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Russian … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
is spoken

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When … ?
Выберите один ответ:
was this house built

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The letter … today.
Выберите один ответ:
has been written

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When …?
Выберите один ответ:
was this letter written

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The second question … when we heard the bell.
Выберите один ответ:
had only been discussed

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This winter coat … in Germany.
Выберите один ответ:
was made

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This fact … about for a long time.
Выберите один ответ:
has been known

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
America … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
was discovered

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The letter … sent.
Выберите один ответ:
has just been

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The building … by the earthquake.
Выберите один ответ:
was ruined

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Many new houses … this year.
Выберите один ответ:
have been built

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Whom … into Russian by?
Выберите один ответ:
was this book translated

We … to a party?
Выберите один ответ:
were invited

That matter … when we came in?
Выберите один ответ:
was being discussed

The letter … .
Выберите один ответ:
has already been written

This theatre … a century ago
Выберите один ответ:
was built

A lot of houses … in Moscow lately
Выберите один ответ:
have been built

25.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … today?
has you do

26.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When …?
was this question discussed

ТЕСТ 12 (там, где после ответа поставлен (!) - ответ точно проверен)
1.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … you, I … there.
Выберите один ответ:
were, would go !

2.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … happy if you … and see her.
will be, go !

3.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If it … possible, he … it.
were, would do !

4.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … there if he … invited.
won't go, is not !

5.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we … a taxi, … the train.
don’t take, we’ll miss !

6.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … the party in the country if it … .
Выберите один ответ:
shall have, does not rain !

7.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a car.
Выберите один ответ:
had, would buy !

8.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … in your place, I … him.
were, would help !

9.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot, I … a car long ago.
earned, would have bought !

10.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If it … tomorrow, we … to the country
Выберите один ответ:
rains, shan’t go

11.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … a lot of money, I … a car last year.
had got, would have bought !

12.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If you … hard at your English, you … .
Выберите один ответ:
worked, would succeed !
13.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If you … English before, you … a good job last year.
Выберите один ответ:
had learned, could have found !

14.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … him, I … to him about this matter.
Ответ: оба правильно
see, shall speak +
saw, would speak !

15.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we … the train, we … at home now
hadn’t missed, would be !

16.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If he … smarter, he … so.
were, wouldn’t have said !

17.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If we …now, we … there in time.
start off, shall come !

18.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … free yesterday, I … to see you.
Выберите один ответ:
had been, would have come
19.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If he … today, what … ?
Выберите один ответ:
comes, shall we do

20.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ask Tom to wait if he … .
comes !

21.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If my brother… time, he … with us.
Выберите один ответ:
has, will go !

22.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … rich, … all over the world.
Выберите один ответ:
became, I’d travel !

23.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If I … him tomorrow, … him everything.
will see, I'll tell ????
see, shall tell ?

24.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If you … the work, we … it now.
had done, could discuss ? !

25.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If they …now, they … there on time.
start off, will come !

26.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If it … tomorrow, they … to the country
rained, won’t go

27.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What ... if he … today?
will she do, comes ???

28.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … if she … you say that?
would your sister think, heard !

29.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the party in the country if it … .
We'll have, does not rain !

1.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I want … .
Выберите один ответ:
you to come !

2.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom noticed … the door and go out.
Ann open !

3.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The teacher heard … in the corridor.
the students walking

4.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Nick to be !

5.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
him promise !

6.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We didn't consider … a good manager.
him to be !

7.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Ann come in !

8.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They were watching … .
the sun rising !

9.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He noticed … the door.
her closing !

10.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He watched … down.
the sun going !

11.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have never heard … the piano.
her play !

12.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He heard … .
a car passing !
13.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Tom cross !

14.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … with joy.
Ответ: оба правильно
his heart beating +
his heart bit +

15.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … the teacher everything about it.
that student tell !

16.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I expected … this problem.
Him to solve !

17.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Everybody expected … the next week.
the work to be done !

18.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The girl watched … over the tea-things.
her mother bending !

19.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman felt … .
her hand tremble !

20.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The boy heard … up-stairs.
his sister walking !

21.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I heard … .
somebody call you !

22.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom heard … the piano.
her playing !

23.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The people living in the north do not see … out for months.
the sun to come — неправильно!
the sun came ???

24.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We saw a girl … the bus.
wait for — неправильно!
Waiting Неправильно!
25.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He felt … .
his smile to slide away — неправильно!
his smile slide away ???
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The new machine is … into operation next year.
Выберите один ответ:
reported to go !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … in London but he came back.
Выберите один ответ:
was supposed to have stayed !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His works are … of great importance.
Выберите один ответ:
considered to be !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These text-books are … many advantages.
Выберите один ответ:
supposed to have !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom did not know what he was … .
Выберите один ответ:
expected to say !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom is … very well.
Выберите один ответ:
known to study !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This work was … easy.
Выберите один ответ:
thought to be !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
It is said … film of the month.
Выберите один ответ:
to be the best !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This village is … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be situated !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These students are … in four years.
Выберите один ответ:
supposed to graduate !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
These exercises … very difficult.
Выберите один ответ:
are considered to be !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The children of such an age … very active.
Выберите один ответ:
are said to be !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He was said … one of the best scientists.
Выберите один ответ:
to be !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This man was … a talented actor.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This test … well.
Выберите один ответ:
is believed to have been written !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick is … on Monday.
Выберите один ответ:
expected to arrive !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The sun is … a mass of compressed gases.
Выберите один ответ:
known to represent !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann is … a good student.
Выберите один ответ:
said to be !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This project was … out by that student.
Выберите один ответ:
known to have been worked !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Those students were … hard.
Выберите один ответ:
said to work !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Many books by this writer are … in Russia.
Выберите один ответ:
known to be published !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A car was … outside.
Выберите один ответ:
heard to stop !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The child was … out crying.
Выберите один ответ:
seen to burst !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick … there in winter last year.
Выберите один ответ:
happened to be !

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A new book by this writer is … soon.
Выберите один ответ:
expected to be published ! - неправильно
expected to be publishing — неправильно
expected published - неправильно

1.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
A … car stood in the garden.
Выберите один ответ:

2.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They went out … loudly.
Выберите один ответ:
talking !

3.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Yesterday we met a group of people, … English.
Выберите один ответ:
speaking !

4.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The man, … next door to me, is our new teacher.
Выберите один ответ:

5.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that article, write out all the new words.
Выберите один ответ:
Reading !

6.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English books, use the dictionary.
Выберите один ответ:
While reading

7.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The student, … at the window is my friend.
Выберите один ответ:
standing !

8.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English well, that students are not afraid of the exam.
Выберите один ответ:
Knowing !

9.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick stood at the window, … of his friend.
Выберите один ответ:
thinking !

10.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English, Ann could not understand the stranger’s conversation.
Выберите один ответ:
Not knowing !

11.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Have your hair … .
Выберите один ответ:
cut !

12.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He liked to rest in the evening … slowly in the park.
Выберите один ответ:
walking !

13.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the room he sat down at the table.
Выберите один ответ:
Entering !

14.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He sat at the table … a book.
Выберите один ответ:
reading !

15.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I received the letter, … by you on the 5th of May.
Выберите один ответ:
sent !

16.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman, … in the car, is my elder sister.
Выберите один ответ:
waiting !

17.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The woman was sitting in the sofa, … a letter.
Выберите один ответ:
reading !

18.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in the USA, we knew a lot of interesting things.
Выберите один ответ:
traveling !

19.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… his voice Ann went down-stairs to meet him.
Выберите один ответ:
Hearing !

20.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The boy, … at the table, is my son.
Выберите один ответ:
sitting !

21.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I bought a book, … about 100 years ago.
Выберите один ответ:

22.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… English books, write out new word and interesting expressions.
Выберите один ответ:
When reading !

23.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the street, first look to the left.
Выберите один ответ:
While crossing !

24.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… a lot of time before the arrival of the train, we decided to go to the cinema.
Выберите один ответ:

25.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This is our new teacher, … next door to me.
Выберите один ответ:
living !


1.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His talk about Spain was really … .
Выберите один ответ:
exciting !

2.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann needs enough time … writing her text-book.
Выберите один ответ:
to finish !

3.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We lay on the beach … about our life.
Выберите один ответ:
speaking !

4.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The bag was too heavy … .
Выберите один ответ:
to carry !!

5.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I took a dictionary … up difficult words.
Выберите один ответ:
to look !

6.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Do you like … ?
Выберите один ответ:
skating !!

7.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He is smart enough … this job.
Выберите один ответ:
to get !

8.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We were anxious … a new project.
Выберите один ответ:
to begin !

9.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You are lucky … such good friends.
Выберите один ответ:
to have !

10.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We came to the cinema too late … the beginning of the film.
Выберите один ответ:
to see !

11.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Last Sunday we had fun … .
Выберите один ответ:
skating !

12.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I remember … married.
Выберите один ответ:
getting !

13.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have got enough money… a house in the country.
Выберите один ответ:
to buy !

14.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This car is too expensive … .
Выберите один ответ:
to buy
for buying

15.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
On Sundays Tom spent his time … English.
Выберите один ответ:
practicing !

16.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This student reads too slowly … a good mark.
Выберите один ответ:
to get !

17.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I like … English books.
Выберите один ответ:
reading !

18.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I want my mother … .
Выберите один ответ:
to retire !

19.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This sportsman runs quickly enough … the competition.
Выберите один ответ:
to win !

20.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Fred had difficulties … for the examination.
Выберите один ответ:
preparing !

21.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I sold my old car … the money to buy a new one.
Выберите один ответ:
to get

22.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I sold my old car … a new one.
Выберите один ответ:
to buy !

23.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
His wish … an actor was great.
Выберите один ответ:
to become !

24.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I like … Spanish because it's a very beautiful language.
Выберите один ответ:
speaking !
to speak

25.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My son was able enough … at the age of 4.
Выберите один ответ:
to read !

26.Заполните пропуски в предложении.
It was a good idea … to the Black Sea.
Выберите один ответ:
to go !


Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs,
We were very impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order. !

Укажите правильный вариант.
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Their City, State, Zip Code !

Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs,
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January. !

Выберите один ответ:
Dear Mr. Smith,
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month. !

Выберите один ответ:
25 October 2012
Mr. James Hilton
General Manager
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР !

Выберите один ответ:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.

Выберите один ответ:
It gives me pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.

Выберите один ответ:
If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.
Best regards,
S. Voronin

Выберите один ответ:
Meeting you next Tuesday.
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Director !

Выберите один ответ:
Dear Mr. Smith, !

Выберите один ответ:
Hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Director !
Выберите один ответ:
Kind regards,
S. Voronin
Director !

Выберите один ответ:
Payment will be made in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England. !

Выберите один ответ:
Your references are extremely good and your employment record shows a strong future. However, at present your financial condition does not totally meet ____ (name of store's) requirements.
Therefore, we cannot grant you the $____ (amount of money) open credit you requested. !
Выберите один ответ:
Your early reply will be appreciated.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager !

Выберите один ответ:
Dear James
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…

Выберите один ответ:
I look forward to seeing you again at this exciting conference.
Yours sincerely
John Smith
Conference Secretary !

Выберите один ответ:
We would like to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision. !

Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
We are informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary. !

Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
Moscow 145238
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20
England !

Выберите один ответ:
Please confirm the receipt of this letter by fax.
Yours faithfully, !

Выберите один ответ:
This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated. !

Выберите один ответ:
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Director !

Выберите один ответ:
We would like to thank you for your letter of … !


Выберите один ответ:
Sometimes even when a candidate loses an election, they are still a winner. Only seven-and-a-half weeks ago Alexei Navalny was sitting in prison, a convicted criminal claiming political persecution who was then released pending his appeal.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 1
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Income from vast natural resources, above all oil and gas, have helped Russia overcome the economic collapse of 1998. The state-run gas monopoly Gazprom is the world's largest producer and exporter, and supplies a growing share of Europe's needs.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 2
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
"Right now Sobyanin and his main supporter Vladimir Putin are deciding whether to have a relatively honest election and to have a second round, or not," he said as partial results were still coming in.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 3
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
During Mr Putin's presidency Russia's booming economy and assertive foreign policy bolstered national pride. In particular, Russia promoted its perceived interests in former Soviet states more openly, even at the cost of antagonising the West.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
Найдите правильный вариант перевода.
“Oh, the boys from the country to forget a lot when they to come to the city. May be, he met another girl or something. You’ll come back home, and you’ll be) all right.”
(From “No Story” by O. Henry)
Выберите один ответ:
«Эх, деревенские парни забывают о многом, когда приезжают в город. Возможно, он встретил другую девушку или что-то еще случилось с ним. Ты вернёшься домой, и все будет хорошо».

Вопрос 5
Текст вопроса
Найдите правильный вариант перевода.
Мы проводили ее до парома, а потом стояли и смотрели, как она машет нам на прощанье своим платочком.
We had seen her aboard her ferry-boat and stood watching her wave her handkerchief at us. !

Вопрос 6
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
While Russians make up more than 80% of the population and Orthodox Christianity is the main religion, there are many other ethnic and religious groups. Muslims are concentrated among the Volga Tatars and the Bashkirs and in the North Caucasus.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 7
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
The tensest moment came in August 2008, when a protracted row over two breakaway regions of Georgia escalated into a military conflict between Russia and Georgia.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 8
Текст вопроса
Mr Navalny said he had won enough votes to force a second round and that the count had been marred by "many serious violations". But Moscow's electoral commission said there had been no serious violations and a run-off would not take place.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 9
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
When he started campaigning the opinion polls were predicting he would get less than 10% of the vote. But he knew that a significant proportion of Moscow was looking for a new kind of politics, and he took to the streets to meet the voters, something Muscovites had not seen in years.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 10
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former head of the Yukos oil company and a supporter of the liberal opposition, is serving eight years in a Siberian penal colony on tax and fraud charges. Yukos assets were later acquired by the state oil giant Rosneft.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 11
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mr Sobyanin became mayor in 2010 after Yuri Luzhkov, who had governed the city for almost two decades, was forced out of office. The Kremlin-backed candidate has kept a low profile during the race, shunning debates with the five other candidates.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 12
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
With all the votes counted, the commission said turnout in the Moscow vote was a low 32%. The Communist candidate, Ivan Melnikov, came third with 10.7%. Mr Sobyanin, once President Putin's chief of staff, told supporters earlier the election had been transparent.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 13
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
"We have something to be proud of," he said at a late-night rally in Bolotnaya Square. "We have organised the most honest and open elections in the history of Moscow."
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 14
Текст вопроса
Найдите правильный вариант перевода.
A woman goes to England to attend a 2-week, company training session. Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her to have a good trip. The wife answers: “Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring for you?”
(From “Just Joking Off” by Richard Num)
Выберите один ответ:
Женщина едет в Англию для участия в 2-недельном тренинге. Муж везет ее в аэропорт и желает ей счастливой поездки. Жена благодарит его и спрашивает: «Дорогой, что бы ты хотел, чтобы я тебе привезла?» !

Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
In the period of rapid privatisation in the early 1990s, the government of President Boris Yeltsin created a small but powerful group of magnates, often referred to as "oligarchs", who acquired vast interests in the energy and media sectors. !

(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 16
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin – Russia's dominant political figure since 2000 – to enhance state control over political institutions and the media, buoyed by extensive public support for his policies.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 17
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says there is "no evidence" he used chemical weapons, as the US Congress returns to debate military action.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 18
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mayoral elections were abolished in Moscow in 2004 but re-instated as a concession to pro-democracy campaigners.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 19
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mr Navalny ran a Western-style campaign, holding informal meetings with voters outside metro stations and using glossy posters of himself with his family. He is credited with bringing grassroots politics to the Russian capital, inspiring thousands of volunteers to support his campaign.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 20
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Though disagreements remain between Moscow and Washington over US plans for a missile defence shield, there are signs that the thaw in relations could extend to a greater willingness on the part of Russia to apply pressure on Iran over its nuclear programme. However, relations between the Russia and the US took another downturn in 2012, on account of Russian sensitivity to US criticism of its treatment of human rights activists and opponents of the Kremlin.
(From BBC, 10 September 2013) !

Вопрос 1
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
President Yeltsin's successor, Vladimir Putin, moved to reduce the political influence of oligarchs soon after taking office, forcing some into exile and prosecuting others.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 4
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Mr Roizman, a former MP often critical of Kremlin policy, defeated ruling party candidate Yakov Silin by a margin of 30% to 26%, according to preliminary results. Unlike Moscow, the city's mayor is elected by a simple majority in a single round.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Вопрос 15
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Spanning nine time zones, Russia is the largest country on earth in terms of surface area, although large tracts in the north and east are inhospitable and sparsely populated.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013) !

Вопрос 19
Текст вопроса
В данном отрывке из статьи ВВС допущены различные ошибки в пунктуации и/ или грамматике. Лишь один из 4-х вариантов является правильным. Найдите этот вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
When he started campaigning the opinion polls were predicting he would get less than 10% of the vote. But he knew that a significant proportion of Moscow was looking for a new kind of politics, and he took to the streets to meet the voters, something Muscovites had not seen in years.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Найдите правильный вариант перевода.
Kremlin-backed candidate Sergei Sobyanin has won the election for mayor of Moscow, Russian election officials have announced.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)
По заявлению официальных представителей избирательного комитета, кремлевский кандидат Сергей Собянин победил на выборах на пост мэра Москвы.

Итоговое задание
Вопрос 1
We think that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong.
Выберите один ответ:
will be completed

Вопрос 2
What … here?
Выберите один ответ:
are you doing

Вопрос 3
… done?
Выберите один ответ:
has the work been

Вопрос 4
This book … long ago.
Выберите один ответ:
was written

Вопрос 5
… … two books on the table.
Выберите один ответ:
There are

Вопрос 6
Ann says that her parents ... in Moscow.
Выберите один ответ:
don’t live

Вопрос 7
He said he … the work by the end of the week.
Выберите один ответ:
would have finished

Вопрос 8
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
have, shall

Вопрос 9
… you ever … in … USA?
Выберите один ответ:
have, been, the

Вопрос 10
If the weather … fine, we … to the country.
Выберите один ответ:
is, shall go

Вопрос 11
When we … the examination, we … to go away for holydays.
Выберите один ответ:
pass, shall be able

Вопрос 12
How … books … on the table?
Выберите один ответ:
many, are there

Вопрос 13
Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
Выберите один ответ:
had been working, came

Вопрос 14
Ann seemed … a lot.
Выберите один ответ:
to have changed

Вопрос 15
The teacher said that “Romeo and Juliet"… by Shakespeare.
Выберите один ответ:
has been written

Вопрос 16
… last summer we … to Spain.
Выберите один ответ:
---, went !

01.12.2015, 18:45
не могу решить ТРЕНИНГ5N:
Какое из предложений построено верно?
Выберите один ответ:
If will I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?
If I will help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?
Will you complete this work tomorrow If I help you?
If I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow? и т.д

Файлы в формате rar не подходят(

[email protected]

01.12.2015, 20:17
Укажите правильный ответ.
Выберите один ответ:
Вопрос 2
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Ten, turn, torn, hall
Выберите один ответ:
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔl ]
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔn ], [ hɔ:l ]
[ ten ], [ tə:rn ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]
Вопрос 3
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When they … in the country, they … in … the river.
Выберите один ответ:
lives, will swim
will live, will swim
will, live, will swim
live, will swim
Вопрос 4
Укажите правильный ответ.
Годный к употреблению
Выберите один ответ:
Вопрос 5
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … not a student.
Выберите один ответ:
Вопрос 6
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Spot, sport, dry, dryer
Выберите один ответ:
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draə ]
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai: ], [ draiə ]
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]
[ spɔ:t ] [ spɔt ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]
Вопрос 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… she learn English last year?
Выберите один ответ:
Вопрос 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … … and … … .
Выберите один ответ:
comen in, sit down
came in, sat down
came ---, sat at
come into, sat to
Вопрос 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … away tomorrow, … … ?
Выберите один ответ:
Will, Ann, go, will she
Ann, will, go, will, she
Ann, will, go, won’t, Ann
Ann, will, go, won’t, she
Вопрос 10
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You haven’t got any English books, … …?
Выберите один ответ:
do, you
you, do
have, you
haven’t you
Вопрос 11
Укажите правильный ответ.
Выберите один ответ:
Доставлять удовольствие
Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We are … school now.
Выберите один ответ:
Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you at home?
Выберите один ответ:
Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … in Spain 2 years ago.
Выберите один ответ:
Вопрос 15
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Write, riot, buy, buyer
Выберите один ответ:
[ rait ], [ rait ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
[ vrait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baə ]
Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick … sick.
Выберите один ответ:
верно 15 из 16.

02.12.2015, 17:50
срочно нужна помощь с английским учебный курс "иностранный язык (СПО)1" раздел первый часть 1 тема 3 основы английской граматики

04.12.2015, 16:46
Ребят поступил в МТИ по профессии Автоматизация и Управления, тут английский язык, я его вообще не шарю, везде искал не могу найти ответы, может у кого есть? кто то делал такое? Тема 1. Вводно-фонетический курс

Тема 2. Словообразование в английском языке

Тема 3. Основы английской грамматики

Тема 4. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Simple. Простое прошедшее время

Тема 5. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Simple. Простое будущее время

Тема 6. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Perfect

Тема 7. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Continuous

Тема 8. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Perfect Continuous

Тема 9. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Future in the Past

Тема 10. Согласование времен в английском языке

Тема 11. Пассивный Залог (the Passive Voice)

Тема 12. Придаточные условные предложения

Тема 13. Конструкция «Сложное дополнение» (Complex Object)

Тема 14. Конструкция «Сложное подлежащее» (Complex Subject)

Тема 15. Причастные обороты с Причастием I и Причастием II

Тема 16. Герундий и инфинитив в английском языке

Тема 17. Основы деловой переписки на английском языке

Тема 18. Основы общего перевода




Интегральная оценка


09.12.2015, 14:35
У кого-нибудь есть ответы на английский язык колледж 2 курс?

10.12.2015, 20:33

11.12.2015, 17:26
Я ЛИНГВИСТ, ПЕРЕВОДЧИК, кому надо помочь с английским. Тоже учусь в МТИ, анг. дистанционно сдала на 5

23.12.2015, 15:37
Всем Привет! Помогите кто может!

The promised that they...the work by the end of the week
would do
would be doing
would have done

He says that he...since early moning
had been waiting for me
has been wait for me
has been waiting for me
will have waited

He said that he...it
can t do
couldn t do
can not do
couldn t to do

is you
you doing
are you
do you

He said that his wife...a new job
has got
had got
have got

Это итоговое из 16 нашел на 11, а на эти нигде не могу найти, все перелестал уже...

27.12.2015, 18:07
Модуль 1

Were, war, work, walk
[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wək ], [ wɔ:k ]

Luck, lark, loose, Look
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]

Bit, beat, dip, deep
[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]

Ten, turn, torn, hall
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔl ]

Not, naught, win, wing
[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]

Hell, hurl, hall, lawn
[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔl ], [ lɔ:n ]

Sit, full, feel, seat, fool
[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]

Puck, park, lend, land
[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]

Spot, sport, dry, dryer
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]

Room, beat, groom, bit
[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]

Lend, land, puck, park
[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]

Boom, bull, but, Bart
[ bu:m ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]

Fox, forks, lie, liar
[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]

Word, ward, worker, walker
[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə ], [ wɔ:kə ]

Cot, caught, tied, tired
[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]

Write, riot, buy, buyer
[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]

Bed, said, bad, sand
[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sænd ]

Pot, port, fan, fang
[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]

Tim, team, live, leave
[ tim ], [ ti:m ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]

Luck, lark, pen, pan
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]

Bed, bird, born, earl
[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]

Ban, bang, cot, caught
[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]

Come, room, calm, feel
[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]

Win, wing, ban, bang
[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]

Len, learn, lawn, all
[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔl ]

Модуль 2.





To sharpen











Годный к употреблению





Модуль 3.

Go … the room please.
out of

I … not a student.

Come … please.

Go to … blackboard please.

… you live in Moscow

We are … school now.

Ann … English.
doesn’t speak

Nick and Tom … friends.

Come … here please.
нет верного ответа

… book is on the table.

Take your book and put it … the table please.

Nick … sick.

Put the book … the bag please.

Go … please.

Go … the blackboard please.

… doesn’t work here.
Tom; I;

Open … book at page 25.

Our teacher … not often give us a lot of homework to do.

Come … the room please.

Where … he work?

… she often come here?

Tom is … home now.

I … not there now.

… in please.
Don’t come

… you at home?

Модуль 4.

… you do your home work yesterday?

… the book … your bag?
Was, into

Nick … go … school … Monday.
didn’t, to, on

… … you do … the weekend?
What, did, at

We … … … our home work … here.
didn’t often do, ---

Our students … learn English … year.
didn’t, last

… … the black board please.
Look at

… you … … school … Tuesday?
Were, at,---, on

… she learn English last year?

Ann … … and … … .
came in, sat down

My husband … work … there.
didn’t, ---

… Ann do well at school last month?

… … here yesterday?
Who came

Tom … … and … … the room.
stand back, go into

… … we … in England.
Last June, were

… you come from Spain … last month?
Did, ---

Tom … go to school. He … sick.
didn’t, was

When … … … … cinema?
did you go to the

They always … together to school.

… … he do yesterday?
What did

… book … very interesting.
This, was

… Ann … the country … summer?
Was, in, last

We … in Spain 2 years ago.

… she often … … here … last year?
Did, came, ---, ---

I often … to see Ann in the evening.

Модуль 5.

When she … the work, we shall go … a walk.
finishes, for

How … English books … you … last year?
many, had got

I have got … … books on this subject but my friend has got very … books on it.
---, few, many

… … … to the country this summer … …? – Yes, … .
Will, you, go, won’t, you, we, shall

Какое из предложений построено верно?
If I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?

… … … for a walk in the evening? – Yes, we ….
Shall, we, go, shall

How … English books … you …?
many, have, got

Какое из предложений построено верно?
Will you come to see us, when you are in Moscow again?

If the weather … fine … Sunday, we … … the country.
is, on, shall go, to

… is … … on the table.
There, a, pen

When we … in the country, we … in … river.
live, shallswim

… … … this work later, … … ?
We, shall, do, shan’t, we

I have got … … books on this subject. I shan’t buy any more.
a, few

… you … student? – Yes, I ….
are, a, am

… … … … there in the evening.
There, will be, many, people

… … … to Moscow again, … …?
you, will, come, won’t, you

… … … to see us on Sunday? – No, they ….
Will, they, come, won’t

… we go … … cinema tomorrow?
Shall, to, the

Yesterday we … for a walk … … evening.
went, in, the

She does not read … ….
---, Little

… … … away tomorrow, … … ?
Ann, will, go, won’t, she

… pen … on the table.
The, is

… … to the cinema yesterday, … …?
They, went, didn’t, they

You haven’t got any English books, … …?
have, you

… … … busy on Monday evening, … … ?
You, will, be, won’t, you

Модуль 6.

He said that Ann … away on Monday.
had gone

… to Spain twice?
Has she been

I … the book until next month.
shan’t have read

This is … film I ….
the best, I have ever seen

When he … in, I understood that I … him before.
came, had seen

… in London? – Yes, I … there 5 years ago.
Have you been, was

He … the work by the end of July.
had completed

Tom says that he … the work.
has already done

He asked if I … in London. I answered that I … there 5 years before.
had ever been, had been

By the time you …home, I … supper.
come, shall have cooked

… your homework?
Have you already done

I … the article by tomorrow.
shall have translated

I ... the film when I ... in Moscow.
have seen, was

... In Paris?
Have you ever been

… that Ann … there …?
Did he say, had been, too

I … this book.
have already read

We … everything before he … .
had done, came

… this book. I … it.
Don’t buy, I’ve bought

They … away before we came back.
had gone

He said that that Tom … … student of our group.
was, the worst

He said that he … the work … .
hadn’t done, either

… … … … these books by the beginning of the next year?
Shall, we, have, read

He asked me if I … in Paris.

By the time you …, we … for Moscow.
arrive, shall have already left

… that Tom … … student of our group?
Have you heard, is, the best

Модуль 7.

Ann … when we … back.
will not be sleeping, come

They … TV now.
are not watching

Tom said that he … a letter.
was writing

What … by 7 pm tonight?
will she have done

Какое предложение построено верно?
Are you sleeping

She … that she was speaking on the phone.

Mother wondered why … homework?
Tom weren't doing his

My brother ... TV from 7 till 9 pm tonight.
won't be watching

… or standing?
Is he sitting

Ann said that they … TV the day before.
were not watching

He said that he … a foreign company.
had not worked

Ann … at the window.
was not standing

They … their text-books.
are reading

Ann … that Tom was not slipping.

We … when Tom arrives.
shall be having supper

Why … your homework?
aren't you doing

What … when your parents arrive?
will you be doing

The children said that they … their books.
were reading

He asked me if … .
I was sleeping

What …?
are you doing

I … the piano tomorrow.
shall play

I … .
am not standing

He asked us what … .
were you doing

She asked if … or standing.
he was sitting

I … .
am sitting

Модуль 8.

Ann asked the worker since when … at this factory?
he had been working

What … here since early morning? – I … for my examination.
have you been doing, have been preparing

How long … for my brother?
have you been waiting

Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock.
had been reading

Before these students … to the competition the coach … them for 6 months.
go, will have been training

She … English in 1991.
began teaching

Before Ann … for Spain we … at the project for 14 days.
leaves, shall have been working

He … .
has already come

The specialist said that he … English in 1991.
had begun learning

Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock.
has been reading

Next year he… here.
will not work

I … a lot of books lately.
have read

Since when … at this factory?
have you been working

Tom said that his wife … .
had already come

The students say that … a lot of books lately.
they have read

… at this company since 2007?
has she been working

He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination.
what we had been doing there, had been preparing

Tom asked if … for his brother?
we had been waiting

By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years.
will have been working

By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book.
will have written

By the time we … home, she … cards with friends since the very morning.
get, will have been playing

He asks how long … at this company?
has she been working

When the meeting …, they … here yet.
starts, will have come

By Friday we … for two days.
shall have been walking

She … the work.
just has finished

Модуль 9.

Ann has just said that she … to Spain next summer.
will go

She says that I … there tomorrow.
shall go

He says he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
will have read, ask

Peter decided he ... to France on holidays.
would go

I knew Ann … next Friday.
would be packing

I know that she … next week.
will return

He has said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
will have read, ask

He asked them if they … in that work.
would take part

He has said that he … at 7 o’clock.
will come

Tom said he … to see us when he … in Moscow.
would come, was

He knew that she … the next week.
would return

I am almost sure he ... his exam.
will pass

I knew his aunt ... him any money.
would not lend

Ann said that she … to Spain the next summer.
would go

He said that he … by 7 o’clock.
would have come

She says that she … English lessons twice a week.
will take

I was sure that after midnight I ... .
should sleep

I said that I … there the next day.
should go

I was sure that Kate ... by the time I … .
would have come, arrived

He was almost sure he ... the exam.
would pass

We said that by the time she … us up she … for two hours.
picked, would have been driving

She said that she … English lessons twice a week.
would take

I thought she ... everything by our arrival, but I … wrong.
would have done, was

I thought that you … late.
would be

He said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
would have read, asked

Модуль 10.

My friend said, "I know a better restaurant."
My friend said that he knew a better restaurant.

Nick asked Tom where he … so early.
was going

Ann said, "I woke up early."
Ann said that she had woken up early

The boys said, "We are busy."
My friend said that they were busy.

The man said, "I will clean the car."
The men said that he would clean the car.

Nick said: "I won't tell it to anyone."
Nick said that he wouldn't tell it to anyone.

She asked me if I … our English teacher.

Ann said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
Ann said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.

The man said, "I will clean the car."
The mea said that he would clean the car.

I said, "I am writing a test."
I said that I was writing a test.

understood why he … the previous evening.
hadn’t come

You said, "I will do it for him."
You said that you would do it for him.

He said that his friend … the next week.
would come

The boys said, "This is our book."
The boys said that that was their book.

Ann said, "I don't know where my shoes are."
Ann said that she didn't know where her shoes were.

I knew they … for me at the metro station.
would be waiting

Our friends said, "We have just arrived."
Our friends said that they had just arrived.

Tom said, "I will ring her."
Tom said that he would ring her.

I didn't know that you … the work.
had already done

Tom said he … .
would go away, the next day morning

The boys said, "This is our book."
The boys said that it was their book.

The boys said, "This is our book."
The boys said that it was their book.

Ann said, "I am reading."
Ann said that she was reading.

She said she … tell me the right time, her watch … wrong.
couldn’t, was

Модуль 11.

That matter … when we came in.
was being discussed

This winter coat … in Germany.
was made

Many new houses … this year.
had been built

Russian … in Russia.
is spoken

All the letters … by tomorrow.
will have been written

I … her homework before she … me.
had checked up, asked

America … long ago.
was discovered

They got lost because they … the way.
hadn't been shown

The letter … .
has already been written

The book … published.
is still being

My brother’s car … last night.
was stolen

This theatre … a century ago.
was built

Whom … into Russian by?
was this book translated

When …?
was this letter written

When … ?
was this house built

The little boy … with interest by the people.
was watched

We … to a party
were invited

The second question … when we heard the bell.
had only been discussed

The letter … today.
has been written

The letter … sent.
has just been

Ann wondered where the key … .
had been hidden

The building … by the earthquake.
was ruined

A lot of houses … in Moscow lately.
have been built

This fact … about for a long time.
has been known

Модуль 12.

She … happy if you … and see her.
will be, go

He … there if he … invited.
won't go, is not

If I … him tomorrow, I … him everything.
see, shall tell

If I … free yesterday, I … to see you.
had been, would have come

If I … a lot of money, I … a car last year.
had got, would have bought

If we … a taxi, … the train.
don’t take, we’ll miss

If we … the train, we … at home now.
hadn’t missed, would be

If I … a lot of money, I … a car.
had, would buy

If it … tomorrow, we … to the country
rains, shan’t go

If I … him, I … to him about this matter.
see, shall speak

If you … hard at your English, you … .
worked, would succeed

If I … you, I … there.
were, would go

If my brother… time, he … with us.
has, will go

If he … smarter, he … so.
were, wouldn’t have said

If we …now, we … there in time.
start off, shall come

If I … a lot, I … a car long ago.
earned, would have bought

If you … English before, you … a good job last year.
learned, could have found

What … if she … you say that?
would your sister think, heard

Ask Tom to wait if he … .

If I … rich, … all over the world.
Became, I’d travel

If I … in your place, I … him.
were, would help

We … the party in the country if it … .
shall have, does not rain

If he … today, what … ?
comes, shall we do

If you … the work, we … it now.
had done, could discuss

Модуль 13.

I have never heard … the piano.
her play

I expected … this problem.
he solve

They were watching … .
the sun rising

I want … .
you to come

The boy heard … up-stairs.
his sister walking

He felt … with joy.
his heart beat

Tom heard … the piano.
her playing

I heard … .
somebody call you

He noticed … the door.
her closing

He watched … down.
the sun going

Tom expected … the 1-st to come.
Nick to be

Tom noticed … the door and go out.
Ann open

He heard … .
a car passing

Everybody expected … the next week.
the work to be done

The teacher heard … in the corridor.
the students walking

I heard … the teacher everything about it.
that student tell

The people living in the north do not see … out for months.
the sun come

We saw … the street looking to the left and to the right.
Tom cross

He felt … with joy.
his heart beating

Everybody heard … to complete the work in time.
him promise

We saw a girl … the bus.
waiting for

The woman felt … .
her hand tremble

The girl watched … over the tea-things.
her mother bending

We didn't consider … a good manager.
him to be

He saw … , take a letter and read it.
Ann come in

Модуль 14.

This work was … easy.
thought to be

Tom did not know what he was … .
expected to say

Those students were … hard.
said to work

This village is … in Russia.
known to be situated

Tom is … very well.
known to study

These students are … in four years.
supposed to graduate

Many books by this writer are … in Russia.
known to be published

Nick is … on Monday.
expected to arrive

A car was … outside.
heard to stop

The child was … out crying.
seen to burst

The new machine is … into operation next year.
reported to go

He was said … one of the best scientists.
to be

Ann is … a good student.
said to be

A new book by this writer is … soon.
expected to be published

Tom … in London but he came back.
was supposed to have stayed

The children of such an age … very active.
are said to be

These exercises … very difficult.
are considered to be

This project was … out by that student.
known to have been worked

These text-books are … many advantages.
supposed to have

His works are … of great importance.
considered to be

This test … well.
is believed to have been written

The sun is … a mass of compressed gases.
known to represent

It is said … film of the month.
to be the best

This man was … a talented actor.
known to be

Nick … there in winter last year.
happened to be

Модуль 15.

… that article, write out all the new words.

Nick stood at the window, … of his friend.

… English, Ann could not understand the stranger’s conversation.
Not knowing

They went out … loudly.

The man, … next door to me, is our new teacher.

Yesterday we met a group of people, … English.

He liked to rest in the evening … slowly in the park.

… English well, that students are not afraid of the exam.

This is our new teacher, … next door to me.

The woman was sitting in the sofa, … a letter.

A … car stood in the garden.

He sat at the table … a book.

… the street, first look to the left.
While crossing

I received the letter, … by you on the 5th of May.

The boy, … at the table, is my son.

The woman, … in the car, is my elder sister.

I bought a book, … about 100 years ago.

… English books, use the dictionary.
While reading

… his voice Ann went down-stairs to meet him.

The student, … at the window is my friend.

… English books, write out new word and interesting expressions.
When reading

… the room he sat down at the table.

… a lot of time before the arrival of the train, we decided to go to the cinema.

Have your hair … .

… in the USA, we knew a lot of interesting things.

Модуль 16.

I want my mother … .
to retire

Last Sunday we had fun … .

I like … Spanish because it's a very beautiful language.

On Sundays Tom spent his time … English.
to practice

I like … English books.

We were anxious … a new project.
to begin

It was a good idea … to the Black Sea.
to go

I remember … married.

Fred had difficulties … for the examination.

We lay on the beach … about our life.

The bag was too heavy … .
to carry

We came to the cinema too late … the beginning of the film.
to see

I took a dictionary … up difficult words.
to look

You are lucky … such good friends.
to have

Ann needs enough time … writing her text-book.
to finish

My son was able enough … at the age of 4.
to read

This sportsman runs quickly enough … the competition.
to win

He is smart enough … this job.
to get

Do you like … ?

I sold my old car … the money to buy a new one.
to get

His wish … an actor was great.
to become

His talk about Spain was really … .

This car is too expensive … .
to buy

This student reads too slowly … a good mark.
to get

Модуль 17.

Укажите правильный вариант.
Dear Mr.! 2009 BUSINESS CONFERENCE, 10/11 DECEMBER 2009 I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special сonference…

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Dear Sirs, We were very impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.

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I hope that You’d reply me early. Best wishes, V. Belov Chief Manager

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This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated.

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25 October 2012 Mr. James Hilton General Manager JMK Co Ltd 34 Wood Lane London Great Britain WC2 5TР

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Dear Friend, Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.

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Hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, S. Voronin Director

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We would like to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.

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Brain Institute_Svetlanovsky Avenue 47_Moscow 145238_Russia_April 8, 1990_Dr. James Smith_Brain Research Street_19 Oxford Street_London, NE 20_England

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Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.

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Your references are extremely good and your employment record shows a strong future. However, at present your financial condition does not totally meet ____ (name of store's) requirements. Therefore, we cannot grant you the $____ (amount of money) open credit you requested.

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We are informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.

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If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to a successful working relationship in the future._Best regards,_Director_S. Voronin

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I look forward to seeing you again at this exciting conference._Yours sincerely_John Smith_Conference Secretary

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I hope that You’d reply me early._Best wishes,_V. Belov_Chief Manager

Укажите правильный вариант.
It gives me pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.

Укажите правильный вариант.
Yours sincerely,_S. Voronin_Director

Укажите правильный вариант.
We’d pay you in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.

Укажите правильный вариант.
Dear Mr. Smith,

Укажите правильный вариант.
Meeting you next Tuesday._Yours sincerely,_S. Voronin_Director

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We would like to thank you for your letter of ...

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Please confirm the receipt of this letter by fax._Yours faithfully,_S. Voronin_Director

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Kind regards,_S. Voronin_Director

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Your Name_Your Address_Your City, State, Zip Code_Date_Their Name_Their Address_Their City, State, Zip Code

Укажите правильный вариант.
Dear Sirs,_We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.

Укажите правильный вариант.
Yours faithfully,_S. Voronin_Director

Укажите правильный вариант.
Gentlemen:_This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated.

Укажите правильный вариант.
Your early reply will be appreciated._Best wishes,_V. Belov_Chief Manager

Укажите правильный вариант.
Director_Meeting you next Tuesday._Yours sincerely,_S. Voronin

Модуль 18.

Sometimes even when a candidate loses an election, they are still a winner. Only seven-and-a-half weeks ago Alexei Navalny was sitting in prison, a convicted criminal claiming political persecution who was then released pending his appeal.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

"We have something to be proud of," he said at a late-night rally in Bolotnaya Square. "We have organised the most honest and open elections in the history of Moscow."
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

The tensest moment came in August 2008, when a protracted row over two breakaway regions of Georgia escalated into a military conflict between Russia and Georgia.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Mr Navalny ran a Western-style campaign, holding informal meetings with voters outside metro stations and using glossy posters of himself with his family. He is credited with bringing grassroots politics to the Russian capital, inspiring thousands of volunteers to support his campaign.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Mayoral elections were abolished in Moscow in 2004 but re-instated as a concession to pro-democracy campaigners.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Mr Roizman, a former MP often critical of Kremlin policy, defeated ruling party candidate Yakov Silin by a margin of 30% to 26%, according to preliminary results. Unlike Moscow, the city's mayor is elected by a simple majority in a single round.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

With all the votes counted, the commission said turnout in the Moscow vote was a low 32%. The Communist candidate, Ivan Melnikov, came third with 10.7%. Mr Sobyanin, once President Putin's chief of staff, told supporters earlier the election had been transparent.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

A woman goes to England to attend a 2-week, company training session. Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her to have a good trip. The wife answers: “Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring for you?”
Женщина едет в Англию для участия в 2-недельном тренинге. Муж везет ее в аэропорт и желает ей счастливой поездки. Жена благодарит его и спрашивает: «Дорогой, что бы ты хотел, чтобы я тебе привезла?»

President Yeltsin's successor, Vladimir Putin, moved to reduce the political influence of oligarchs soon after taking office, forcing some into exile and prosecuting others.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

"Right now Sobyanin and his main supporter Vladimir Putin are deciding whether to have a relatively honest election and to have a second round, or not," he said as partial results were still coming in.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

In the period of rapid privatisation in the early 1990s, the government of President Boris Yeltsin created a small but powerful group of magnates, often referred to as "oligarchs", who acquired vast interests in the energy and media sectors.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin – Russia's dominant political figure since 2000 – to enhance state control over political institutions and the media, buoyed by extensive public support for his policies.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former head of the Yukos oil company and a supporter of the liberal opposition, is serving eight years in a Siberian penal colony on tax and fraud charges. Yukos assets were later acquired by the state oil giant Rosneft.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

During Mr Putin's presidency Russia's booming economy and assertive foreign policy bolstered national pride. In particular, Russia promoted its perceived interests in former Soviet states more openly, even at the cost of antagonising the West.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

When he started campaigning the opinion polls were predicting he would get less than 10% of the vote. But he knew that a significant proportion of Moscow was looking for a new kind of politics, and he took to the streets to meet the voters, something Muscovites had not seen in years.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

While Russians make up more than 80% of the populations and Orthodox Christianity is the main religion, there are many other ethnic and religious groups. Muslims are concentrated among the Volga Tatars and the Bashkirs and in the North Caucasus.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Mr Sobyanin became mayor in 2010 after Yuri Luzhkov, who had governed the city for almost two decades, was forced out of office. The Kremlin-backed candidate has kept a low profile during the race, shunning debates with the five other candidates.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Though disagreements remain between Moscow and Washington over US plans for a missile defence shield, there are signs that the thaw in relations could extend to a greater willingness on the part of Russia to apply pressure on Iran over its nuclear programme. However, relations between the Russia and the US took another downtown in 2012, on account of Russian sensitivity to US criticism of its treatment of human rights activists and opponents of the Kremlin.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

“Oh, the boys from the country to forget a lot when they to come to the city. May be, he met another girl or something. You’ll come back home, and you’ll be) all right.”
«Эх, деревенские парни забывают о многом, когда приезжают в город. Возможно, он встретил другую девушку или что-то еще случилось с ним. Ты вернёшься домой, и все будет хорошо».

Income from vast natural resources, above all oil and gas, have helped Russia overcome the economic collapse of 1998. The state-run gas monopoly Gazprom is the world's largest producer and exporter, and supplies a growing share of Europe's needs.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Economic strength has allowed Vladimir Putin – Russia's dominant political figure since 2000 – to enhance state control over political institutions and the media, buoyed by extensive public support for his policies.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Mr Navalny said he had won enough votes to force a second round and that the count had been marred by "many serious violations". But Moscow's electoral commission said there had been no serious violations and a run-off would not take place.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Spanning nine time zones, Russia is the largest country on earth in terms of surface area, although large tracts in the north and east are inhospitable and sparsely populated.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says there is "no evidence" he used chemical weapons, as the US Congress returns to debate military action.
(From BBC, 9 September 2013)

Kremlin-backed candidate Sergei Sobyanin has won the election for mayor of Moscow, Russian election officials have announced.
По заявлению официальных представителей избирательного комитета, кремлевский кандидат Сергей Собянин победил на выборах на пост мэра Москвы.

We had seen her aboard her ferry-boat and stood watching her wave her handkerchief at us.


The manager said that the work … finished as soon as possible.
had to be

If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain.
have, shall

Ann has said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
will have been working, leaves

I heard your name … .

You can’t … do such things.
make him

If I … a lot, I … a house in Spain long ago.
earned, would buy (?? как повезет)___earned, would buy (?? как повезет)

He told me, “... to the office today!”

When they came in, they …. everything.

He says that he …. for 3 hours.
has been waiting for me

He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.”
He said that he would never complete such a difficult work.

She asked if the work… .
had been done

Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
had been working, came

They promised that they … the work by the 1-st of May.
would have done

He told me … to the office that day.
to come

… Moscow … … big city.
---, is a

The student gave a talk by the book which ... by O.Wilde.
had been written

Ann said to Ann that she … at that company for 10 years.
had been working

The book … O.Wilde.
was written by

Nick told him, “Do your homework!”
Nick told him to do the homework.

Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
had been working, came

He says he … the work by the end of the week.
will have finished

He told me … to the office that day.
to come

What … … name? – … name … Nick.
is, your, my, is

Не has his hair … .

The teacher wanted … a dictation.
the students to write

I have never want you … away.
to go

He said that he ... for 3 hours.
had been waiting for me

… done?
has the work been

Ann said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.
would have been working, left

Ann said that her parents … in Moscow.
didn’t live

Tom asked, “Close the window please!”
Tom asked you to close the window.

Nick saw Ann … along the road.

Tom thought that he … .
had already seen that man before

That student … there.
was thought to study

Ann seemed … a lot.
to have changed

He said that he … .
would go there the next summer

This book … long ago.
was written

If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago.
had had, would have bought

... yesterday?
Did it rain

29.12.2015, 01:43
Здравствуйте, товарищи помогите с итоговым тестом по ин яз английскому,плиззз

02.01.2016, 15:21
Всем привет!Не могу сдать итог по английскому.Нужен человек,который гарантированно сдаст хотя бы на четверку.Естественно не бесплатно.Моя почта [email protected].

Добавлено через 51 секунду
2курс менеджмент.

03.01.2016, 13:55
А итоговое тестирование вы сдали? У меня такие же тесты, все как-то прошла, а по итоговому уже две двойки... Срочно нужна помощь!:eek:

Добавлено через 9 минут
Соник, а мне можешь помочь? У меня не такие тесты, как здесь...

Мне тоже будьте добры,подскажите как реша

03.01.2016, 16:55
Я ЛИНГВИСТ, ПЕРЕВОДЧИК, кому надо помочь с английским. Тоже учусь в МТИ, анг. дистанционно сдала на 5

Здравствуйте,может попробуете мой?Осталась последняя попытка,предыдущие обе двойки.Естественно,оплачу.

02.02.2016, 14:02
Всем привет друзья!у кого итоговый есть скиньте мне пожалуйста электронку на мою почту [email protected] или aidonya

02.02.2016, 17:41
Модуль 17 Люди помогите. Учил немецкий. Так что вообще не понимаю

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With best wishes
S. Voronin
Kind regards,
S. Voronin
Kind regards,
S. Voronin
With kind regards,
S. Voronin
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It gives me pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.
I was happy when I accepted your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.
You gave me pleasure to accept your invitation and I look forward to seeing you and other friends of mine.
It gives me pleasure to accept your invitation! Now I look forward to see you and other friends of mine.
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We would want informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
We want to inform of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
We are informing you of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give you as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
We’d look forward to informing of this delay as soon we are advised in order to give as much time as possible to make alternate arrangements, if necessary.
Вопрос 4
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This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated.
My dear friend:
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This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated.
This is to inform you that we are unable to make delivery on the above referenced purchase order on the date indicated.
Вопрос 5
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Выберите один ответ:
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
Thank you so much for your kind invitation! It’ll take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
I thank you so much! You invited me to the International Congress to be held next month.
My dear sir,
I thank you so much! You invited me to the International Congress to be held next month.
Вопрос 6
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Выберите один ответ:
Payment will be made in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
We’d pay you in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
We’ll make payment for you in US Dollars. We are ready! We’d open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
We’ll make payment for you in US Dollars. We are ready to open a confirmed and irrevocable Letter of Credit in England.
Вопрос 7
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Выберите один ответ:
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
Moscow 145238
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20
Moscow 145238
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue 47
Moscow 145238
April 8, 1990
Dr. James Smith
London, NE 20
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
April 8, 1990
Moscow 145238
Brain Institute
Svetlanovsky Avenue
Dr. James Smith
Brain Research Street
19 Oxford Street
London, NE 20
Вопрос 8
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Выберите один ответ:
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
Dear my Sirs,
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
Dear Sirs,
We regret to inform you that we have discovered an error in our order of the 21st January.
Вопрос 9
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Выберите один ответ:
I hope that You’d reply me early.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
I am waiting for your reply very much.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
Your early reply will be appreciated.
With best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
Your early reply will be appreciated.
Best wishes,
V. Belov
Chief Manager
Вопрос 10
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Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Yours sincerely,
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
S. Voronin
Yours sincerely,
S. Voronin
Вопрос 11
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Укажите правильный вариант.
Выберите один ответ:
Dear Mr. Smith!
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
Dear Mr. Smith,
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
Dear Smith,
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
Dear Friend,
Thank you so much for your kind invitation to take part in the International Congress to be held next month.
Вопрос 12
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Выберите один ответ:
25 October 2012
Mr. James Hilton
General Manager
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
25 October 2012
General Manager
Mr. James Hilton
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
25 October 2012
General Manager
Mr. James Hilton
General Manager
Mr. James Hilton
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
25 October 2012
Вопрос 13
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Выберите один ответ:
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Name
Your Address
Their Name
Their Address
Their City, State, Zip Code
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Their City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Name
Your Address
Their City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Their Name
Their Address
Their City, State, Zip Code
Вопрос 14
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Выберите один ответ:
Dear Sirs,
We are so much impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.
Dear Sirs,
We were very impressed by the quality of samples! We are ready to give you a trial order!
Our dear Sirs,
We were very impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.
Dear Sirs,
We were very impressed by the quality of samples, and we are ready to give you a trial order.
Вопрос 15
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Выберите один ответ:
Dear James
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
Dear Mr.!
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
My dear James
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
Dear friend,
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference…
Вопрос 16
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Выберите один ответ:
We like to discuss the question of discount as well. We can agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.
We like to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.
We would like to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.
We want to discuss the question of discount as well. We could agree for a 10% quantity discount with one provision.
Вопрос 17
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Выберите один ответ:
Your references are extremely good and your employment record shows a strong future. However, at present your financial condition does not totally meet ____ (name of store's) requirements.
Therefore, we cannot grant you the $____ (amount of money) open credit you requested.
Your references are OK and your employment record shows a strong future. However, at present your financial condition does not totally meet ____ (name of store's) requirements.
Therefore, we cannot grant you the $____ (amount of money) open credit you requested.
Your references and your employment record are good enough. However, at present the NNN store doesn’t like your financial condition.
Therefore, shan’t grant you the $____ (amount of money) open credit you requested.
Your references are very strong and your employment record shows your good future. But today your financial condition does not totally meet ____ (name of store's) requirements.
Therefore, we cannot grant you the $____ (amount of money) open credit you requested.
Вопрос 18
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Выберите один ответ:
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Yours Director,
S. Voronin
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Вопрос 19
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Выберите один ответ:
Hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Hearing from you soon.
S. Voronin
Hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
I hope hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
S. Voronin
Вопрос 20
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Выберите один ответ:
My dear Mr. Smith,
Dear Smith,
Dears Mr. Smith,
Dear Mr. Smith,

12.02.2016, 14:01
помогите, срочно нужны ответы
She is … good books.
Выберите один ответ:
known to writing
knew write
known to write
knows write

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… you say you ... early the following morning?
Выберите один ответ:
Did, have to get up
Did, would have to get up
---, would have get up
Do, would have get up

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Mother said to her son that if … the weather … fine, they … to the country.

Выберите один ответ:
the next day, was, would go
tomorrow, will be, would go
the next day, is, will go
the next day, will be, will go

14.02.2016, 19:18
мне показало один неверный ответ
Tom said that his wife … .
has already come - вроде неверный

Добавлено через 21 минуту
вопрос такой же, а указанного варианта нет!....
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He says he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.

Выберите один ответ:
will have read, ask
will read, asked
would have been reading, asked
will have been reading, ask

16.02.2016, 23:00
Тема 1. Вводно-фонетический курс

Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Tim, team, live, leave
[ tim ], [ ti:m ], [ liv ], [ li:v ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Luck, lark, pen, pan
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ pen ], [ pæn ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Word, ward, worker, walker
[ wə:d ], [ wɔ:d ], [ wə:kə: ], [ wɔ:kə: ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Come, room, calm, feel
[ kʌm ], [ ru:m ], [ ka:m ], [ fi:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Luck, lark, loose, look
[ lʌk ], [ la:k ], [ lu:z ], [ luk ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Win, wing, ban, bang
[ win ], [ wiŋ ], [ bæn ], [ bæŋ ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Were, war, work, walk
[ wə: ], [ wɔ: ], [ wə:k ], [ wɔ:k ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Puck, park, lend, land
[ pʌk ], [ pa:k ], [ lend ], [ lænd ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Spot, sport, dry, dryer
[ spɔt ] [ spɔ:t ], [ drai ], [ draiə ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Lend, land, puck, park
[ lend ], [ lænd ], [ pʌk ], [ pa:k ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Room, beat, groom, bit
[ ru:m ], [ bi:t ], [ gru:m ], [ bit ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Len, learn, lawn, all
[ len ], [ lə:n ], [ lɔ:n ], [ ɔ:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Cot, caught, tied, tired
[ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ], [ taid ], [ taiəd ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Bit, beat, dip, deep
[ bit ], [ bi:t ], [ dip ], [ di:p ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Fox, forks, lie, liar
[ fɔks ], [ fɔ:ks ], [ lai ], [ laiə ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Sit, full, feel, seat, fool
[ sit ], [ ful ], [ fi:l ] [ si:t ], [ fu:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Ten, turn, torn, hall
[ ten ], [ tə:n ], [ tɔ:n ], [ hɔ:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Pot, port, fan, fang
[ pɔt ], [ pɔ:t ], [ fæn ], [ fæŋ ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Boom, bull, but, Bart
[ bu:m ], [ bul ], [ bʌt ], [ ba:t ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Ban, bang, cot, caught
[ bæn ], [ bæŋ ], [ kɔt ], [ kɔ:t ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Write, riot, buy, buyer
[ rait ], [ raiət ], [ bai ], [ baiə ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Not, naught, win, wing
[ nɔt ], [ nɔ:t ], [ win ], [ wiŋ ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Bed, said, bad, sand
[ bed ], [ sed ],[ bæd ], [ sænd ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Bed, bird, born, earl
[ bed ], [ bə:d ], [ bɔ:n ], [ ə:l ]
Укажите верную транскрипцию.
Hell, hurl, hall, lawn
[ hel ], [ hə:l ], [ hɔ:l ], [ lɔ:n ]

Тема 2. Словообразование в английском языке

Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
To sharpen
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.
Укажите правильный ответ.

Тема 3. Основы английской грамматики

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Go … the room please. - Выйдите из комнаты, пожалуйста.
out of
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick and Tom … friends.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Our teacher … not often give us a lot of homework to do.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … not a student.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… doesn’t work here.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you at home?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Go … the blackboard please.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Go to … blackboard please.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… she often come here?
… you live in Moscow?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Open … book at page 25.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … not there now.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Come … the room please. - Входите в комнату, пожалуйста.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Go … please. - Выйдите, пожалуйста.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Come … please. - Входите, пожалуйста.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … English.
doesn’t speak
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick … sick.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom is … home now.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… book is on the table.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Where … he work?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Put the book … the bag please.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We are … school now.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in please.
Don’t come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Come … here please.
нет верного ответа
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Take your book and put it … the table please.

Тема 4. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Simple. Простое прошедшее время

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My husband … work … there.
didn’t, ---
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… book … very interesting.
This, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … here yesterday?
Who came
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They always … together to school.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Nick … go … school … Monday.
didn’t, to, on
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Ann go… the country … summer?
Did, to, last
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … go to school. He … sick.
didn’t, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… she learn English last year?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you do your homework yesterday?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you … … school … Tuesday?
Were, at,---, on
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … the blackboard please.
Look at
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom … … and … … the room.
stood up, went out of
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Our students … learn English … year.
didn’t, last
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… she often … … here … last year?
Did, come, ---, ---
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the book … your bag?
Is, in
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I often … to see Ann in the evening.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … we … in England.
Last June, were
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… Ann do well at school last month?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When … … … … cinema?
did you go to the
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … you do … the weekend?
What, did, at
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you come from Spain … last month?
Did, ---
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … … and … … .
came in, sat down
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … he do yesterday?
What did
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … in Spain 2 years ago.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … … … our homework … here.
didn’t often do, ---

Тема 5. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Simple. Простое будущее время

Какое из предложений построено верно?
Will you come to see us when you are in Moscow again?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to see us on Sunday? – No, they ….
Will, they, come, won’t
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They have got … … books on this subject. They won’t buy any more.
a, few
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When she … the work, we'll go … a walk.
finishes, for
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She does not read … ….
---, Little
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … English books … you … last year?
many, did, have
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
If the weather … fine … Sunday, they … … the country.
is, on, will go, to
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… go … … cinema tomorrow.
we'll, to, the
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… you … student? – Yes, I ….
Are, a, am
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
You haven’t got any English books, … …?
have, you
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … to the cinema yesterday, … …?
They, went, didn’t, they
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Yesterday he … for a walk … … evening.
went, in, the
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … away tomorrow, … … ?
Ann, will, go, won’t, she
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… is … … on the table.
There, a, pen
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … busy on Monday evening, … … ?
You, will, be, won’t, you
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I have got … … books on this subject but my friend has got very … books on it.
---, few, many
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When they … in the country, they … in … the river.
live, will swim
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … this work later, … … ?
Your friends, will, do, won’t, they
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … … in the evening.
There, will be, many, people
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to Moscow again, … …?
you, will, come, won’t, you
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… pen … on the table.
The, is
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How … English books … you …?
many, have, got
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … to the country this summer … …? – Yes, … .
Your sister, will, go, won’t, she, she, will
Какое из предложений построено верно?
If I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … for a walk in the evening? – Yes, they ….
Will, they, go, will

Тема 6. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Perfect

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… in London? – Yes, I … there 5 years ago.
Have you been, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… your homework?
Have you already done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… to Spain twice?
Has she been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… … … … these books by the beginning of next year?
Will, they, have, read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Ann … there …?
Did he say, had been, too
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… this book. I … it.
Don’t buy, I’ve bought
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that Ann … away.
already gone
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
This is … film ….
the best, I have ever seen
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … the film when I … in Moscow.
saw, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We … everything before he … .
had done, came
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom says that he … the work.
has already done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … the work by the end of July.
had completed
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When he … in, I understood that I … him before.
came, had seen
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that that Tom … … student of our group.
was, the worst
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …home, … supper.
come, I'll have cooked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … away before we came back.
had gone
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … this book.
have already read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … the work … .
hadn’t done, either
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked if I … in London. I answered that I … there 5 years before.
had ever been, had been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … the article by tomorrow.
will have translated
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if I … in Paris.
had been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… that Tom … … student of our group?
Have you heard, is, the best
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time you …, we … for Moscow.
arrive, will have already left
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
... In Paris?
Have you ever been
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … the book until next month.
won’t have read

Тема 7. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Continuous

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that he … a letter.
was writing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … when we … back.
will not be sleeping, come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that they … TV the day before.
had not watched
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
My brother ... TV from 7 till 9 p,m tonight.
won't be watching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … for a foreign company.
had not worked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She asked if … or standing.
he was sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… the piano tomorrow.
I'll play
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What …?
are you doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
am sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The children said that they … their books.
were reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … TV now.
are not watching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
They … their text-books.
are reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… or standing?
Is he sitting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … by 7pm tonight?
will she have done
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Mother wondered why … homework?
Tom wasn't doing his
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked me if … .
I was sleeping
Какое предложение построено верно?
Are you sleeping?
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … when your parents arrive?
will you be doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us what … .
we were doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … that Tom was not slipping.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Why … your homework?
aren't you doing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … that she was speaking on the phone.
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … .
am not standing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… when Tom arrives.
We'll be having supper
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … at the window.
was not standing

Тема 8. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Perfect Continuous

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
What … here since early morning? – I … for my examination.
have you been doing, have been preparing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … the work.
has just finished
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Next year he… here.
will not work
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asks how long … at this company?
she has been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Since when … at this factory?
have you been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the 5-th of July Ann … her new text-book.
will have written
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said that his wife … .
had already come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The students say that … a lot of books lately.
they have read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
How long … for my brother?
have you been waiting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
The specialist said that he … English the year before.
had begun learning
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom asked how long … for his brother?
we had been waiting
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She … English in 1991.
began teaching
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
… at this company since 2007?
has she been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann … the newspaper since five o'clock.
has been reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann explained that she … the newspaper since five o'clock.
had been reading
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before these students … to the competition, the coach … them for 6 months.
go, will have been training
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked us … since early morning? We answered that we … for the examination.
what we had been doing there, had been preparing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the time we … home, she … cards with friendssince early morning.
get, will have been playing
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
When the meeting …, they … here yet.
starts, will have come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Before Ann … for Spain, we … on the project for 14 days.
leaves, will have been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I … a lot of books lately.
have read
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann asked the worker since when … at this factory?
he had been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By the end of this year he … as a teacher for 10 years.
will have been working
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
By Friday … for two days.
we'll have been walking
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He … .
has already come

Тема 9. Система времен английского языка. Группа времен Future in the Past

Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann says that she … to Spain next summer.
will go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I thought that you … late.
would be
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I said that I … there the next day.
will go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She says that she … English lessons twice a week.
will take
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I know that she … next week.
will return
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He knew that she … the next week.
would return
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew his aunt ... him any money.
would not lend
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She says that … there tomorrow.
I'll go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He asked them if they … in that work.
would take part
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Tom said he … to see us when he … in Moscow.
would come, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I am almost sure he ... his exam.
will pass
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
We said that by the time she … us up she … for two hours.
picked, would have been driving
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said that he … by 7 o’clock.
would have come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
She said that she … English lessons twice a week.
would take
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
will have read, ask
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Ann said that she … to Spain the next summer.
would go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He was almost sure he ... the exam.
would pass
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that Kate ... by the time I … .
would have come, arrived
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I was sure that after midnight I ... .
would sleep
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
would have read, asked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He said he … the book by the time I … him to give it back.
would have read, asked
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
Peter decided he ... to France on holidays.
would go
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I thought she ... everything by our arrival, but I … wrong.
would have done, was
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
He says that he … at 7 o’clock.
will come
Заполните пропуски в предложении.
I knew Ann … the next day.
would be packing

26.02.2016, 14:45
Ребята, итоговое тестирование какое? Из вопросов по тренингам или там все вопросы новые?
(в курсе из 18 модулей для института)

29.02.2016, 04:45
Сибилла, из 18-ти модулей в итоговом ничего нет, но многое нашлось там вот -- http://znanija.com

Ольга Чернышова
01.03.2016, 19:51
на всякий случай прикреплю ещё два файла с тестами, вдруг что-то не откроется... ответы все верные


02.03.2016, 06:17
I said that I … there the next day.
would gone правильно только так модуль 9 сдавал в конце февраля

модуль 12 100% правильные
If you … English before, you … a good job last year.
had learned, could have found
If it … tomorrow, they … to the country.
rains, won’t go
If I … him tomorrow, … him everything.
see, I'll tell
What ... if he … today?
will she do, comes

модуль 13 100% правильные

The people living in the north do not see … out for months.
the sun come.
I expected … this problem.
him to solve
He felt … with joy.
his heart bit.
He felt … .
his smile slide away
We saw a girl … the bus.
waiting for

модуль 14 100%

A new book by this writer is … soon.
expected to be published

модуль 15 100%

… the room he turned on the light.
… his voice Ann went downstairs to meet him.

модуль 16 100%

On Sundays Tom spent his time … English.
It was a good idea … to the Black Sea.
to go

02.03.2016, 17:53
Сдала итоговое тестирование на 5... Я уж подумала, что там будут суперсложные вопросы, морально готовилась к "расправе":D)) но нет, вопросы очень даже простые, если пораскинуть мозгами, то решается всё на раз плюнуть. Вот какие вопросы были у меня (сдавалось в конце февраля):

That student … there.
was thought to study

She is … good books.
known to write

Tom thought that he … .
had already seen that man before

Ann says that her parents ... in Moscow.
don’t live

… Moscow … … big city.
---, is a

Ann said that she … at that company for 10 years.
had been working

He told me, “... to the office today!”

Tom … for a foreign company before he … to work to our department.
had worked, came

Ann said that she … the examination.
had already passed

When they came in, they …. everything.

I have never heard … this song.
you sing

If I … a lot, I … a house in Spain long ago.
earned, would have bought

He said that he … it.
couldn’t do

Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department.
had been working, came

... any friends?
Have you got

How …?
are you

Некоторые вопросы встречались в тренингах, просто в итоговом немного текст изменён. И конечно, помог этот сайт: http://znanija.com/
А про то, что некоторые не знают банального "how are you?", я даже не знаю, как прокомментировать)))

03.03.2016, 08:20
Сибилла, 16 из 16, или меньше? "If I … a lot, I … a house in Spain long ago." -- не "earned, would buy", случайно?

03.03.2016, 13:02
gentoo, да, 100 из 100, и нет, ответ "earned, would have bought".

Если покопаться в вопросах 12-го тренинга (кажется, тема придаточных условия - это именно 12-ая тема), то там было такое же в точности предложение, только покупали не дом в Испании, а автомобиль. Ответ такой же был.

04.03.2016, 07:30
Сибилла, и правда.
If I … a lot of money, I … a car last year. -- had got, would have bought
If I … a lot of money, I … a car. -- had, would buy

07.03.2016, 15:21
Ребят помогите пожалуйста проверьте ответы, это все которые на форуме есть по итоговым тестам исправьте неверные

... any friends?(Have you got)
... yesterday?(Did it rain)
… … two books on the table. (There are)
… done? (has the work been)
… last summer we … to Spain. (---, went)
… Moscow … … big city .(---, is a)
… or standing? (is he sitting)
… you ever … in … USA? (have, been, the)
Ann … when we … back. (will not be sleeping, come)
Ann has said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England. (will have been working, leaves)
Ann said that her parents … in Moscow. (didn’t live)
Ann said that she ... the work in no time. (would be able to do)
Ann said that she … at that company for 10 years. (had been working)
Ann said that she … the examination. (had already passed)
Ann said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England. (would have been working, left)
Ann said to Ann that she … at that company for 10 years. (had been working)
Ann says that her parents ... in Moscow. (don’t live)
Ann seemed … a lot. (to have changed)
Are you interested … for this company? (in working)
Before we … to Moscow, we … in a small town. (had moved, lived)
Не has his hair … . (cut)
He said he … the work by the end of the week. (would have finished)
He said that he ... for 3 hours. (had been waiting for me)
He said that he … . (would go there the next summer)
He said that he … a foreign company. (had not worked)
He said that he … it. (couldn’t do)
He said, “I will never complete such a difficult work.” (He said that he would never complete such a difficult Work)
He says he … the work by the end of the week. (will have finished)
He says that he …. for 3 hours. (has been waiting for me)
He told me … to the office that day. (to come)
He told me, “... to the office today!” (Come)
He’s just said that his wife … a new job. (has got)
How … books … on the table? (many, are there)
How …? (are you)
I have never heard … this song. (you sing)
I have never want you … away. (to go)
I heard your name … . (mentioned)
If I … a lot of money, I … a house in Spain long ago. (had had, would have bought)
If I … a lot of money, I … by a house in Spain. (have, shall)
If I … a lot, I … a house in Spain long ago. (earned, would have bought)
If the weather … fine, we … to the country. (is, shall go)
Mother said to her son that if … the weather … fine, they … to the country. (the next day, is, will go)
Nick saw Ann … along the road. (walking)
Nick told him, “Do your homework!” (Nick told him to do the homework.)
Our work … as soon as possibl. (Must finish)
She asked if the work… . (had been done)
She is … good books. (known to write)
That student … there. (was thought to study)
The book … O.Wilde. (was written by)
The manager said that the work … finished as soon as possible. (had to be)
The student gave a talk by the book which ... by O.Wilde. (had been written)
The teacher said that “Romeo and Juliet"… by Shakespeare. (has been written)
The teacher wanted … a dictation. (the students to write)
They promised that they … the work by the 1-st of May. (would have done)
This book … long ago. (was written)
Tom … at a foreign company before he … to work to our department. (had been working, came)
Tom … at a foreign company for 3 years before he … to work to our department. (had been working, came)
Tom … for a foreign company before he … to work to our department. (had worked, came)
Tom asked, “Close the window please! (”Tom asked that you must close the window please!)?
Tom thought that he … . (had already seen that man before)
We think that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong. (will be completed)
We thought that all the works on that project … by June but we were wrong. (would be completed)
What … … name? – … name … Nick. (is, your, my, is)
What … here? (are you doing)
What …? (are you doing)
When they came in, they …. everything. (Understood)
When we … the examination, we … to go away for holidays. (pass, shall be able)
You can’t … do such things. (make him)

07.03.2016, 15:58
итоговый тест по английскому делаю на отлично

15.03.2016, 20:51
Помогите колледж 5 тренинг